The Alchemists

Had L Changed?

Had L Changed?


The suite doorbell suddenly rang. L hurriedly wiped her tears with the scarf around her neck and smoothed her clothes so that she didn't look like she was crying. She then opened the door and invited the hotel staff who came to deliver her bags inside.     

"Thank you." She nodded kindly and gave them a tip before closing the door again.     

After arranging her and Lily's belongings in the master bedroom, L decided to lie in bed with her baby to calm down. For the past two days, her mind was full, and she felt very tired, mentally and physically.     

Two days ago, she thought finally her relationship with London had progressed after they had talked from heart to heart and acknowledged how bad their communication had been. She had expressed her feelings openly and apologized for her actions that unintentionally hurt London. She felt sorry for making it look like she chose her career over London and Lily.     

London had also shared what was in his heart. He apologized for doing things that made L feel unhappy, even though he actually did them because he wanted to help.     

Everything had improved, and they even expressed their love for each other honestly. They also ended up sleeping together after making the commitment to spend the rest of their lives together and get married as initially planned.     

But apparently ... L had to swallow the bitter pill when she learned that London was actually ready to look for another woman after canceling their wedding plans. This was like the final blow for L. Her heart was still hurt because of the wedding cancellation. Finally, she couldn't take it anymore. She was really tired.     

The man she loved could easily find her replacement. This made L scared. What if she really married London Schneider and a few years from now he met another woman who was much prettier, more attractive, and smarter than L and he regretted marrying L?     

How sad if that actually happened.     

That was why L agreed with Jan. London must meet many women before he decided to marry anyone. So he could convince himself of what he really wanted.     

Even though L seemed indifferent and acting tough when she made that decision, the truth was, her heart was devastated and filled with worry. She was worried that Sarah, or Carla or God knows who among the girls that London would meet, would make him fall for them.     


London sneezed at the penthouse. He was confused because he had never been sick before. Did he have an allergic reaction? He stopped his work and decided to find out about L.     

"Miss L has returned from the lawyer's office and now moved to the Presidential Suite," Dave reported L's latest news when he was called to the penthouse. "I saw Miss L went into the lawyer's office and stayed there for a long time. It looks like they had a quite serious conversation."     

"Then, now you must look for information about Danny Swann, and report to me when he meets L."     

"Yes, Sir."     

After Dave left, London contacted Jan to coordinate about work stuff in Berlin. They discussed the various reports that came in and the progress of the medical conference sponsored by the Schneider Group. They need to approach John Wendell and his daughter.     

"Aren't you in England right now? Why don't you pay a visit to see them? I will tell the hospital that you are currently in London and want to meet," Jan said suddenly. "That way, they will feel like they have a chance to get close to you before the conference."     

"Hmm .. that's a good idea. Alright. You try to invite them to have dinner with me, I will free up my schedule tonight. Just tell them I happened to be in London and suddenly have free time to meet. If they can't come in such short notice, just don't push it. I don't want to deliberately make a schedule for them. They will be suspicious if I look really eager to meet them."     


London ordered lunch and then ate at the penthouse while continuing his work. He really wanted to call L, but he stopped himself. Right now, in his opinion, L needed time alone.     


L just finished lunch and then breastfed Lily. She felt lonely after Lily went back to sleep soundly once she was full. Her talk with the lawyers in Berlin was quite intense. She submitted information about George Swann's will stating that L would receive half of his inheritance if she was unwilling to marry the Swann family's son.     

Because L only got that information from London, she did not have authentic evidence with her. That's why her lawyers advised L to fly to London and contact the local lawyer's office he recommended to find out the truth.     

The Swann family was respectable in England. It was not easy for L to convince a partner in Burnham law firm office to help her, especially with L's questionable reputation due to bad news that was circulating from the day before about her personal life. However, after talking for a long time, they finally agreed to help L.     

Now the girl only needed to wait for their findings, and then she would file a claim to get what was rightfully hers. She had contacted Danny Swann and asked him to meet, but Danny was abroad and would only be back in three days.     

Inevitably L was forced to wait in London until Danny returned so they could settle matters between themselves. She must keep herself busy so that her mind could be distracted from all the problems she was facing.     

"Pammy ... I have to wait in London for three days. Can you come and accompany me here? I'm lonely and need your help." Finally, L decided to contact her manager. "We can work on the material for the new album here while waiting for my business to be settled. What do you think?"     

In Berlin, Pammy agreed to L's request and immediately packed her bags to fly to London. She was worried about L's mental state because she was being cursed all over the internet. Pammy was relieved to hear that L's voice sounded fine, and she had asked her to come to London to accompany her.     


[Sir, I have contacted John Wendell to discuss the conference and the planned collaboration between our two hospitals. Then, in passing, I said to him that you happened to be visiting London and asked if he would like to meet you. He sounds really excited.] Jan sent his report after London finished lunch.     

[That's very nice. Make an appointment at the hotel restaurant at 8 p.m. then. I will meet him.]     

[Consider it done. You only need to come there.]     

Ah ... Jan was efficient, London thought. He put down his cellphone and resumed reading the documents. Five minutes passed, and he could not concentrate. Finally, he decided to contact L and ask how she was doing.     

[L Honey, how are you today? Do you like living in the Presidential Suite?]     

He didn't expect L would reply to his text.     

[We are both fine. Now we are resting in the room. The suite you provide is very nice. Thank you very much.]     

L's answer sounded very nice. This made London quite surprised. He thought L would answer his text in short and curt replies. But apparently, he was wrong...     

Did this mean that L had really changed?     

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