The Alchemists

Lily Is The Best!

Lily Is The Best!

Her tears welled up when Lily was already in her arms. L's body was shaking a little. She never thought the experience of holding her child for the first time would feel this overwhelming. London could only watch L and Lily with adoration.     

He felt there was nothing he wanted on this earth besides the two girls before him now. L and Lily made his life complete. He didn't want anything else.     

"Do you want to carry Lily?" L asked, turning to London. The man nodded eagerly. He received Lily from L's arms and, just like the girl, the novelty immediately enveloped him. Lily's body was still very small, but she was not as fragile and small as the first time she was born, which weighed less than 700 grams.     

This beautiful little baby looked very clean and expressive. Her pair of eyes stared intently at her father as if trying to memorize her father's face in her heart.     

"Ahhh .. you're so beautiful. So beautiful!" London praised his daughter many times.     

When he remembered how Lily's delivery process was so complicated and difficult, and how beautiful his child was now, London knew he didn't want L to give birth to another child. He didn't think he would be able to share his affection for other kids. Lily is the best! He didn't need another one.     

"Just watch ... you will be the most pampered daughter in the whole wide world," he whispered. "I will give you whatever you want. From now on, your father lives only to serve you, Little Princess."     

He now understood how Caspar and Lauriel felt towards Aleksis. He realized why they loved his sister so much. Apart from the fact that Aleksis was the first child for both, daughters were indeed special. Girls would always get a special place in their fathers' hearts.     

"Lily rarely cries," L commented worriedly. "At first, I thought it was because she is still micro-premature and not strong enough to cry, but even now, she is still so calm and rarely cries. I don't understand. Is this some kind of disorder?"     

Doctor Alice just shrugged and chuckled. "That's okay. Really. You and your husband are blessed because the little one is very calm. Babies only cry when they are hungry, dirty, drowsy, or feeling uncomfortable like too hot or too cold. So if she lives comfortably and never lacks anything, of course, she has no reason to complain ... hahaha."     

"Hmm ... is that so?" L nodded, although her face still looked doubtful.     

"That's right. You have nurses here who help taking care of her, clean her, and change her diapers whenever needed. She can sleep comfortably in the best temperature, food for her is always available, and she is never lonely because Sir and Madam are there for her. I think any baby will also be this happy and not complain if they are loved in such a way." Doctor Alice tried to convince L not to worry.     

L and London exchange glances. They were happy to know that according to Doctor Alice their child is a happy one.     

"Now, I will help you to breastfeed Miss Lily, so we can train her to suckle," Doctor Alice added.     

London nodded and handed Lily back to L's lap. "Then I'll leave you two here."     

"Where are you going?" L asked. She was puzzled to see London about to leave the room.     

London could only scratch his head. "Uhm ... you want to breastfeed Lily, right? I better not be here. I don't want you to feel awkward."     

L just rolled her eyes. "Why should I feel awkward? I'm going to feed a human being. Is that something to be embarrassed about? Besides, you'd better be here and take notes on whatever instruction Doctor Alice will tell me. So you can help me if I'm having a hard time."     

Doctor Alice nodded. "That's right. Husbands should understand the process of breastfeeding well. Later, if the mother is unable to breastfeed, due to illness or if she has to go out of town for business, the father can feed their baby using a bottle."     

"Ah, alright. I understand." London nodded. He then sat across from L and paid attention to the instructions given by Doctor Alice and how L took out her breast and started breastfeeding Lily.     

The man was truly surprised at himself. For the first time in life, he did not feel aroused when he saw a beautiful woman's breast displayed in front of him. He acknowledged L's breasts since giving birth and breastfeeding did look VERY BEAUTIFUL, but this time he really didn't have dirty thoughts in his head about L's sexy body. He was just feeling impressed.     

It's hard to believe that a human can grow a small human being in their tummy and gave birth to it. Now, the same human could also produce food that will make the little human grow healthy and bigger. As a man, he would never know the feeling. So, he could only admire.     

Lily narrowed her eyes and looked at her mother's breast with an inquisitive expression. Her small hands moved to play with her mother's breast but her mouth did not seem interested in sucking milk from there. L must repeatedly place her nipples in her baby's mouth before Lily finally tried to put it in her mouth and suckle.     

"It works!" L heaved a sigh of relief after ten minutes of trying, finally Lily started sucking milk from her breast. The expression of relief from L is the same as the expression of relief from London, who now did not need to worry that his child will starve after leaving the incubator.     

"You did it!" London held up one of his hands that L responded with enthusiasm. As new parents, both of them feel very happy to have successfully passed a new milestone together.     

Lily finally came out of the incubator and was now able to breastfeed directly from her mother. From now on, their baby would live normally.     

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