The Alchemists

I'm So Dead

I'm So Dead

Kitaro turned to L and looked at him as if asking L to explain her relationship with this man who had just arrived. "L ... is that true?"     

L was not an actress, and she couldn't act even if her life depended on it. She couldn't pretend that London was just kidding. Her lips pouted and tears began to well up in her eyes.     

"How could you ..." she whispered angrily, as she ran out of the studio looking hurt.     

I'm dead ... London thought with a worried heart. I'm so dead.     

He really did not mean bad. He only wanted to get rid of the five handsome young men who surrounded L by showing his ownership of L subconsciously.     

Ah, humans are in some ways like animals. Just like dogs or cats who marked their territory with urine, men sometimes do annoying things to show ownership of their women in front of other men. One of them is like what London Schneider accidentally did just now.     

"Hey, I'm just kidding. I mean fur baby. FUR BABY! Did you forget Yves, your beagle?" London hurriedly tried to remedy the situation by mentioning L's beagle. Unfortunately, it was too late, because L's own attitude now made people in the studio wonder whether she did have a baby secretly.     

Pammy tried to smile at everyone and nodded in confirmation. "Miss L does have a beagle. She just adopted it. Please don't misunderstand her. There's nothing to gossip about."     

L had left with tears in her eyes and left her bag in the studio. London, who felt guilty, immediately took L's bag and followed her out.     

He found the girl in front of the elevator door about to enter the elevator down to the lobby.     

"Hey .. wait for me! I'm sorry, that was just a joke. How come people over there don't have a sense of humor? I told them I meant the furbaby, Yves, our puppy..." He tried to coax L. "I didn't mean to tell them... I'm sorry. "     

"Your joke is not even remotely funny!" snapped L. "I thought you, being older, would have a more mature attitude. Apparently, I was wrong. You make me feel frustrated."     

"Can we just talk about it in the car? You can scold me to your heart's content. But don't attract attention here. You will make people question us."     

L did not reply. She pretended not to see London and stepped into the elevator and pressed the button to the lobby. In the elevator, London handed L's bag to the girl. They didn't talk to each other on the way down to the first floor and out the lobby.     

Chloe, who saw them coming out together, initially wanted to say hello to London and L, but seeing L's murky face, she finally refrained herself. Inwardly, she wondered if Killian Makela really managed to date the famous singer as he claimed earlier?     

Wow ... this is really a big scandal!     

After they left the lobby, London took L's hand and led her to the waiting car. At first, L wanted to refuse but because she was afraid of attracting attention, she was finally forced to comply.     

"I'm sorry. Earlier, I had a slip of the tongue. I was very jealous." London looked at L intently. The car was moving towards Grunewald. "I hope you can forgive my errors. Pammy also tried to help. I'm sure everything will be fine. You just have to take a picture with Yves and post on Splitz, surely, the fans will think that what I mean is Yves."     

"Why did you do it? I can't pretend that what you said earlier was a joke ... I can't lie!" L looked back at London with a frustrated face. "I won't let you come to pick me up anymore. I don't want the gossip to grow because of your blunder earlier. You don't know; there are lots of other artists who hate me! They think I'm getting popular too fast and they accused me of sleeping with a big wig at the agency. They will be like vultures that will be happy to see me fall from grace ..."     

L buried her face in her hands. She cried and this made London feel even more guilty. Oh, God... why did it turn out this way? He hated seeing L cry the most but now he was the one who made her cry.     

"Who dares to gossip about you? I'll take care of them," London said firmly. "I will not let anyone bully you."     

L raised her face and looked at London with an expression of despair. "You think, just because you have a lot of money, you can do anything? There are things that cannot be bought with money and one of them is reputation. You can delete the news in the media; you can direct public opinion ... but the people out there are not stupid. Once they have planted seeds of suspicion or disgrace, they will keep on remembering it."     

London was forced to admit that L was right. What had happened today anyway? Wouldn't sooner or later L also have to acknowledge Lily's existence? Why not do it now?     

"Honey, this is modern times, our society doesn't care about such things anymore. You also won't be able to hide Lily forever. Someday you have to announce her, otherwise, she will be sad." London held her hand and rubbed it to calm her down. "I can just announce to the public that you are my wife, and Lily is our child. What do you think?"     

L bit her lip and looked at London as if she was saying something very crazy.     

"You mean lying AGAIN? We're not married yet! And I don't want you to appear as London Schneider and announce to people that I slept with you and became pregnant with your kid. They would connect the dots and assumed that I got my career because I sleep with you. How could you do that to me?"     

London now felt cornered. Why was L acting so idealistic? She didn't even want to lie that they are already married.     

Ah ... maybe because L's father was a judge, who raised her with integrity and honesty. With this in mind, London felt ashamed that a girl nine years younger than him has higher integrity than himself.     

"You get your career NOT because you slept with me. We both know that ..." London then offered a new solution. "I ... I understand that you don't want to lie. Well, I won't lie. We can be honest and say that you are my fiancee, and we will get married soon."     

His words are meaningless because L had now become hysterical. "They will also accuse me of dating you because you are rich! Later, they will undoubtedly say I deliberately got myself pregnant to force you to marry me."     

"You are not after my wealth. We both know, it was I who always pursue you, and you were the one who always rejected me."     

"They don't know that, and they won't care either. The media will distort the facts according to their own version."     

"Uhm ... I can take care of that. I happen to know who owns the biggest media company in the world ..." London said. "Take it easy. We can take care of it later. What's important is to calm down. We will take action to ensure that all the gossip will not come out."     

L looked away, hearing his words. Her head was dizzy, and she did not want to talk much.     

"L .. You're not going to cancel the wedding, right? The preparation is almost completed. Don't reconsider the wedding just because we have a small problem today.." persuaded London again.      

L did not answer. She just closed her eyes and tried to organize her emotions. London rubbed her hands and did not press her. The journey to the house went in silence.     

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