The Alchemists

Let Me Take Care Of Lily

Let Me Take Care Of Lily

"Jan, you have to investigate who John Wendell is and why he..." London's voice stopped when he saw Jan's expression. "What's wrong? Why is your face like that?"     

Jan shook his head slowly. "I just remember reading the name Wendell somewhere. I just checked the reports you asked me to collect. I've already found out who he is."     


"Danny Swann had a childhood friend named Caroline Wendell. Before he found Miss L, this Caroline was his girlfriend." Jan opened his tablet and showed a picture of Danny with a woman. They both looked very intimate in the photo. "I can conclude that the Wendell family wants to marry their own daughter to the young master Swann, so they think the only barrier, Miss L, must be removed."     

"What information did you get about this Caroline Wendell?"     

"She is also a medical student, two years his junior. It seems that the girl always follows Danny. She always went to the same school as Danny Swann, from middle school, high school, to university. That's why they became close and started a relationship a few years ago. If I'm not mistaken, they planned to get married after Danny graduated as a specialist. The Swann family had their own hospital in London. But it seems their relationship ended a few months ago, when Danny Swann contacted Miss L."     

Mischa shrugged while smiling. "Well, you've got your answer."     

"Ughhh... those bastards!" London felt furious. He could surmise that wealth was the reason for either the Wendells or the Swanns to kill L and her family. "I want them to pay for what they did."     

"Unfortunately, Rhionen Assassins has retired. Otherwise, I'll be happy to help you," Mischa uttered. "Your sister would kill me if I gave even the slightest hint to Master to revive Rhionen Assassins."     

London could only smile bitterly. He certainly wouldn't use the ways of people of the underworld. With the present situation, expecting the police to investigate this case and bring the mastermind to justice would prove to be quite difficult.     

This case was deemed expired and the bad guys were left to deny all the statement from the assassins who had been tortured by Mischa to confess.     

At this time, according to him, it would be best for him to handle it himself.     

"Jan, try to find out what the Swann family's business is and give me the report tomorrow. We'll destroy their business and make those filthy people unable to touch even a dime of the wealth they've been striving to get. I also want you to investigate further whether Danny is involved or not. I want everything done before the wedding."     

"Yes, Sir."     

They finished their drinks and finally decided to go home.     

"Thank you for your help, Mischa. If you have time, I hope you'll come to my wedding next month. We will hold the event in Stuttgart. I believe it's not far from Bucharest," London said as he escorted Mischa to leave.     

The man just nodded.     

"Thank you for the invitation. I'll try to come. By the way, On October 3, Master and Madam will also celebrate their wedding anniversary in Targu Mures. Your wedding date is quite close to theirs," he commented.     

"Ah, that's right. No wonder my sister said they're going to Europe this week. Their wedding anniversary is next week." London then remembered about Aldebar's gift to his brother-in-law, the four immortality potions for his foster children. He wanted to know if Mischa already knew that. "Did you know that Alaric received some special gifts from Uncle Aldebar?"     

Mischa nodded and smiled. "I did. I am very grateful. Master gave us time to think carefully, and we'll all meet to make the decision next week."     

"Ah, all right. I hope you guys are willing to join our clan. I'm happy to have more family members," London said. Of course. If Alaric's four foster children received the immortality potion, the number of clan members would increase. At present, they were very few in number because members who were married to outsiders weren't many, and they also didn't like having children.     

Mischa and his three foster siblings would also become members of the Schneider family indirectly because Alaric was married to Aleksis. After joining the Medici family through the marriage, they would naturally also have a relationship with the Linden family.     

When Alaric was adopted by Ned and Portia's, they also became relatives with the Lewis and Baden families. Indeed, the Schneider family is now very influential.     

Mischa only nodded without answering. He then disappeared behind the elevator. After Mischa left, London still gave a few more instructions to Jan before the two returned to their respective homes.     

Ah... home. Since living with L, London had hardly ever stayed in his penthouse, even though most of his personal items were still there. He realized that it was time for him to make his and L's house as his permanent residence. He, therefore, decided to order Marc tomorrow to arrange for his belongings to be moved to Grunewald.     

When he arrived home, London immediately headed to L's bedroom to make sure L and Lily were all right. There, he found that L was awake and was currently nursing Lily.     

"Hey... it's already 11 p.m., why aren't you asleep?" he asked as he approached them. "After you finish breastfeeding Lily, let me take care of her, okay? You have to rest; otherwise, you'll be tired and unable to breastfeed Lily properly tomorrow. Do we still have some milk supply in the refrigerator?"     

L nodded. Her face looked very grateful. "How was the meeting? You came home late."     

"There are a few things I have to take care of. This is work-related. I'll also leave early in the morning to do many things tomorrow. I'll ask my mother to stay with you here, and Rune will help receive a team from RMI to install the digital household assistant system we ordered."     

"Hmm... all right," L nodded. She seemed to be trying hard to resist her sleepiness, but Lily was still eagerly sucking milk from her breast. L couldn't bear to stop the baby. "Oh, yeah... Pammy called me earlier. I was asked to perform with Rainfall next week. We went on a tour together, so the program promoter asked me to come again and perform because Rainfall will receive an important award. I can't say no."     

"Oh really? When's the event?"     

"If I'm not mistaken, it's next Friday."     

"All right. That can be arranged." London nodded. Even though he actually didn't want to see L go out and sing for others, he realized that L was an artist, and she had her passion. For L, singing was her calling, and London didn't want to extinguish the girl's enthusiasm and creativity, so he must understand that L's career was very important to her.     

After Lily finished sucking milk and fell asleep, L put her back on the cot and laid down on her bed.     

"Thank you for taking care of Lily. How about you just sleep here tonight so you'll be able to hear Lily wake up and ask for milk?" L asked, pulling the blanket. "If you're not used to it, it seems you won't be able to hear Lily's voice from her baby monitor."     

London seemed stunned to hear L's offer. His face immediately lit up.     

"Ah, good idea. I agree," he replied excitedly. He immediately climbed into L's bed and tried to slip into her blanket. L, who was shocked, reflexively pushed the man's body with all her strength.     


"Ouch..." London voiced in pain. He didn't expect L to push him, so unprepared, he fell to the floor with a thud. "Why did you push me?"     

"We're not married yet. What do you want to do by getting into my bed?" L scolded. "What I meant is for you to sleep on the sofa next to her."     

"Oh..." Only then did London understand what L meant just now. Ah, that's right. It was indeed his fault for being too excited. With a low grumble, he got up from the floor and immediately laid down on the couch beside Lily's cot.     

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