The Alchemists

Jan's Advice

Jan's Advice

Based on Jan's observations, both the man and the woman were not normal, and that was what makes them perfect for each other.      

However, come to think of it, this was actually the first time Jan saw firsthand how London felt that L had exhausted his patience. But as a good assistant, Jan couldn't say anything while his boss poured his heart out. Jan could only listen and occasionally affirm his words.     

"That's right, Sir. Normal women would do that," Jan replied, still maintaining his calm and respectful manner.     

"Then why didn't she ask for my help to get rid of Danny Swann and call his bluff? I would easily help her, but no.. she never asks me for anything. Not once did she ever ask for my help. L instead seemed offended because I helped her career and getting the house in Grunewald for her.     

She felt offended because I secretly did many things behind her back TO HELP HER. She was sad to know that she didn't get her career with her own effort but because I intervened. Why couldn't she just appreciate everything I have done for her? It's not hard to do. All she has to say is thank you.     

Why does she always have to protest this and that? Why should she always try to show me that she can handle everything on her own? Why doesn't she ever ask for my help ?? I'm so annoyed.     

She thought she could solve her problems by accepting Danny Swann's proposal... that jerk. And how dare she thinks that she could return to me after marrying another man and I will be okay with it??? Who does she think she is???"     

London kept whining and complaining at the end of the phone and Jan could only listen. As an outsider who observed the couple up close, he could feel that both London and L actually loved each other, but one was too proud, while the other was too impulsive.     

Jan could only take a deep breath and massage his temple.     

After London was tired complaining, he finally asked Jan's opinion.     

"What do you think?" he asked him.     

Jan, who almost fell asleep on the other end of the phone, because London was complaining for nearly an hour, suddenly woke up. He didn't remember anything his boss was blabbering about during the past hour, but he guessed it was definitely related to L.     

Fortunately, Jan was a very smart guy, and he knew London very well. He could easily deduce the ends of London's words and provide his opinion.     

"Hm ... I guess, you should check your own feelings for Miss L. Are you really in love with her or are you just infatuated because she was the first woman you've ever slept with," Jan replied carelessly. "I understand why Miss L is acting that way, she is still very young, next month she will celebrate her 20th birthday, but Sir ... for regular people standard you are not that young.     

Well, maybe for the Alchemist standards, you are still considered a child, but you are three years older than me, and I have had dated so many women in the past. In fact ... Do you remember Diana from Finance? I almost got engaged to her ..."     

"Diana? Which one?" asked London in surprise. He remembered that Jan had girlfriends before, but he didn't know Jan ever dated anyone so seriously that he almost got engaged. He just realized that he had kept Jan so busy that his assistant almost didn't have a social life.     

"Diana Klum. We almost got engaged and were about to get married, but then she went on a vacation to Boracay alone and met a sexy brown man there. She said that was when she realized she didn't want to be with a man who was so pale that people always thinks he is ill. That is me, Sir."     

Jan's sigh made London sympathize. Jan, who was as pale as snow, did spend too much time indoors, working for him. Inwardly, London felt guilty because he was such a troublesome boss for Jan that this assistant of his could not even go on a vacation with his girlfriend.     

"Uhmm ... do you need a vacation, Jan?" London asked him with a low voice.      

"Whoaa.. I would love that, Sir." Jan's voice was excited. "It's been a long time since I took a vacation. I really want to sunbathe on the beach. All this time I've only been on vacation by sharing some traveler's space on their Virconnect 4D channels."     

Jan's words really made London feel even more guilty, that for a moment he forgot his own frustration. He could imagine how hard life had been for his capable assistant, ever since London and L got entangled with each other.     

"Uhm .. okay. You can take a week off starting next week. But make sure all matters related to the conference are handled properly," London finally decided.     

"Thank you very much, Sir. I'll deal with it. You can count on me."     

"Hmm .. okay." London frowned. "Then what should I do about L? She's really testing my patience."     

"Ahem ..." Jan cleared his throat and tried to choose his words so as not to offend his boss. "I already said earlier that you and Miss L are still very green when it comes to romance. You just happened to sleep together because of Stephan's evil deeds and are now forced to mature quickly because you have a child together."     

"So?" asked London, not understanding.     

"Ahem .. I was about to say that you may harbor such strong feelings for Miss L because she is the first woman you have ever had sex with, and then you became obsessed with her. If only you open your horizons and give other women a chance to enter your life, you might not act like a fool in love."     

"What are you saying??" London was initially offended by Jan's words, but inwardly he confirmed Jan's words. "Do you think I should sleep with another woman?"     

"Uhmm ... that's not it. I mean, you must try to open up and date other women. You can meet people, get to know each other ... and well, if the chemistry is there, who knows what will happen next. But clearly, the more you have female friends in your life, you will be able to better understand women's hearts."     

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