The Alchemists

Lauriel & Luna

Lauriel & Luna

Tears welled up in the two brothers' eyes as they tried to hold it back. It went without saying that they already knew this girl was their mother, Princess Luna.     

Nicolae now understood why Alaric didn't like how he looked, his face looked too feminine. If Alaric stood next to Princess Luna, they would look like siblings. He was the spitting image of his mother, after all.     

Meanwhile, Alaric couldn't hold the tears in his eyes any longer. He tremendously loved this woman. He had dedicated almost a hundred years of his life trying to avenge his deceased mother.     

But now, seeing her standing close to him as if she was alive, the emotions Alaric buried deep in heart burst out. He reached out and muttered in a poignant voice, "Mother..."     

Alaric and Nicolae could only stare as their beautiful mother walked with elegance and head held high toward Lauriel's table and crew.     

"You're Boss Lauriel, aren't you?" asked Luna in a clear and firm voice, staring straight into Lauriel's eyes. The man was surprised because he didn't expect this girl would be that gorgeous and would know his name. He cleared his throat and nodded.     

Luna glanced at Petra before turning her gaze back to Lauriel. "You lost the bet on one treasure chest. As you can see, my face isn't deformed like it was kicked by a horse."     

Lauriel raised his eyebrows in surprise, as did Endo, Neo, Esso, and Petra. They didn't know how this girl found out about their bet. But before they could ask any questions, Luna turned around gracefully and walked away. She joined her mother in the middle of the hall and mingled with the other guests.     

The five men looked at each other trying to understand what had just happened.     

"Gosh, Boss Lauriel... I think Princess Luna likes you," Petra said. "I'm not going to ask for her hand in marriage anymore. It's clear that she's interested in you. However, you still owe me that treasure chest. I've won our bet."     

Lauriel watched Luna as she conversed with her mother, sister, and Portia, not even sparing him another glance. She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen, and she stood up against him without flinching.     

Lauriel's chest trembled as he stared at the girl who had shown him a mild and indifferent attitude but far from being arrogant like most noble daughters.     

"Boss, what do you think of Princess Luna?" Petra asked again. "She's beautiful..."     

Lauriel sipped his wine and shook his head. "You know my rules, Petra. No women on the ship. Women aren't capable of living on the ship. And I'm not going to stop my adventures and be tied down. You already know that."     

Back in the Holodeck, Lauriel lowered his head as he faintly smiled beside Alaric and Nicolae when he heard his own words in the past. He used to be full of confidence and thought he would never fall in love with a woman, no matter how beautiful she was. But as it turned out, he was wrong.     

The grand hall disintegrated and it became dark. The ambiance in the Holodeck became heavy as Alaric and Nicolae looked at their father in deep thought.     

"I-I can't share everything now. I-It's still too heavy," Lauriel murmured. "I'll show you just one more scene. Our... last moment together."     

The Holodeck lit up and reconstructed Lauriel's chosen memory. This time, he and Luna were sitting together drinking tea in a well-furnished room that looked typical of Thailand.     

Nicolae and Alaric remembered that Thailand was the only country in Southeast Asia that was neutral during World War II and was never colonized by western countries. Naturally, because of that, their parents chose to stay in Thailand when World War II was raging.     

Lauriel was pondering the contents of the letter he had read in his hand, while Luna sat on the window calmly watching the rain fall down from their roof.     

She was wearing a short dress and her hair was tied into a ponytail. Although her appearance was simple, she still looked like a fairy with the rain as her backdrop.     

Alaric smiled faintly at the knife his mother was carrying on her waist. Mother was really amazing. She was beautiful and bold. I guess that's one of the reasons why Father had loved her so much, Alaric thought.     

"Rory, how long have we been together?" Luna asked out of the blue as she watched the raindrops hit the glass window like they were beautiful flower petals.     

Lauriel looked up in surprise at the sudden question that came out of nowhere. And since he was a man, he couldn't remember how long they had been together. He could, however, remember the first time they had met, without hesitation. It was at her birthday party, more than a hundred years ago.     

"Hmmm... I don't know. You're smarter about numbers than me," Lauriel commented with a shrug and added, "One hundred years?"     

"This year, I'll be 320 years old," said Luna. She looked at Lauriel and continued, "I've visited almost every corner of the earth, and I'm satisfied with adventure. Right now, I want to go back to Europe and build a family. What do you think?"     

Lauriel was stunned to hear the question that was actually more of a statement. Luna just stated that she wanted to stop adventuring and return to Europe to settle down.     

Although she did ask for his opinion, she only wanted to hear if he would come with her or not. After all, Luna was a princess and a strong, independent woman. She wasn't the type to ask for someone's approval.     

She had never asked for something from Lauriel, and he knew that she wouldn't ask him to grant her wish—even as a lover—for she would achieve what she wanted by herself. And she had proven that throughout all the years they had spent together.     

Lauriel frowned. "Who would you like to build a family with if not with me?"     

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