The Alchemists

She Is Missing Her Mother

She Is Missing Her Mother

After enjoying the sunset, the newly-arrived guests cleaned up and rested for a while in their respective rooms. They went down to the dining room on the first floor for dinner at around 8 pm.     

They ate at a very long dining table, styled like one of those dining tables in the ancient noblemen's castles, that could accommodate up to dozens of people. They enjoyed a warm dining atmosphere while talking about various things.     

Aleksis' birthday party the next day was prepared to be a simple celebration in the beautiful garden behind the castle. Alaric's foster children would come to celebrate. This would be the first opportunity for all of them to meet each other.     

The moment felt so special, especially for Finland and Alaric. They both were used to being alone and lonely. Now, they had a big family that they loved. Inwardly, London regretted that L was not among them. According to him, that moment could have been an important moment for L if she were to enter their family. Unfortunately, L had to work, and they were no longer together.     

Aleksis also became sad when she thought of Nicolae. Alaric was not the only one who lived alone for decades and became a lonely person. Nicolae also had lost his adopted family decades ago and had to live a confused life as an immortal human alone, without knowing who his family was. Before reuniting with Alaric, Aleksis was friends with Nicolae and knew him very well.     

She always felt sad, imagining Nicolae would always avoid family events like this just because he still had feelings for her. This was really unfair to Nic.     

She hoped that someday Nic and her would be like Uncle Jean and her mother, who managed to dispel their personal feelings and remain friends and now close like family. They always supported each other and be present during their important life events.     

Aleksis felt that her birthday would never be complete without Nic's presence, but unfortunately, there was nothing she could do about his feelings.     

Kara and her two assistants took care of the three babies while the parents were busy. Ireland and Scotland seemed calm because they were always together and never separated, while Lily cried when her father was busy eating with his family.     

"Gosh ... Lily very rarely cries," London said worriedly. He quickly finished his meal and took Lily from Kara. "What's the matter, Sweetheart? Are you hungry?"     

He checked what was the meaning of Lily's cry in his phone application provided by Rune, but did not find the meaning of his daughter's cry. Bewildered, he turned toward his brother.     

"Why can't your machine explain the meaning of Lily's cry?" he asked in puzzlement. "Why on earth your machine always breaks when I really need it to work?"     

Hearing his brother grumble, Rune immediately checked the little machine in the baby's basket, and after fiddling with it, he could only shake his head. "It's not broken. I've put 10 of the statuses that are most commonly experienced by babies. If Lily's cries can't be translated by the machine, then this must be a new condition that I've never registered because there was no data before."     

"Ugh ... useless," grumbled London. He carried Lily and kissed her red cheeks with a worried face. "What do you want, my dear princess? Please, tell me ..."     

As he stared at Lily's black eyes and looked at Lily's pursed lips while she wailed, suddenly, London realized that Lily was missing her mother.     

With a sigh, he turned to his family and excused himself from the dining room.     

"I have to take care of Lily. You guys, please continue with dinner. Later, after Lily is asleep, I will rejoin."     

He hurriedly took Lily in his arms out of the dining room and into his own room. He remembered tonight was the music awards show that would feature a joint performance between L and the Rainfall Band. He would turn on the television and let Lily see her mother.     

As he researched the awards show, London saw that there was an option to watch the program through Virconnect 4D and get a 4-dimensional experience. But after thinking for a while, he decided that taking Lily to see noisy music awards show like that would not be good for his child.     

Finally, he decided to watch normal TV. Fifteen minutes later, the long-awaited appearance was finally shown.     

"Please be patient, Honey. You can see your mother in a moment." London tried to persuade Lily, who was still crying in his arms.     

As he watched Lily's face, London felt that his daughter was very expressive with her feelings. He couldn't wait to see Lily grow up and talk and express herself.     

The lights on the stage went out, and the piano was playing a sad tune. All the audience became solemn and waited eagerly for the performance.     

The spotlight then illuminated the center of the stage, and people could see L playing the piano with a sad face. She closed her eyes and was deep in her music. Her beautiful voice sang a really sad song and hypnotized the entire audience. The song she was singing was a very famous song from Rainfall's latest album.     

The piano was soon followed by guitar, then the bass, drums, and the second guitar, and from the left of the stage came a tall, very handsome Japanese man wearing a tuxedo, walked over to L and sat down beside her. He sang the song L had just sung, and he took the second stanza.     

He sang the song in a very low note, then moved to a higher register, showing off his powerful vocal that could easily hit all the notes perfectly. The spectators who watched L and Kitaro's performances almost all held their breath.     

One by one, Rainfall band members also appeared under the spotlight and the audience finally went crazy. They began to shout out the name Rainfall and all the personnel one by one.     

As if she was enchanted, Lily fell silent when her mother appeared and sang. Her eyes still couldn't see far so that she couldn't see L on the screen, but she recognized her mother's voice. The crying stopped miraculously.     

"Ah, I'm right ... this kid just misses her mother," muttered London. He decided to call L as soon as the awards ceremony was over so that L could talk to Lily before she slept.     

After the impressive performance ended, the stadium was filled by deafening applause that seemed neverending. And suddenly, the audience began chanting their names, L and Rainfall or L and Kitaro.     

Rainfall - Elle     

Rainfall - Elle     

Kitaro - Elle     

Kitaro - Elle     

The camera highlighted Kitaro and Elle, who repeatedly bow respectfully to the audience. Many people took this opportunity to save their pictures.     

Physically, L and Kitaro did look very compatible. Kitaro was from Japan, and L's mother was also Japanese, so her Asian facial features made her blend well with the Rainfall band members who were all of Asian descent.     

London could only watch with a frown. L looked like she belonged on the stage. She was a talented artist and really liked her job. London must admit that L was very amazing at what she did. He even fell in love for the first time when he saw L sing at Stephan's party.     

London didn't want to stop L from achieving her dream and doing what she liked. But he still could not accept that L sacrificed him and Lily for her career and reputation as an artist. He realized that he made the right decision by canceling their wedding plans.     

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