The Alchemists

Meeting With Caroline Wendell

Meeting With Caroline Wendell

Meanwhile, in the penthouse, London had dinner with Marc. He didn't want to eat alone, so he told Marc to accompany him. After dinner, he would meet John Wendell and pretended to discuss their project together, so that John shifted his target from Danny Swann to London Schneider.     

He was eager to invite John Wendell directly to Berlin to give L a chance to avenge the death of her family. But, of course, he shouldn't seem too keen.     

After finishing dinner, he then showered and changed clothes. At a quarter to eight, he had walked down from the penthouse to the Rockstar lounge on the ground floor to meet John Wendell.     

"Later, when a guest named John Wendell came, please take him to my table," he said to the lounge staff who immediately nodded with enthusiasm.     

The man then sat at his table marked "Reserved", and the waiter readily poured him a drink. London then sat relaxed in his chair while sipping wine. The clock showed exactly 8 pm. John Wendell should have arrived at this hotel.     

"Good evening. Are you Mr. London Schneider?"     

Suddenly, a melodious voice came from his side, prompted London to raise his head. He could immediately recognize this new girl from some of the photos of Caroline Wendell that Jan had shown him.     

Nevertheless, he continued to pretend he did not know who Caroline was and treated her indifferently.     

"Who are you?" London asked in return.     

"My name is Caroline. I would like to apologize on behalf of my father because he suddenly could not come. Just now, my mother called him. She was short of breath and needed to be taken to the hospital immediately." Caroline looked sorry. "But father did not want to break his promise to you, so he asked me to come to greet you."     

As I thought, London smirked. John Wendell would not miss the opportunity to offer his daughter to a wealthy and powerful man whom he thought could be a new target.     

"Hmm ... okay then. Nice to meet you, Caroline." London gave a signal for Caroline to sit beside him. "What do you want to drink?"     

"I will have what you have, Sir," said Caroline, smiling sweetly. She sat gracefully next to London.     

"Hmm ... no need to call me Sir," said London in a voice that turned friendly. "I think our age is not that much different. You may call me by my first name. My name is London, like the name of this city."     

"Ah ... I don't dare. You are such an important person, I'm just a nobody ..." Caroline replied with a shy smile.     

Actually, inwardly, London wanted to roll his eyes so hard when he saw Caroline's pretend to look humble and meek, but he managed to hold back.     

"Hmm ... You're too much. Just call me London. I insist," said London again.     

Caroline looked at the man with radiant eyes and finally nodded with a broad smile. "Nice to meet you, London Schneider."     

She held out her hand, and London welcomed her. The two held hands for a long time before, finally, Caroline pulled her hand away with a blushing face.     

Ahh ... as it turned out, it was this easy to make a woman flattered, thought London. He could see from Caroline's attitude that she was very flattered by London's attention and friendly attitude towards her. She was all smiles and blushing. The man did not realize that his good looks and family background really attracted many women so easily.     

L was not this easy though, he thought bitterly. L could not be easily seduced by men, even though the man was handsome and wealthy, like me.     

London's mind flew back to the temperamental girl. His longing for L grew even more.     

Although he was not Terry, who was good at acting, London was good enough to play his role as a man who seemed interested in Caroline Wendell's beauty. He chatted with Caroline about hospital affairs, the upcoming medical conferences, and trivial matters about life in England.     

The girl looked quite intelligent, and she could keep up with him in their conversation. She was currently studying to be a specialist in pediatrics and has started working in hospitals led by her father to get more experience.     

"Looks like the topic of the upcoming medical conference is very relevant to the field you are studying," commented London. "Will you come to Berlin next month?"     

Caroline nodded. "That's right. Will you attend it too? I think someone like you is too busy to attend such an event."     

"I'm not that busy ... There are lots of people who help me." London handed his business card to Caroline. "Here's my personal phone number. If you come to Berlin, I'll take you around."     

Caroline pressed her lips in surprise. She had not expected that London Schneider would be so friendly to her that he gave her his personal contact number.     

"Thank you ..." Her smile widened as she took the card. She put it in her handbag then pulled out her own business card. "This is my personal contact number."     

London nodded and received the card from Caroline. "You're welcome."     

The girl seemed to think for a moment. After a while, she then ventured to say something. "Uhm ... are you busy tomorrow? Have you explored the city?"     

London knew the purpose of her asking him that question. He only shrugged. "Not too busy. I'll be in London for three days. Would you like to offer me a tour of London?"     

Caroline laughed softly. She then nodded. "If you don't mind. I want to show you our hospital facilities and of course the beautiful places in London."     

The man nodded. "Why not? I'm free after lunch."     

"Ahhh.. that's very nice. I will wait at St. George's Hospital; anytime you can stop by, let me know. I will take you around."     

"Of course."     

London complimented his convincing acting. He would approach Caroline personally and look for information on whether she knew about her father's actions to the De Maestris.     

He could not wait to see the look on John Wendell when he finally learned that London had no intention of approaching his daughter. The man had only wanted to help L avenge her parent's and brother's death.     

They talked about frivolous things until 10 pm, and finally, Caroline excused herself.     

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