The Alchemists

100 Percent Sober **

100 Percent Sober **

They kissed tenderly and longingly. Finally, London became convinced that all this time L had actually loved him. That girl just couldn't express her feelings well. She was not like him, who had his way around with words.     

Now, after he heard L's heart poured out with tears and he understood how L had so many fears about their relationship, he was very relieved. Her fears were all reasonable too. He could now really see her point of view and what made her do what she did.     

He cupped L's face with both hands as his kissed L's lips passionately, while L's arms hug his waist. Her eyes were closed, enjoying the outpouring of love from men who often angered her, but in fact, she really loved.     

Their kiss became filled with lust as they continued making out. Both London and L had not gotten intimate for quite a while because of the separation two weeks ago, due to London canceling their wedding plans. Since then, they have acted almost like strangers toward each other, and only now the thick wall separating the two had finally crumbled.     

As it was with most couples, their feelings become so strong after experiencing a big fight. The love in their heart seemed to burn stronger after they had overcome a problem together, and this was what London and L now felt.     

The kiss became more intense and hot, as their heart beat faster and in rhythm. London's hands that had been cupping L's face had moved down and caressed her beautiful hair, her soft neck, rubbed her smooth shoulders, and descended down to her back, then glided to her flat stomach ... slowly went up to her chest.     

L couldn't help let out a soft moan when London's hand slipped under her clothes and squeezed her soft, large breasts. The man was burning with desire when he heard L's sexy moan in his ears.     

"L ..." he whispered between his kisses, as he moved his lips from L's lips to her ear .. then continued down to her neck .. continued down to her shoulder ... "You won't change your mind, will you? You will really marry me .. ?"     

L nodded shyly. She opened her eyes and stared at London, who had already tilted his head down and nibbled on her earlobe greedily.     

The man looked bothered by their apparent height difference, which made him have to bend lower to reach the other parts of L's body with his kiss. Finally, he decided to carry L and bring her to bed.     

They instinctively glanced at Lily's cot to see if their child saw what her parents were doing.     

Ahh .. fortunately. Lily was fast asleep with her mouth open and hands clenched. This beautiful baby looked so cute in her sleep.     

London and L both breathed a sigh of relief. A second later, London had put L's body on the bed and inched up onto her.     

"L ..." he whispered in a husky voice.     

"Hmmm ..." L looked at him with a pair of eyes that were starting to glaze. Both of them were already filled with desire. This was the first time they were making out, feeling 100 percent sober.     

"I love you ..." London said his last sentence and kissed L again, continuing his actions earlier. His hands mischievously slipped under L's clothes and expertly explored her body. Then when he got back to L's soft twin peaks, he kneaded them with full appreciation.     

Ah ... he had almost forgotten how nice it felt to touch and knead her beautiful plump breasts. Meanwhile, his lips still attacked every inch of L's skin with hot kisses and left fine hickeys on some parts.     

L did not reject his actions at all. She welcomed each kiss, touch, bite, and suck on her skin with incessant moans. She reflexively slipped her hands under his London shirt to feel his broad chest and hard stomach.     

This man was used to working out regularly before he left for the office, and the result was a strong chiseled physique with proportional muscles. He looked beautiful in the girl's eyes.     

"Hmm ... do you want to help me take it off ...?" asked London in a teasing voice.     

L looked shy when she heard his question. The girl did not answer, but her hands slowly began to unfasten the buttons on his shirt one by one. Her slowness made London extremely impatient and felt almost insane.     

He felt like he just wanted to rip apart his shirt immediately so that they would soon be naked and can make love quickly, but he held back as hard as he could, and let L do what she wanted to do ... even though she was as slow as a snail due to her being inexperienced.     

Ughhh... London could only groan almost in despair when finally the last button on his shirt was unfastened and he immediately spread his arms so that L could pull his shirt off. After his upper body was stripped of his clothes, it was London's turn to pull off L's clothes and then unclasp her bra. Everything happened so fast!     

L's beautiful perky breasts were immediately displayed before his eyes and invited London to enjoy the dish like someone who had been starving for days. He kissed her left breast and sucked her nipple eagerly, while kneaded her right breast.     

L was sent to seventh heaven quickly and let out a muffled cry when she felt her first orgasm. London soon switched his mouth to her right breast and kneaded her left breast. He kept doing it alternately without stopping for a while.     

L and London had made love twice, but on both occasions, they were always not sober, so they could not fully enjoy the pleasure from what they were doing. On their first time, both of them were under the influence of aphrodisiac given by Stephan. And on the second occasion, L was under the influence of sleeping pills and London was drunk because he drank too much alcohol.     

Both London and L finally could experience how it was to make love wholeheartedly on the third one. Every kiss and caress, and each stimulation at their sensitive parts now brought a sense of pleasure that they never experienced before.     

L almost screamed in pleasure when London's lips and hands alternately kissed, sucked, and kneaded her breasts giving her orgasm for the second time. Seeing L about to scream, London hurriedly kissed her lips and silenced the girl so that she wouldn't wake up Lily who was fast asleep.     

He was very pleased to see L got so much pleasure through his hard work. Grinning faintly, he pulled L's hand and placed them in front of his pants, giving a signal to L to strip him from his pants ... so they could have sex.     

L was smart immediately understood what she had to do. She unbuckled his belt and removed the man's pants from his body, this time not as slow as she stripped him from his shirt. She was a quick learner, after all. Shortly afterward, London had also pulled down the skirt and underwear that L was wearing. Now, they both could admire each other's body in full glory.     

"Oh ... L ... you're so sexy and beautiful ..." London whispered in a tone of admiration. For a moment, he was glued to his place, seeing L's extremely alluring body. He had never seen L naked while he was in 100 percent sober like this.     

His hand slowly traced the girl's skin that felt so smooth like silk.     

He caressed L's body, starting from her cheeks, then down to her neck, down again to her breasts ... to her stomach ... then stopped in her wet honeypot.     

Her petals looked small and pink like a cute little rose, ready to be picked.     

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