The Alchemists

Jan's Plan

Jan's Plan

"This is good for Ms. L's popularity, so I guess she will just let this rumor spread," Jan commented. "Kitaro and Rainfall are the most famous artists in the world today. You could say that anyone who is rumored to be with him will become very famous."     

"Isn't L already very famous now? She doesn't need to ride on other people's coattail..." grumbles London.     

"Uhmm ... not yet. Miss L is quite famous now, but only in Europe. The journey is still a long way off if she wants to be known throughout the world."     

At first, London wanted Jan to stop all the gossip that linked L and Kitaro because he couldn't stand seeing them together in news.     

But if it is true that such gossips actually helped the girl's career .. he had no choice but to let it go. He must not be selfish and hinder L's career just because he was jealous.     

Besides, L didn't like Kitaro. At least that's what she once said. They were only close because their mothers were both Japanese.     

"All right, then. Forget it," London said, hanging up the phone.     

Jan could only grimace in his room. He knew his boss still loved Miss L. And come to think of it, actually, L also loved London Schneider ... but both of them were stubborn and kept their pride.     

Maybe L needed to feel jealous ... so she knew her own feelings, Jan thought. He was looking at the schedule for the gala dinner to open the medical conference next month, which London would use to meet Caroline Wendell.     

If L was invited to sing at the program ... and she saw London getting close with the beautiful Caroline, maybe she would be jealous, Jan thought.     

After contemplating for a long time, he finally called Pammy.     


When London arrived at L's house in Grunewald to pick up Lily, he found the girl sitting at the piano, pressing a few keys, and then writing the notes in a music book.     

"Hello," L said, looking up from the piano when she heard of London's arrival.     

"What are you doing?" the man asked as he walked toward L.     

"I'm writing a new song," the girl said, showing her music book.     

"I heard your first album sales are pretty good," London said.     

L nodded as he shrugged, "Well ... not bad for a singer who can't do a concert to promote her music."     

London understood what L meant. Because of her pregnancy, the girl had to postpone every concert to promote her album. At that time, she gave the excuse that she was sick and recovering in Switzerland. She could only make various promotional efforts through online streaming media. While in reality, she was hiding her pregnancy and later giving birth to Lily.     

Now it was too late for her to tour for her first album. All she could do was immediately make a second album and hold a concert to promote it as well as the first one.     

"I'll be very busy next month," L told London. "My producer aims to release this album before the new year."     

"Oh, is that so?"     

"That's right. So I would like to apologize in advance because I will trouble you with Lily more than usual," voiced L. "I have to work hard in the studio to finish my album."     

London just nodded at L's request. "No problem. I can work from home so I can be with Lily. If I need to go, I can also take her to the office."     

L was very surprised to hear his words.     

"It's not like that ... I mean, I know you can't possibly bring a baby to the office. What I'm asking is ... maybe you can ask your mother or your assistants to take care of Lily ..."     

London shook his head at that.     

"Of course not. Why should I ask my mother or assistants to take care of my own child? My mother is in Romania and she is quite busy. It is not her responsibility to take care of other people's children."     

"That's not what I meant. We also have two staff in this house, don't we? Why not ask them to help you?"     

"They are not family," London said firmly. "You don't know how my family is cautious when it comes to our children. I can work from home and look after Lily while you're busy in the studio. You just make sure there's always breast milk available for Lily."     

Finally, L nodded. She would have preferred that Lily be taken care of by her own father, but if London had not offered, she would not have asked the man.     

"Have you eaten?" she asked London.     

The man shook his head. "Not yet ... no."     

"Do you want to have dinner here?" L asked with a hopeful face.     

London shrugged and asked back. "What do you have?"     

"Uhm ... I just learned to cook something new. I'm not sure about the taste ... but just try it."     


London was a polite man who would not decline a meal invitation from a girl who had made efforts to cook for him.     

L nodded and walked into the kitchen to warm up the dishes she had made in the microwave, while London went into the bedroom and took Lily from the staff who was playing with his baby.     

He thanked her and asked the staff to return to her own pavilion. He carried Lily lovingly and brought her to the kitchen to meet L. The girl was setting up their dining table with some decent-looking dishes.     

Inwardly London praised L's cooking efforts this time. He then placed Lily in the basket next to his seat while he sat to enjoy the dishes that L had prepared. They then ate quietly.     

Today, L's mood L seemed really good. She tried to talk with London about trivial things so that their dinner didn't feel awkward.     

"How was your work today? What makes you busy?" she asked while cutting her meat on her plate.     

London just shrugged, "Nothing out of the ordinary. Just the usual stuff."     

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.