The Alchemists

With Pammy In London

With Pammy In London

[I'm glad you like it. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me for it.]     

Smiling, London sent a reply to L. He was very pleased with L's change of attitude lately. After they talked openly two days ago, L really seemed to act more maturely.     

He really hoped that in one month, when they met again and discussed their relationship, L would still be mature like this. London finally refrained from asking further because he wanted to give her privacy and time to be alone.     

As long as L stayed in the suite that he provided, and her safety was ensured by Dave, then London would feel content.     

[Thank you.] Reply from L came and made the man smile again.     

[Have a good rest.] He sent his reply.     

London then put down his cellphone and went back to work. Ten minutes later, he could hear another incoming SMS. Thinking that L was sending him another message, London happily picked up his cellphone.     

His expression immediately turned sour when he saw that the sender's name was Jan Van Der Ven.     

[John Wendell will be happy to come to the Rockstar lounge at the St. Laurent tonight at 8 pm.]     

London just snorted, then put his cellphone back on the desk and continued his work.     


L was awakened by the sound of Lily's crying. She hurriedly opened her eyes and got up to carry her baby.     

"Ssshhh ... are you awake, Honey?" L nursed Lily lovingly. She sat in a large lounge chair by the window that gave her the view from the streets of central London. It was raining heavily outside. Apparently, she slept so soundly that she didn't realize that it had been raining for a while.     

L looked out while pensive. At times like this, she felt truly alone. The weather outside the window that looked dark made her feelings turn gloomy. She did not want to open the internet because she found so many people condemning her online and gossiping about her personal life.     

She did not expect her statement to Masawe Richards about her pregnancy had spread like wildfire and had such an enormous impact.     

Luxe Magazine had removed the article a few hours later, but like snowballs, various entertainment websites had picked it up and even added some old rumors that had long been buried. They all now had returned to the surface.     

L suddenly became a laughingstock, and many people blamed her for rumors that didn't even have any truth in them. L even was considered no longer deserved to be the Virconnect ambassador.     

"Let them be, L. There's no such thing as bad publicity," Pammy said, comforting her as they spoke yesterday. "After a few years, the public will forget things like this. The important thing is you don't stop working."     

That is why L did not want to stay idle in London while clearing her business with Danny Swann. She still wrote her music and practiced her singing when she was not taking care of Lily. She had also asked Pammy to come with her to London so she could continue working.     

At 6 pm, the landline in the living room rang, and the receptionist informed her that Pammy had arrived in the lobby.     

"Please bring my manager here, okay. Thank you."     

L's mood, which had been gloomy, now turned brighter. She put Lily, who was asleep, on the crib provided by the hotel and hurried to greet Pammy.     

Ten minutes later, the door was knocked, and when L opened it, she saw her manager standing in front of the door, carrying a small suitcase.e     

"Ahh .. thank you for coming, Pammy. I'm very lonely here," L hugged Pammy and invited her inside.     

Pammy's eyes widened when she saw how luxurious L's suite in London. She walked around each room to admire the suite before then returning to L.     

"This place is great..." she whispered in a tone of disbelief. "Let's just spend our holiday in London for a month. I don't mind accompanying you here ..." Pammy said excitedly. "You can work here, right? We don't have any invitation to perform anywhere until next month."     

"Ah ... please don't embarrass me, Pammy. People will think I'm a country bumpkin who has never stayed in a luxury hotel," L said with a chuckle.     

"Uhm ... as I recall when I booked a room for you in this hotel, the room available was a standard deluxe room. Why did it turn into a suite this big?" Pammy asked in surprise. She then looked at L with a questioning look. "Did... they upgrade you?"     

L just nodded. "That's right. He contacted the hotel to take care of me while I am staying here. Next thing I know, they gave me this wonderful upgrade."     

"Ah ... how nice of him." Pammy's face beamed. "Hopefully, this means you both will really reconcile."     

"I think he did this for Lily, not for me." L only shrugged at Pammy's optimism. "By the way, have you had dinner?"     

"Not yet. How could I? I came here directly from the airport. Do you want to order food to eat in the room?"     

"Yes, I want to order food."     

L took the phone on the wall and ordered room service to prepare dinner for them.     

"Hallo, good evening. Thank you for your call. What can we do for you?"     

"We want to order in-room dining for two."     

"Yes, Miss. We will send a chef to your suite," the staff replied kindly.     

"Eh .. what? Chef?"     

L and Pammy exchanged glances. The hotel was sending a private chef to cook their dinner?     

Wow ... this really is an unexpected surprise.     

After L hung up, she looked at Pammy, whose eyes were wide open.     

"Why didn't you just accept his proposal at that time?" Pammy asked suddenly. "You always want to marry a super-wealthy person, don't you? Why is it, now that when you've found the person, you don't even want to marry him? I don't understand..."     

L only let out a short sigh, not willing to answer. She had explained to London all the reasons behind her attitude, and she was not willing to repeat it just to satisfy Pammy's curiosity.     

The chef who was instructed to take care of their dinner arrived ten minutes later with two sous chefs. They asked about the dishes L and Pammy liked, then immediately started working. Soon, the smell of delicious cooking had wafted in the air.     

The two girls were astonished when the chef finished preparing their dinner and left, replaced by two personal servants who made the table and cleared their dinner after they finished eating.     

They both thought in unison, how nice it was to live like wealthy people.     

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