The Alchemists

Weekend With Lily

Weekend With Lily

London briefly explained what happened at the Luxe Magazine office and the reasons why he made this decision. Finland could only sigh. She remembered 30 years ago when faced with a similar problem, she also decided to leave.     

At that time, she did find it difficult to trust Caspar entirely because of their differences in status and how Caspar had a bad past as a womanizer. Meanwhile, Finland did not want to stay away from Jean, who always made Caspar jealous.     

In the end, after they were separated for a long time and realized that they must compromise and learn to understand each other's feelings, then Caspar and Finland could reunite with a better relationship. They now always tried to understand and respect each other's opinions.     

Now, after listening to London about what happened, Finland agreed with his decision. She could not bear to see her son sad and filled with jealousy and resentment because L insisted on keeping their relationship a secret for the sake of her career.     

"I will move here and share custody of Lily with her. We can stop the wedding preparation. There will be no wedding for now. Later, L and I will see what we have to do next. I think, right now, she needs time to become more mature. I also need time to organize my feelings."     

Although he sounded calm, Finland could see how depressed her son was. With great sympathy, Finland embraced London and rubbed his head.     

"Good things come to those who wait, and everything will be beautiful in time. I am delighted to see you grow into such a good man, Sweetheart. Lily is very fortunate to have a father like you."     

Caspar just watched the scene with a sympathetic face.     

Ah ... He did not expect his children would experience love this early. He had thought they would be like other Alchemist clan members who would wait to find love after they were at least 100 years old.     

Aleksis married Alaric impulsively when she was not even 20 years old. And, his son already had his own baby and almost got married. He was only 28 years old. Still too young. Too young, he muttered over and over.     

"Then, how about you come to Targu Mures with us?" Finland asked after letting London go from her arms. "The whole family will gather. At least maybe meeting your siblings will make you feel happy again."     

London had thought of that before, but he still didn't want to part with Lily.     

"I don't think I will come this time. Tonight L has to perform in an award ceremony. I want to take care of Lily." He reluctantly declined the offer.     

"Why don't you bring Lily with you? She's used to drinking milk from a bottle too, right? You can just bring some milk with you. We can help taking care of Lily too." Finland suggested. She also wanted to take Lily along, if L will be busy working.     

"Hmm ... I didn't think of that before. I'll ask L's permission to bring Lily with me." London placed his suitcase in his room and packed his personal belongings. He then came out and called L to ask for her opinion.     

"Hmm .. how long do you want to take Lily?" L asked in a tone of disapproval, but she tried to stop herself from sounding defensive. "I actually don't quite agree. But ..."     

"Only three days," London explained to her about the trip. Now he tried to organize his words and tone to sound serious and not flirty like the way he used to talking with L. He and L had agreed to give each other space. He did not want L to think he was trying to talk her into getting back together. "Tomorrow is my sister's birthday, and Monday is her wedding anniversary. We are used to attending family events like this."     

At the other end, L could only bite her lip. She knew she was not invited because tonight she had to perform in an awards show. The Schneider family also had no obligation to invite her to their events because her wedding to London was called off. So, naturally, she was no longer part of the family.     

"I understand." Finally, she replied. "Take good care of Lily. You can pick her up at any time. I will go to the studio at 3 pm."     

"Thank you."     

London was relieved that L did not make it difficult for him to bring Lily at all. Ahh ... he was glad his mother suggested him to come to Targu Mures. At times like this, it would be very comforting to spend time with his family, who always supported him.     

He also never brought Lily out of the house. The baby will certainly be happy when she could experience a new environment.     


Their private plane left at 3 pm. One hour before they departed, London stopped by his house to get Lily along with all her stuff. They will go directly to the airport. On the terrace, he saw Pammy was just staring at him with a sad expression.     

Ah, even Pammy must be feeling depressed because London and L called off their wedding.     

"Good evening, Pammy. Will you be accompanying L all day?" London asked, signaling Marc to bring the baby bag from the living room.     

Pammy nodded.     

"I will protect Miss L for you, Sir," she said quietly.     

"Hmm .." London did not reply. He entered L's room and picked up Lily, who was playing with her favorite little elephant plush toy. "My baby looks so pretty today. Let's go to Romania. You will be happy there. The place is beautiful."     

As if she understood her father's words, Lily threw her elephant toy to the floor and instead played with London's nose. At one point, she even tried to bite it with her toothless gum.     

"Hahaha ... you are naughty, huh," said London, picking up the elephant toy and put it on Lilly's chest. He held the baby lovingly in his arms. "You hold this, don't bite my nose."     

L only saw the interaction between father and daughter in silence. She just nodded and said nothing when London said goodbye and left for the airport.     

While L was feeling murky, on the contrary, London's mood actually became better. This would be his first weekend alone with Lily, and he couldn't wait to spend time with her.     

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