The Alchemists

The Best Birthday Gift For Aleksis

The Best Birthday Gift For Aleksis

They arrived in front of the castle and found Lauriel, London, Kai, and Rosalien were already resting on the steps while enjoying fresh drinks. London seemed friendly with Kai and chatted with him about technology, while Lauriel and Rosalien both concentrated on cleaning their knives from blood.     

"Did Rosalien hunt with a knife?" asked Aleksis in surprise, before she got off their horse. Alaric followed her down and answered with a shrug.     

"She is very skilled at knife throwing. I am not surprised that one of the deer killed was killed by her knife."     

"Oh ..." Aleksis narrowed her eyes and stared at the other group. Rosalien reminded her a little of Lauriel. The two people looked equally serious and indifferent to their surroundings, and they both clearly loved their knives.     

She was about to walk over to Lauriel when suddenly a loud cry came, and two small bodies ran toward her enthusiastically.     


Aleksis immediately turned around and found Altair and Vega hugging her tightly. Ahhh .. she really missed these two children. With teary eyes, she knelt down and embraced them lovingly.     

"When did you arrive?"     

"Just now. Daddy Nic decided to go straight here because all flights to Rome were canceled. All the planes headed for Italy somehow suffered engine failure. Luckily Daddy could secure a flight to Bucharest at the last minute, and we could come here," Altair explained.     

"Oh ..." Aleksis lifted her face and saw Nicolae walking casually with his hands in his pocket approaching her. "Is it true that all the planes heading for Italy were broken? How strange."     

Nicolae just shrugged. "At first, I thought it was a coincidence, but after the fifth plane was unable to depart, I suspected it was the work of a hacker who wanted to mess with my flight or prevented a particular person leaving to Italy."     

"Someone wanted to mess with your flight? Why? Does anyone know your identity?" Alaric asked in amazement.     

"That's what I'm going to investigate. It's okay, what's important is that now the children have arrived here on time." Nicolae smiled and hugged his brother tightly. "How are you? Hopefully, you get enough sleep with twin babies at home, huh ..."     

Alaric patted his brother's shoulder and nodded. "Of course. Thank you for coming."     

Nicolae broke free from Alaric and stepped in front of Aleksis, who had now risen with both children hugged each of her legs.     

"Aleksis ..." Nicolae tried to smile with his eyes. Before, even though his lips smiled, his eyes could not lie and still showed his true feelings. He still felt sorrow every time he saw the girl. But this time, he tried his best to show that he was truly happy for Aleksis. "Happy birthday. I hope you will always be happy."     

Aleksis looked at Nicolae with a grateful smile, and she slowly nodded. "Thank you, Nic. I'm glad you came to celebrate it with us here."     

Both of them looked rather awkward for a few seconds, but then slowly, both Aleksis and Nicolae stepped forward and gave each other a hug, like the good friends they were before.     

"Welcome," Aleksis said, kissing Nicolae on the cheek. The young man nodded and patted Aleksis's shoulder softly.     

"I'm glad to meet you all. I won't miss your birthday for the world."     

All present hid their novelty by acting as if nothing had happened. They knew that today was an important moment when Nicolae and Aleksis finally restored their friendship, and for Nicolae to treat Aleksis as his brother's wife, without feeling awkward.     

Feelings of sadness in his heart have not yet gone, but at least, just as Lauriel was able to continue living by letting Luna go, Nicolae also learned not to stay away from his family just because he still had feelings for Aleksis.     

After Aleksis and Nicolae broke free from their embrace, the man approached his father and hugged him.     

"Hello, Dad.. how are you?" he said.     

Lauriel had placed his knife down. He had finished cleaning it, and now hugged his son warmly.     

"We were hunting deer just now. I'm glad you arrived." He patted his son's back and rubbed Nicolae's head. After breaking away from Nicolae, he pointed at Kai and Rosalien and introduced them to his son. "These are new members to our new family. Kai Rhionen, Rosalien Rhionen, and that one is Takeshi Rhionen."     

Rosalien, who was still cleaning her knife, looked up and nodded slightly at Nicolae. Kai stopped his chat with London and stood up to shake Nicolae's hand.     

"Good evening, Sir. We have heard a lot about you from Master Alaric."     

Nicole greeted Kai warmly. He had heard about Alaric's foster children, but he did not understand why their attitude was so formal toward him.     

"You guys ... are my brother's foster children, right? Why called me Sir and use all these formalities?" he asked in puzzlement.     

Kai smiled and shook his head. "Master raised us and gave us his name, but he was more like a mentor and leader to us. I dare not be disrespectful."     

"Ah ..." Nicolae could only nod. His brother was indeed strange. He really didn't like to be close to other people, even kept his distance from the children he had raised since they were little because he did not want to think of them as his family and then had to see them die one by one and left him.     

Takeshi also approached Nicolae and greeted him warmly. They had met in Singapore before.     

"Sir, you have arrived. Do you need my help to find out who is the culprit behind the airport hacking that you cannot fly to Italy?" he asked after greeting Nicolae.     

"Thank you, Takeshi. I will try to handle it myself. Maybe this is just a fad hacker who wanted to challenge me or cause trouble," Nicolae answered lightly. "Maybe, I was not even the target. I will have to find out later."     

This was not urgent, he thought. At present, the focus was to spend time with his family. Other things that were not important could wait.     

"Come on .. you guys take a shower first. Later you can meet your brothers," Aleksis said to her two children who were still hugging her.     

"Wait a minute, I want to hug Father first. I really miss him," said Altair with a radiant face. He broke away from his mother's leg and immediately hugged his father, who was stunned to hear his words. Alaric bowed and lifted his son to the air. He was pleased to hear that his son missed him.     

"I miss you so much too!" He kissed Altair before then put him back to the ground. Vega walked towards Alaric in a shy manner, then reached out and held Alaric's hand.     

"I miss Father too ..." whispered the little girl. Her sparkling blue eyes looked at Alaric deeply, making her father moved and smiled happily.     

"I'm glad you're home." Alaric carried Vega and kissed her many times. "You're getting prettier, and I miss you too."     

Aleksis felt very happy because on her birthday this year, all the people she loved were together. This was truly the most beautiful gift anyone could hope for.     

Her face lit up as she drove everyone away and told them to clean up before getting ready to have dinner together.     

"Then please clean up first. Soon we will get ready for dinner."     

Altair and Vega greeted and hugged their grandfathers, grandmother, and all their uncles before following their father into the castle to see their two adorable baby siblings.     

"You just rest and drink wine, so you can relax. Surely the trip here was quite tiring," Aleksis commented to Nicolae.     

"Thank you, but I've sat a lot in the airplane and the car, my butt hurt. I want to take a walk around this place. Do you want to accompany me?" Nicolae asked.     

"Of course. This place is beautiful. I will take you to my favorite place," Aleksis nodded happily. She was truly relieved to see Nicolae's attitude this time. The young man was no longer avoiding her!     

Aleksis grew up without having many friends, so for her, losing a friend like Nicolae last year made her quite devastated. She did get her husband back, but at the same time, she lost her best friend, Nicolae. Oh, how happy Aleksis would be if Nicolae was finally ready to resume their friendship.     

After seeing Alaric disappear into the castle with their two older children, Aleksis turned towards Nicolae and pointed east.     

"There is a very beautiful garden near the woods. Alaric made a monument for your mother there. I'm sure you want to see it."     

"Of course. Please show me the way." Nicolae nodded and smiled at Aleksis's words. "I will be very happy."     

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