The Alchemists

I Need A Husband

I Need A Husband

"You said you want to marry me? Why? When?" he asked her impatiently.     

"You heard me right," Marie nodded. "I honestly need a husband, and I feel that you're the right person."     

Nicolae was used to being pursued and admired by women, but no one was as aggressive as Marie who asked him to marry her after two encounters. He felt really uncomfortable.     

"Marie, we've only met twice and I don't know you very well, so I don't know if you're serious or joking, but I don't consider things like marriage as a joke. Therefore, I hope you won't do it again." Nicolae spoke in a calm voice, but there was firmness in his words.     

Marie looked at Nicolae with wistful eyes. "I agree with you. Unfortunately, I don't have much choice. Will you come and pretend to be my husband for just two days? I'm begging you. I'll do whatever you ask me to. I'll even pay you. Just mention your price."     

Nicolae frowned. "I don't need money."     

"Yes, I can see that. Your appearance is that of a rich man's. But of course, there's something you want in this world. Whatever it is, I'll grant it." Marie is still insistent.     

"Don't make me laugh. Nobody in this world can grant all of another's wishes. What if the only thing I want in this world is something you can't give me?"     

"If I can't give you your first wish, you certainly have a second wish and then a third wish and so on... I'll try to repay your kindness. I'll grant whichever of your wishes I can fulfill."     

"You're still not being forthright with me. Why do you need a husband, and why do you need one for only two days?"     

"I... I wouldn't do this if I didn't have to. It's for my mother's sake." Marie's voice trembled. Even though her face still looked calm, Nicolae could feel an aura of sadness begin to envelop the girl.     

"What does your husband have anything to do with your mother?"     

Marie's face was now filled with sorrow. She took a deep breath and slowly told him what had happened.     

"My mother is seriously ill. She has been staying in the hospital for more than ten years with the help of various life-support machines. Sometimes, she would wake up and try to get better, but a short period after, she would be ill again and fall into another coma. She's in a lot of pain, and the various drugs that were given to her only made her more resistant to medications. Seeing her in that condition, it really broke my heart... "     

Nicolae was stunned to hear Marie's words. He didn't expect the girl to have such a serious problem. From her cheerful and indifferent appearance, no one would have thought that this girl had been struggling to take care of her mother for more than ten years.     

He could only guess that Marie's age was only in her early 20s at the moment. This means that she had been left to care for herself by her sick mother since she was in her early teens. At that time, she was practically a child!     

How unfortunate the fate of this girl was.     

"I'm sorry to hear about your mother's illness. What can I do for you?" Nicolae asked her. His voice had turned gentle.     

"After ten years, I realized that all this time, my mother had struggled to stay alive, even though it made her suffer a lot because she was worried about me. She repeatedly woke up from a coma because of her strong determination to look after me. She obviously wanted to make sure I was fine..." At this point, tears began to fall from Marie's pair of brown eyes as she tried hard to blink her eyes so that she wouldn't look like she was crying. "During this time, my mother refused to die because she really didn't want to leave me alone. Although she suffered greatly, she wasn't willing to leave me on my own."     

Nicolae began to understand the meaning of Marie's words. Nevertheless, he let the girl finish her story. Without words, he placed his handkerchief on the table, near her hand.     

Marie nodded slowly, thanked him, then wiped her tears with Nicolae's handkerchief.     

"My mother is old-fashioned. She doesn't believe that I, as a girl, will be able to take care of myself and be happy without a man. She is often sad, thinking that when she dies, I would have no one else in this world.     

If she thought I already have someone who can take care of me, someone who loves me as she does, then she'll be able to let go and rest in peace. You're a good man, and you can be trusted. I just need to take you to meet my mother twice. We just need to make my mother believe that we are married, so she can calm down and take her last breath in peace. I don't want to see her suffer anymore. I'm begging you...Please... please... I'll even kneel to you if I have to... "     

Nicolae was stunned to hear Marie's words. He didn't expect that was the reason why this girl behaved so aggressively toward him. How pitiful!     

But, again, Nicolae didn't know whether this girl was joking or being serious about what she said because after they had eaten at the restaurant, she pretended to be hurt by his words. Nicolae didn't know Marie enough to know whether the girl was tricking him or not.     

"I don't know what to do. How can I believe that your words are true, that your mother is indeed ill and that you're doing this for her?" he asked Marie. Nicolae was old enough not to be fooled by a woman's crocodile tears. He still must be careful.     

"Come with me to the hospital. I only need two days. After my mother is convinced and believed that we are married, she"ll be willing to let all of her life support machines be removed so that she'll be able to leave this world in peace. After that, I won't need you anymore."     

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