The Alchemists

I Want This **

I Want This **

He wrapped his hands around her waist and claimed her lips passionately. Since Marie initiated the kiss after she was sober, Nicolae no longer felt the need to hold back. He was not taking advantage of a drunk girl. He hated that. Since she had asked him twice, he finally decided to give her what she wanted.     

Marie was stunned when she realized how strong Nicolae's self-control was that the young man had not done anything indecent to her as they sleep in the same bed all night. The man was just hugging her, complying with Marie's own request.     

She was truly amazed at this man who married her in front of her mother two days ago. Deep inside, she couldn't deny her feelings for him. Secretly, she was hoping that they were married for real.     

The girl's pair of brown eyes glittered as she moved closer and approached Nicolae's face, then kissed his lips. Nicolae was shocked and had no idea that Marie would kiss him.     

However, the man did not refuse a kiss from the girl who had been driving him crazy all night long because he had to hold back his urge. His lips were quick to open and welcome hers. They devoured each other in hot kisses. As his hands moved eagerly under her shirt and felt her smooth skin and plump breasts, she was groping his chiseled chest and abs incessantly.     

Nicolae could not get a wink of sleep because his mind was raging with thoughts of how it would feel to taste the beautiful girl in his embrace. As a normal man, he had to struggle to control his primal desire when this delicate body that smelled like fresh citrus moved softly in his arms, and the owner's breath blew his ear like an intimate gesture of inviting him to explore her sexy body.     

While Marie was peacefully asleep, Nicolae cautiously hugged her waist over her stomach, mindful to avoid her soft plump breast. However, when Marie moved in her sleep and even turn her body so that her chest was pressed against Nicolae's bare chest, the man's head suddenly throbbed in agony.     

This was truly a huge inner battle for a normal man who hadn't touched a woman in a long time. Nicolae closed his eyes and tried to meditate to empty his mind, but to no avail. The front part of his pants began to feel tight, and his body temperature rose by a few degrees.     

How agonizing!     

He was determined to survive the ordeal until morning and immediately leave this place. He just needed to wait for Marie to wake up.     

However, when Marie woke up, the beautiful girl actually looked at him lovingly and even kissed his lips. At that moment, Nicolae felt how his entire body had been prepared all night to receive her outpouring of love. He couldn't hold back anymore and welcomed her kiss intimately.     

Nicolae realized that now Marie was sober and completely aware of what she wanted. This morning, the girl openly showed that she wanted him. Therefore, Nicolae made the decision to follow his animal instincts and vented his urge that he had been holding back all night long.     

His next actions were filled with lust as he turned Marie's body and pressed on her, then claimed her lips passionately. His tongue thrust through her half-open lips and explored the girl's mouth, searching for her tongue, twisting and sucking it eagerly.     

His lips moved down to her chin, neck, and nape as he kissed every inch of her exposed skin while his hands deftly unfastened the buttons on her shirt one by one. Marie enjoyed his kisses so much that she let out soft moans that put a smile on Nicolae's face. For some reason, hearing Marie moaning, instead of crying, two days after her mother's death, made Nicolae feel relieved.     

Maybe, Marie needed this type of consolation...     

And Nicolae was only happy to give it to her.     

He pulled Marie's shirt and took it off of her slowly. As the garment left her body, the man was fascinated by such a beautiful sight in front of him. Marie's slim body looked tiny from the outside, but now that her upper body was exposed with her modesty only covered only by a black lace bra, Nicolae could see that all of her curves were very beautiful and in perfect proportions. Her breasts were plump and were of the right size.     

Marie bit her lip and looked at Nicolae with eyes filled with lust. She pulled the fascinated man and showered him with kisses. This time, Marie acted rather aggressively by kissing Nicolae and groping his whole body.     

"I ... I will not regret anything ..." whispered the girl into Nicolae's ear. "I want this ..."     

Nicolae nodded and kissed Marie back. If the girl really wanted to make love to him ... then he will give her what they both wanted.     

He pulled Marie's hand to his pants and directed the girl to open his zipper while he unclasped her bra.     

They were such a good team and, in no time, managed to undress each other. Both looked so satisfied as they admired the beautiful body before them in full glory.     

Nicolae did not make a sound throughout their lovemaking, but from his expression that was filled with admiration and satisfaction, Marie knew the man was very fond of her body.      

Nicolae endlessly spoiled every inch of her skin with touches, kisses, and caress from his lips, tongue, and hands. Marie arched her back so many times when she got her orgasm from his stimulation on her breasts.     

When Nicolae positioned his manhood at her core and was ready to enter, the girl was already enjoying her third orgasm. Her eyes were closed, and her lips were slightly open. Nicolae's hands caressed the inside of her thighs. Then, after a long, high time, while he shook beneath every accelerating tremor of her body, he forced her beneath him, and he entered her.     

For a moment, he thought she was going to scream, she was so tight and caught her breath so sharply, and stiffened so. But her lips didn't even have time to let out a sound as Nicolae immediately kissed her passionately. The man thrust his manhood inside all the way in and then pumped repeatedly to relieve the little pain that Marie was experiencing.     

Sure enough, in less than two minutes, the wince in her face had turned into a silly smile when her lips opened slightly, and her eyes closed again because dopamine had filled her head.     

Marie bit her lower lip to hold back from screaming because the pleasure she felt as his manhood pumped her core was far more intense than what she felt when he pleasured her breasts.     

When Nicolae combined the two, pumping her core deeply in regular motion, while sucking and kneading her breasts alternately, the girl finally could no longer contain herself.     

She screamed at the top of her lungs while squirting love juice from her wet honeypot. She felt so full, so warm and so in love.     

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