The Alchemists

You Won't Win

You Won't Win

The Triple L family finally had very peaceful days. L, who was preoccupied with practicing with the Rainfall Band for their performance in the global music award show, felt truly grateful that she lived close to the Schneider family so she could leave Lily with Finland when she went out to practice.     

"Do you want me to pick you up from the studio this afternoon?" London offered that morning at breakfast together.     

L shook her head. "No need. I know you're busy."     

After learning the true identity of her future husband, L realized that all this time, London must have abandoned a lot of work because he pretended to be poor. Gosh! He even dia full month gig as a part-time photographer at Luxe Magazine just so he could work with L in various photoshoots.     

"I'm not busy, really," London shrugged. He hurriedly wrote a message to Jan to cancel all meetings after 3 pm.     

"Did you just send an SMS to Jan to clear your schedule?" L raised an eyebrow and tilted her head to peek at London's phone. She had met Jan two days ago and heard a lot about London's behavior so far.     

In the end, L even found out about the accompanying dancers and musicians who were completely replaced at that time to find dancers and musicians who weighed at least 100 kg to accompany her to perform at the welcoming summer concert so L wouldn't feel bad about her gaining weight.     

L felt very touched, but at the same time, she massaged her forehead because she just realized how powerful this man sitting next to her was. Whatever he ordered must definitely happen. L had never found anyone like this.     

"I did tell Jan to cancel all my appointments after 3 pm," London raised his face and smiled mischievously at L. "Don't you see, I'd anything do for your sake?"     

L just rolled her eyes and continued eating.     

"I'll have finished practice at 2 pm and immediately have a photoshoot with Rainfall in Luxe Magazine. So if you want, you can pick me up there," L finally said.     

"All right. I'll pick you up at Luxe. By the way, I miss the magazine office too. I have a lot of good memories of the times I took your photos there," London smiled broadly. He was a little nostalgic remembering the first weeks when he was still trying to catch up to L and was disguising himself as a photographer there.     

"Eh... did the magazine know you were going undercover at that time?" L promptly asked. "Or were they unaware?"     

London shook his head. "No. What for? They're not important to me. I don't need to tell them everything."     

"Oh... okay. Then how would you pick me up?"     

London shrugged. "I'll pick you up as Miss L's boyfriend. That'll be okay, right? Or are you ashamed to have a poor photographer as a boyfriend?"     

L narrowed her eyes with a dangerous gaze. "What do you mean? You know I don't care whether you're rich or poor! Do you really think I want to marry you only because you're rich?"     

Ah, it seemed that L still felt sensitive when they talked about London Schneider's true identity. She sometimes worried that people would think she accepted London as her husband because he was the heir of the Schneider Group. Even though, before London revealed his identity, L had accepted the man's love.     

"Geez... don't be offended, Honey. I'm just kidding. Ouch... it feels like my day isn't complete if I don't see you get angry at least once." London hurriedly got up and hugged L from behind her chair. He kissed the top of the girl's head and whispered tenderly. "I know that you accepted me not because of my wealth, but because I'm handsome, charming, and is always happy to spoil you."     

"Ugh... so you want me to get angry every day? Is that it? So you want me to get high blood pressure?" L pursed her lips and snorted in annoyance. "I want to change and keep my temper. You said it isn't good for Lily to copy my temper, didn't you? But why are you still teasing me to make me angry??"     

"Ohh... so cute. So cute." London instead laughed happily and kissed L's pouting lips. "All right. I'm sorry. I won't provoke you with such sensitive things again. I'll pick you up at the Luxe Magazine office this afternoon, okay?"     

"Hmm," L just nodded. She was too tired to answer.     

"Ahh... I'm so happy!" He kissed L again and immediately excused himself to leave. "See you later this afternoon!"     

London finished his breakfast and left for the office after Marc picked him up in his car.     


"I've made an offer of cooperation to the Swann family's hospital in London. They enthusiastically declared that they wanted to meet directly with our representatives. Berlin Metropole Hospital's reputation and the Schneider Group's name were enough to make them interested." Jan submitted his report after lunch.     

London nodded. "We don't need to rush. You can invite them to come to the medical conference next month and get them acquainted to discuss this collaboration."     

"All right, Sir." Jan took note of all of London's orders on his tablet. "Would you like to have a reception after the conference? I mean, to invite Caroline Wendell..."     

"Great idea."     

"I'll make the preparations then." Jan smiled. He could imagine how disappointed Caroline Wendell and her father would be. They would think London Schneider was interested in Caroline, and in the end... found out he only did it to take revenge for L.     

"Have you canceled all my meetings today?"     

"Yes, Sir. By the way, why did you cancel all the work matters for this afternoon? Is there an important event?" Jan asked curiously.     

London smiled and didn't answer. Jan could only guess that this had something to do with L. In the end, he didn't ask any more questions and left his boss to do a lot of things alone in his room. At exactly 3 pm, London immediately left the office. He didn't want to be late to pick up L.     

"Marc, let's stop by the florist to buy flowers for L," he said eagerly.     

"Yes, Sir."     

Marc could see that his boss's mood was very happy. Along the way to Luxe Magazine's office, he hummed one of L's most famous songs. Marc remembered his master's orders, and when he saw a flower shop, he decided to stop by. London chose a beautiful bouquet of flowers and continued on to Luxe's ​​office. Fifteen minutes later, they arrived.     

"Wait for me in the parking lot. I'll only be a minute." London came out carrying flowers and entered the Luxe Magazine building. Chloe, the receptionist who still recognized him as a part-time photographer several months ago, immediately stood up to greet him with a smile.     

"Hey... good afternoon, Killian. Long time no see. Do you have an appointment with Nick?" he asked kindly.     

"I want to pick up Miss L," London said in a proud voice. He showed the flower in his hand. The receptionist looked confused, seeing his actions.     

"Wait a minute... Are you also a fan of Miss L?" She then shook her head with an apologetic face. "Ouch... sorry, Killian. You won't be able to win the competition."     

"Eh? Why won't I win?" London asked in confusion. "What do you mean, Chloe?"     

Chloe coughed, then leaned her face and whispered to London. "Ssshhh... Miss L is being pursued by the Rainfall Band's lead singer. You won't be able to win against the vocalist of the most famous band in the world today. Forget it... just give up."     

Instantly, London's face turned red, and his chest felt hot.     

What? The Rainfall 's vocalist? Could it be that they deliberately asked L to appear together at the awards ceremony as an excuse... So that perverted man can get close to L?     

London suddenly felt jealous.     

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