The Alchemists

The Impressive Schneider Family

The Impressive Schneider Family

The trip to Targu Mures was very pleasant. The whole Schneider family had never been there before, except Caspar, who went there three centuries ago with Lauriel. For Finland and her children, this was a new experience.     

Lily became everyone's favorite during the trip. This baby was amazing. She rarely cried. As Dr. Muller said, she had everything provided, and her father never let her lack anything, so Lily had almost no reason to complain.     

She was now almost three months old and had the same weight as a normal newborn baby, but her personality had started to show at a very young age. Lily was always relaxed, and she loved sleeping.     

Her father did not feel inconvenienced at the slightest by bringing his little baby abroad for the first time. Everyone took turns to carry the cute bundle of joy while on the plane, but as usual, Lily preferred her father's lap than anyone else's.     

When they landed two hours later in the Targu Mures airport, the Schneider family welcomed in the VIP lounge by Terry, who took the time to come from New York. No matter how busy he was, he always made time for his family, especially since he really loved Aleksis. He had never missed her birthday before, and he would not miss it this year too.     

Terry's always neat and expensive appearance has made the staff at the airport scramble to steal his attention. They repeatedly came to him and offered him food, drink, and whatever things he might need.     

Terry always refused politely. He had gotten used to not receiving food and drink from anyone other than his family and personal assistants because he was afraid of experiencing what Alaric and his younger brother, London, experienced.     

No He did not want the terrible event befell him. Accepting a drink from shady people had caused London to become an unplanned father suddenly. He understood that London enjoyed his role as a father and did not mind being responsible for a little human being in this world. But Terry? He was not ready. Not even in a hundred years.     

That's why he was always cautious.     

Whispers from the staff that sounded shocked made him lift his face from the business news he was reading on his tablet. Ah ... they must be gossiping about the Schneider family, Terry thought in amusement.     

The staff in the VIP lounge were certainly amazed to see the arrival of three handsome men at once from the Schneider family. Good riddance, he thought. Their attention would be diverted from me, Terry thought again. He immediately closed the tablet and rose to his feet.     

Sure enough, a few minutes later, the group he was waiting for arrived. Caspar entered the lounge while taking his wife at a leisurely pace. Rune looked the most striking among them as the only family member who had blond hair and bright blue eyes.     

London, which mirrored his father, looked very fatherly to a baby who was sleeping in his arms. He and Lily melted the hearts of so many women who saw them. The women all wondered where the baby's mother was. Immediately there was enormous sympathy for this handsome father and daughter.     

The Schneider family's staff and bodyguards efficiently arranged the space for them so that their employers could relax while waiting for Mischa's arrival. He would be the one to take them all to Alaric's castle on the hilltop.     

"Do you know who they are?" asked a lounge staff to her colleague while stealing glances at the Schneider family many times. "I know Mr. Terrence Chan, he is the President of Schneider Group, but I have never seen the people with him. They have never come to this airport before."     

"I don't know. But you know that Mr. Chan is taking care of the Schneider Group as the right hand of the Schneider family. Do you think the people who came were them? Do you think those are the Schneider family members?" Her colleague asked back.     

"Hmmm ... you're right! Maybe it's indeed the Schneider family! They are famous for being very low profile."     

"I wonder why they came here. This is just a small town. Whoaa... I didn't expect today to be exciting."     

They gossiped quietly while admiring the men from that family in the lounge. For ten minutes, they were able to enjoy the beautiful view, until suddenly someone came into the lounge and invited all the VVIP guests to leave the airport.     

"You haven't waited long, right? I'm sorry to keep you waiting. There was an important meeting that I couldn't leave. I had to take care of it first before I could get here." The handsome Mischa made the airport staff girls hold their breath again.     

They soon learned who he was because he was one of the most famous executives in Romania today: Mischa Rhionen. They only saw him on TV and had never met him in person.     

Airport staff endlessly thank their lucky stars for being rewarded with so many beautiful people to ogle on the same day.     

London, who had met Mischa before, immediately rose to greet the man.     

"Thank you for picking us up to go to Alaric's house together. I know you are busy," he said kindly. Terry also approached Mischa. He still remembered the first time he met with Mischa was ten years ago when they were about to catch Alaric Rhionen, and Terry was taken by Mischa and Kai to the ship to meet Pavel, who was disguised as Alaric.     

Ahh ... that event happened a long time ago. He was glad that they were no longer enemies.     

"Welcome to Romania," Mischa smiled broadly as he greeted Terry and Rune. He nodded respectfully to Caspar and Finland and then invited all of them to the luxury cars that had been prepared by RMI to take them to Alaric Rhionen's castle.     

"Jeez ... isn't that the head of RMI for Eastern Europe? Mischa Rhionen, if I'm not mistaken. Why are there so many important people gathered in our small town today?" the airport staff went back to their gossiping.     

"I don't know. But if I remember correctly, Mr. Elios Linden from RMI married a young lady from the Schneider family. Do you think they live in this city?"     

"Wow ... you could be right! That is a possibility. I didn't think of it before..."     

"I didn't expect them to live in our small town. Surely the town's people would be very excited."     

The arrival of many beautiful people from the Schneider and Medici/Rhionen families did indeed cause a stir at the airport because, usually, this small-town airport was very rarely visited by famous people.     

Staff was still busy talking about the impressive people even after they left.     


"This area is still as beautiful as I remember," Caspar said as he glanced out the car window. Yellow and orange autumn leaves filled the landscape along the road.     

"I heard this is where Alaric was born," Finland said, admiring the view outside. "That's why he considers this town special."     

"You're not wrong. Lauriel said the same thing to me. Luna was buried here for decades until Alaric moved her to Yorkshire." Caspar sighed. "Actually, I know it's very hard for Lauriel to come here. Every time he comes to Targu Mures, he will definitely be reminded of Luna."     

"I can imagine." Finland nodded in sympathy. "Will Lauriel come tomorrow?"     

"That's right. Nicolae has to take care of something in Singapore and arrive at Grosetto tomorrow morning with Altair and Vega."     

"Hmm ... too bad, Nic can't come to his brother's wedding anniversary," commented Finland. "I understand, but I still think it's sad..."     

"Sshh ... that's none of our business. Just hope someday Nic finds another girl and falls in love with her, then he can forget about Aleksis and move on. For now, let him heal his heart first."     

Aleksis' parents had considered Nicolae as Aleksis's future husband for four years before Alaric finally returned to their daughter's life. Caspar and Finland still felt sorry for Nicolae, because they both really liked the young man. In their hearts, they could only hope that someday Nicolae would find someone to replace Aleksis in his life.     

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