The Alchemists

The Negative News

The Negative News

Inwardly, London was touched because L really brought Lily to her place of work. L really changed, he thought.     

He became even more in love with her and kept scolding himself because his stupidity had caused their wedding to be delayed again. If only two weeks ago he had not canceled their wedding plans, they would have been officially married this weekend.     

Now he had to wait a month to propose to L again so she would want to marry him. He hoped that it would really be his final and last proposal. He didn't think he could bear another rejection.     

Ah ... and not only that, but he also must date at least those three ladies that Jan had found for him, to prove to L that he didn't want anyone else but her. Ugh ...     

He opened one of the folders containing Sarah Bell's pictures and information. Sarah would be his date this afternoon. The girl was gorgeous, and London would lie if he said otherwise.     

He saw many photos of Sarah taken from her journey around the world. There was a picture of her swimming with killer whales in the Pacific, venturing in the African wilderness, shopping in Shibuya-Tokyo, snowboarding in the Alps ...     

This girl looked very impressive. London actually found it quite odd that such an attractive girl was still single. He couldn't find any information about Sarah's shortcomings in that folder. Did a perfect woman like this really exist?     

Time seemed to move super slowly like a snail when we are waiting for something, and that's also how London felt that day. After lunch, he checked L's whereabouts with Dave. He did some work, got in touch with Dave again to check on L, and coordinated with Jan; check on L's news again to Dave, and had his afternoon tea ... and finally, came the time London had been waiting all day.     

The blind date with Sarah Bell!     

London could not wait to show L that his first date was not pleasant, and he only wanted to go back to her. At 5 pm, he returned to the penthouse to shower, change clothes, and get ready.     

The Moon Restaurant was located in the building next to the St. Laurent Hotel, so he only needed to leave 15 minutes before the appointment. This was a romantic restaurant located in a historic water tower that had been revamped into a museum, restaurant, café, and a nightclub at the top of the tower.     

Moon Restaurant was a unique restaurant that could rotate 360 ​​degrees in 60 minutes. So, in one sitting of romantic dinner that usually lasted for two hours, guests could enjoy city view below for 360 degrees twice through its glass wall. The most interesting sight was the river that ran nearby where onlookers could see many ships pass, besides, of course, the beautiful buildings around the tower.     

Jan deliberately arranged his boss's date to take place there. He did not want London to meet Sarah in the Blue Sky Restaurant in the St. Laurent Hotel Building because London had brought L there several times.     

The staff had started to recognize L as the future Mrs. Schneider. The last time London proposed to L, he also did it there. Now it would undoubtedly create awkwardness among the staff if they saw their big boss bring another woman to the restaurant.     

"Hmm ... well, it's about time," London thought as he looked at the clock that showed it was already 5:45 pm. He was wearing the clothes Jan had prepared for this special occasion, not his usual attire. This time, he wore high-end branded clothing but not the limited edition, like what he was used to wearing.     

The profile prepared by Jan mentioned that London worked as a senior photographer for a lifestyle magazine, so it would be easy for him to get good clothes, but not limited edition ones. He also took off his watch and wore a regular watch worth only a few thousand dollars.     

Overall, he looked like a young executive who was well established, but not super-wealthy. With flowers in hand, he descended from the penthouse to the lobby and walked to the Moon Tower a few dozen meters from the St. Laurent Hotel building.     

He arrived at Moon Restaurant five minutes before six. The restaurant staff who had received his reservation immediately ushered him to the table booked by Jan. Sparkling water and bread were immediately served on the table while he waited for Sarah's arrival.     

Ah, he suddenly realized that he was too rushing that he had forgotten to ask Dave about L. For some reason, London's mind had been troubled all day, thinking about his situation with L. He really did not expect L would bring Lily to work, after yesterday she contacted the editor from Luxe magazine to admit that she already had a baby.     

Uh, wait a minute ...     

Yesterday, they didn't get to cancel her statement, right? After the incident with L's cellphone, they finally made up... and eventually slept together. They completely forgot about Masawe Richards.     

Had Luxe published L's statement in their media? How did the people respond to it??     

London completely forgot to check today's entertainment news about L. He was too restless, thinking about this damnable date.     

Since Sarah hadn't shown up, London quickly opened his new phone and searched for news about L on the internet.     


Oh no...     

He could only press his mouth in shock while his right hand kept scrolling the screen to read news after news. They all sounded NEGATIVE!     

The talented young singer is involved in an affair!     

The young singer who was the role model of many teenagers hides a dark secret.     

L admitted to giving birth secretly.     

Behind the angelic voice. The singer that always looks pure and naive turns out to hide a dark secret.     

The idol's fall from grace!     

A singer must pay the price to become famous: sleeping with influential people in the entertainment industry.     

The most recent affair in the entertainment industry     

London could only shake his head. Jeez ... L was right when she said people in the entertainment industry could be cutthroat and would do anything to bring down others. The various headlines London read, really shocked him.     

It was not only the media that judged L of all sorts, but also the public. Brilliant Mind Media only confirmed one piece of information from Luxe that L admitted that she was pregnant and gave birth to a baby in summer.     

The media also interviewed people who had nothing to do with L and asked for their opinions. Ordinary people who didn't know anything also judged and called L with bad words like 'slut' or 'famewhore' and such, and said she was not a good role model for her fans.     

Almost all of them thought L had an affair with one of the producers or bigwigs in the entertainment industry to boost her career.     

"Gosh, L ..." murmured London, feeling immense guilt. He did not want L's career to suffer because of this negative news. He just wanted L to no longer hide their relationship and not to hide Lily. He only wanted men like Kitaro who were pursuing L to realize that L already belonged to someone else, and they would retreat.     

But yesterday, because they were fighting, L snapped and told Luxe magazine about her pregnancy. She also told them that she already gave birth to her baby, even though everyone knew that L was not married and was still so young.     

With hands trembled with anger, London hurriedly called Jan.     

"Jan ... have you read today's news? Why didn't you tell me about it??? Take down all negative news about L, right this instant!"     

He almost slammed his cellphone on the table, when suddenly his eyes fell on a girl who was already standing in front of him.     




Hi guys.. I finally made the video to Webnovel and Tiktok challenge. If you have TikTok account, would be so kind as show support for the video I made for this novel? The pictures are CUTE and chibi.. Go check it in my TikTok profile @missrealitybites     

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