The Alchemists

Bad Mood

Bad Mood

After they arrived home, L immediately locked herself in her room. London was forced to let her be because he knew that it was his fault. That night he was forced to go back to sleeping alone in his room.     

As he lay in bed, London thought a lot about what had just happened. He did not know why he was easily upset when he saw L with other men, even though Nick told him L never cared about those men.     

Maybe, as long as he and L hadn't formalized their marriage, he would always worry that L might change her mind and find another man who was better than him.     

He knew that it was not easy to win L's heart, and before he got complete ownership status as her husband, he must not be complacent. He hated himself for being this jealous because, ultimately, it would affect his relationship with L.     

He longed to be as relaxed and confident as his father. Their appearances were very similar, so why couldn't he act more like Caspar?     

When London complained to his father over the phone, Caspar just laughed.     

"Uhm ... you and I are different, Son. I'm 470 years old, while you haven't even reached thirty. Self-confidence and maturity come with experience. But you shouldn't want to be someone else. If you're like me, maybe now you would be dumping your twentieth girlfriend and will look for the new one. We are not the same, and you are no worse than me."     

London pondered after hearing his father's words. Come to think of it, his father was right. L was his first love. He had never been in love with any girl before, and he was not sure how to be a good boyfriend or husband.     

L also had never been in a relationship with any man. Maybe they were both were still too young to marry and commit themselves in a relationship.     

London finally had to admit the truth that he had been trying to keep all this time: Lily was actually the main reason why they were planning a wedding.     

He was a gentleman who took responsibility for what he did. So, when L was pregnant with his child, he decided to marry L and take both the mother and child under his wing. If London was honest, if L wasn't pregnant with Lily, maybe their situation now would have been very different.     

Without Lily, L wouldn't even think about marriage, considering the average age of women getting married today was 35 years old. Pursuing a career and education had been women's main goals for the past two decades. Of course, L would want to focus on herself and her career, he thought. She was only 19 after all.     

Before Lily came in the picture, even London himself never thought about falling in love and getting married. He was still too young. The average Alchemist clan members only started looking for a serious partner when they reached at least one hundred years old. What happened with L was totally unexpected in his part.     

Maybe... he and L really needed to rethink everything.     

London stayed up all night in the living room while enjoying a glass of warm tea, which he sipped slowly. His mind was filled with thoughts and consideration of their relationship. He wanted to drink something strong, but he canceled his intention because he felt that he needed to think with a clear head.     


That morning L didn't practice her singing as usual. London knew that every time L was upset or sad, she didn't sing in the morning. So every morning when he didn't hear L's voice, London would know that L was having a bad mood.     

He woke up when the sun was already high, without L's singing which became his morning alarm. He only slept at 3 am and kept tossing and turning in bed. It was a horrible night. He decided to take a shower immediately and get ready.     

When London came out of his room, he found breakfast was already available at the dining table, while L was sitting on the terrace, nursing Lily, and sunbathing at the same time.     

Ah, their digital household assistant system must have prepared everything. London tasted the food at the table and nodded in satisfaction. He then walked out to meet L and Lily.     

"Good morning, L. Have you had breakfast?" asked London after he arrived near the two girls. L raised her face and shook her head.     

"I'm waiting for you," the girl answered in a flat voice. "Do you want to have breakfast now?"     

London nodded. He stretched out his hand and L understood that the man wanted to take Lily. Lily was drowsing and was unaware that her food source had been taken away and her tiny body had moved to her father's arms. She was breathing softly when she fell asleep on her father's shoulder.     

London carried Lily lovingly and kissed her over and over again. Lily smelled like milk and lavender! He can never have enough of her. Once they reach the dining room, he placed her on a special basket next to his chair in the dining table.     

L had poured a cup of coffee for each of them and quietly began to enjoy breakfast. The atmosphere at the dining table was quiet, unlike usual. Both of them felt hungry because last night they both skipped dinner.     

"When will you leave for the awards ceremony?" asked London, opening the conversation after the two had eaten in silence for ten minutes. "Are you going straight to the stadium?"     

"The event starts at 7 pm," answered L.     

"You didn't answer my question," London replied. "Are you going straight to the stadium, or do you have other plans before the award?"     

"What do you mean by your question? Are you accusing me of going to meet Rainfall before the award ceremony?" said L. "Are you still not satisfied after you made upset yesterday?"     

"That's not what I meant. I just wanted to know. It's an honest question. I'm sorry that yesterday I slipped about Lily in front of them. I've ordered the media team to bring up the news about you adopting a puppy. That should be able to ward off gossip about you having a baby."     

L did not respond to London's words and returned to eating in silence.     

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