The Alchemists

L's Decision

L's Decision

"L ... please don't make hasty decisions ..." London said in a firm voice. He was fed up with all the misunderstandings between them and wanted to do anything to keep L by his side.     

He knew this time he was guilty, and he was willing to make up for it in any way.     

"I'm so tired of all this ..." L sat sluggishly on the floor. Her eyes were red and wet with tears. Her vision began to blur. "I just want to live quietly, but ever since I met you ... somehow, I have always become unlucky."     

London knew that she meant was the events at Stephan's party ... which was the beginning of how their lives became intertwined like today.     

"If you're tired ... you just rest, okay. Let's talk later." London stooped in front of L and touched her knees very gently, barely touching her skin. "Please, forgive me."     

When London was about to get up and leave L so the girl could calm down, L suddenly spoke.     

"Jan is right."     

London was stunned to hear L's words, "Eh ...? What do you mean by Jan is right?"     

"Jan was right when he said that you need to meet other women and date them, so that you won't have any regret if someday you decided to be with me."     

L's words were uttered in a flat tone, there was no hint of anger in them, but somehow they managed to make London shudder.     

"Wait ... wait, you want me to date other women? Do you want to leave me ...?" The man's voice choked. "I don't want to do it. I'm not willing to be punished for the mistakes that I haven't actually committed. I don't want you to leave me. Last night we already made up ... and we've finally talked from heart to heart, and we now understand each other ... Our communication has also improved ..."     

"London Killian Schneider, listen to me ..." L interrupted him, this time calling London by his full name, reminded the man of his mother, Finland, whenever she was angry at him.     

"Don't call me by my full name like that ... usually my mother calls me with my full name because she's angry ..." London involuntarily scowled and whined. He was not comfortable with L following his mother's actions.     

"I AM ANGRY, dammit," snapped the girl, not caring about London's request. "You always piss me off, and today too ... I don't know if I can stand being married to you and get mad every day. You're lucky I didn't get a heart attack because of your antics this morning... You jerk!"     

London went silent. He knew L was right. Oohh.. he actually couldn't wait to ask L to drink the immortality potion from Uncle Aldebar so that the girl would soon become an immortal like him. He wanted to see L healthy.     

"All right ... you may call me by my full name if you are really angry ..." London finally relented.     

Actually, he was a bit relieved because L had stopped crying. Now, she wanted to talk to him instead. This was really good progress. Maybe their conversation last night about improving their communication had shown results.     

"I have decided that I cannot marry you. I cannot trust you anymore." Before London could interrupt her, L had raised her hand and stopped the young man.      

"I think Jan is right when he said that you and I both need to meet other people to get to know different types of people, and understand what we are looking for in our partner. I don't want you to miss the opportunity to meet other women who are prettier, smarter than me, and even have a better voice than me ...     

From the beginning, I had told you that what happened between us was a horrible incident and that we are both victims. I never asked you to take responsibility for me."     

"I want to marry you not just because I want to be responsible, L ... but I really love you ..." London said quickly.     

"What do you know about love? You have never had a girlfriend before ..." L interrupted him again. "I'm not sure you even understand what love is. The proof is that you can easily find my replacement even though we were only separated for two weeks ..."     

"That was a stupid mistake ..." said London. "I won't do it. I won't date any other women."     

L shook her head impatiently. "I actually think the opposite. You must meet these extraordinary women and check your heart. Who knows, you might actually find someone better than me and forget about me. We will never know if you never try."     

London was very confused by L's words. Wasn't L furious when she learned that Jan was setting him up for a date with three different women? Why was she now telling London to meet them?     

Was this a trap?     

This must be a trap! he concluded.     

Women were hard to guess. It's impossible to know what they wanted. They could say A, but they actually meant B.     

London didn't want to get into the trap.     

"I don't want to date them," he said firmly. "I just want you."     

L pressed London's chest with her right hand and looked at him intently.     

"Go see those other women ... You have to meet all three. I don't want you to lose your chance of meeting a woman who is better than me."     

"There's no one better than you."     

"You can't compare if you don't see other people, so your opinion cannot be accepted."     

"Why are you forcing me to date other women? Didn't you get angry when you found out Jan arranged my date with them?"     

"I was furious, yes, but after thinking about it, I realized Jan is right. You do have to meet other women to understand your own heart and know what you really want. If, after meeting these other women, you feel that there is no one better than me ... we can talk again."     

L's voice sounded bitter, but her tone was very calm. Her calmness actually made London even more horrified. He didn't know what L was really thinking.     

"Do you promise to sit down with me and talk about our relationship after I meet them?" London asked, finally. "That's the only way I will go see them."     

L nodded. "We can meet again and talk about everything. If, after dating those other women, you realize that I'm actually not the right woman for you, it would be better if we end everything in the right way and be mature about it..."     

At that time, London really wanted to kiss L.     

Somehow, the girl looked so mature today. Is this because they already talked openly last night?     

"So, if I can meet all three of them today, by tonight, we can already meet again and talk about our relationship?" London asked hopefully.     

"Don't be a jerk, please. Do you think women are toys or inanimate objects that have no heart? You can't do that to them ..." L grumbled at London's words just now. "Give me a month to think. You can meet as many women as possible over the next month, not just the three women Jan has chosen for you. The more is better. That way ... you will be able to meet many types of people and find out what kind of woman excites your heart, makes you attracted and fall in love ..."     

Ugh ... one month? That's a freaking long time, thought London worriedly.     

"Why does it have to be so long?" he asked softly.     

"Because you can easily change your mind after just two weeks!" said L furiously. "I don't want to think hastily ... I think one month is a long enough time to think things through. You can also meet other women and see your options..."     

"Uhm ... you told me to meet other women for a month ... then ..." London gulped before continuing his question. "Are ... you going to meet other men too?"     

L glared at London with resentment. "That's none of your business. Do you think I'm the same as you who can easily hop on to new people to date? Jeez...!"     

London was very relieved to hear that.     

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