The Alchemists

Not Normal And Sane

Not Normal And Sane

In the past, although L often angered London because of her irritating behavior and short temper, London had never once been mean to her. However, this time London's patience was completely exhausted.     

He felt that L had gone too far and did not think about his feelings. Especially now, the girl did not understand that London's question was only rhetorical that did not require an answer from her.     

L repeated her words in a dubious voice. "I said, after I've divorced Danny Swann in a year, we can get married for real... if you still want it."     

London just snorted in annoyance.     

"Who do you think I am to take another man's used goods?" he retorted.     

His words were hurtful and he immediately regretted them as soon as the words came out. However, it was too late. L looked shocked and she was staring at him with a pair of eyes glared with heartache.     

"I'm sorry," London said hurriedly, but L had risen from the dining chair and left with long steps to her bedroom. The girl slammed the door and locked it. London just stood rooted in his place.     

He did not know why he had been so angry that he could not control his words. He did not mean to say such hurtful things but his mood was very bad and he was really disappointed because, again, L chose someone else than him.     

Before, L chose her career over London and Lily, now she chose to marry an evil man who only cared about money, than him and Lily.     

"When will you wake up, L? I am the only good man for you ... but why are you treating me like this?" London murmured to himself. He felt so hurt.     

He took Lily, who was now crying and carried her in his arms. The baby was startled by the sound of the door slammed. The man tried to knock on L's door and tried to make the girl open the door for him and Lily so they could talk.     

"I'm sorry. Really, I didn't mean to say it like that ... I was just annoyed earlier. I'm a normal man who can feel upset and just now I said the words I didn't mean ..." said London repeatedly. "Please forgive me..."     

He could hear sobbing from inside the room and it made his chest feel tight. His relationship with L so far was full of problems and arguments. Maybe that's how it was if the two people involved were still very young and immature.     

They were indeed too young for love. It was unfortunate that they were forced to behave like mature adults because they had a child together when, in reality, they were still immature.      

This was understandable because London had never had a girlfriend before, while L herself, not only did she never have any boyfriend, she was also very young in age. London remembered that L would only turn 20 next month.     

"Aah ... you stupid idiot stupid ..." London cussed repeatedly. As a much older man, he should have been able to act more maturely and understanding. L was basically a teenager compared to him, a man in his late 20s.     

Or, maybe he should have just told L that the real reason why Danny Swann insisted on not wanting to break off the engagement with her was that he didn't want to lose half of his inheritance.     

Unfortunately, L's decision to accept Danny's contract marriage proposal really made London's mood worse.     

After he stood like a fool before her door for five minutes, finally, London decided to leave L alone and brought Lily to his home. Before leaving, he remembered to take breastmilk supply from the refrigerator so his baby wouldn't starve.     


London was forced to stay awake all night because Lily wasn't used to sleeping without hearing a sweet lullaby from her mother. Somehow the cute baby, who had never been fussy, seemed to realize that her mother was not with her in the room, only her father.     

With great difficulty, London tried to coax his child in various ways so that Lily would stop crying. When the little baby finally stopped whining and fell asleep because she was tired, London could only sigh in relief.     

He could finally smile, seeing Lily sleeping with pursed lips. She looked just like her mother with this expression.     

"This little girl is really adorable," London murmured in adoration.     

Lily was now more than 3 months old, but her body was still tiny and frail because she was still developing to catch up with her growth, being born as a micro-premature baby. Maybe in the next few months, she would be able to look like a healthy normal baby.     

However, despite being small and frail, Lily was an expressive baby. During this time, she was always calm and never fussy, even rarely crying because all her needs were met. However, when one of her needs suddenly disappeared, namely her mother, Lily did not hesitate to show her protest.     

When London brought Lily to Romania over the weekend, L was always present through Virconnect 4D to lull Lily with her melodious voice, but tonight the baby could only hear the sound of her father's bariton voice trying to sing lullabies to her. Lily didn't like it since her father had absolutely no talent in singing.     

After making sure that Lily really slept because she was tired, London contacted Jan and told him what was happening.     

While listening to his boss, Jan could only nod patiently. He could guess that something terrible must have happened for his boss to call him at this hour. Even though London sometimes asked him to do things that made no sense, he rarely made Jan work outside of work hours, unless it was really important.     

So, when Jan heard how depressed London sounded, he could guess his boss must have had another argument with L. He could only roll his eyes and sigh silently. Somehow this couple always managed to hurt each other and get on their nerves over and over again, he thought, even though they clearly loved each other.     

London then told Jan about L's words and about her plans to accept Danny Swan's contract marriage proposal so he would stop bothering her.     

"Just think, any other NORMAL and SANE person would ask me to get rid of that jerk Swann guy so he would stop bothering her. But no... She was determined to take care of it herself. I don't know how I could fall in love with an abnormal woman who always makes me angry ..." London cussed many times.     

Jan actually wanted to correct London's words, because based on his observations, even though L had always managed to miraculously make any normal and sane men angry, so far London had never really been able to get angry at the girl.     

It looked like London Schneider was also not a normal and sane man himself. He had become such a foolish man who kept ignoring L's flaws.     

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