The Alchemists

L Meeting With Lawyers

L Meeting With Lawyers

Over the next two days, L tried to keep herself busy by writing new songs, practicing her singing and talking with the lawyers from the Burnham Law Firm. She tried so hard to divert her mind from London Schneider dating another woman in the Italian restaurant two days ago.     

Every time London sent her SMS or called him, L would remain friendly, but slowly she tried to keep her distance. And London was aware of her change of attitude. The man could only scratch his head when he read her SMS became so brief and flat.     

London could guess that L was having a bad mood. On the third day, he sent her a message, trying to find out why L seemed to avoid him.     

[I happened to be in London for business. Do you want to meet me?]     

L, who was writing her new song on her notes, took her cellphone to read the SMS from London. A moment later, she let out a long sigh.     

"I know you are in London. I also know why you came here," the girl murmured softly. She then wrote an SMS reply to the man.     

[Sorry I'm not feeling well. Can we meet later in Berlin? I have an important business today.]     

Today, Danny Swann had finally returned to England and had stated his willingness to meet with L. The girl deliberately invited Danny to meet in her suite because she felt safer that way. Later, L would ask two lawyers from the law firm she hired to accompany her in that meeting.     

She just wanted to get things done with Danny and return to Germany.     

In the penthouse, at the top of the hotel building, London Schneider read L's reply with furrowed brows. L was feeling unwell?     

He hurriedly called the girl.     

"Hey ... are you sick? You just wait there, okay. I will call a doctor for you ..." he said attentively. "I know a doctor in this city."     

L, who remembered that she saw London going on a date with Caroline in who was wearing a doctor suit, coughed violently and her head went dizzy. She DID NOT WANT to meet the doctor that he suggested. She'd prefer to endure her illness alone.     

"That's no need. I'm fine. Besides, I have an appointment soon. Later, after all my meetings are finished, I will take some pills and rest. Tomorrow I will return to Berlin," said L. She did not want London to call a doctor for her.     

"If you are not feeling well, don't take it for granted. After all, you are still breastfeeding. If you are sick, Lily could suffer," said London again, trying to convince L to see a doctor.     

"I understand that, for you, I am just a source of food for Lily," L blurted. "Don't worry, I'll make sure Lily is always breastfed properly.     

"Hey ... that's not what I mean. Not only Lily but of course, I'm also worried about you. Don't force yourself ..." London shuddered when he heard L's voice that sounded furious.     

What's wrong with this girl? L hadn't been this way for a long time, he thought. He was still trying to coax L to see a doctor because he was really worried that L was really sick. Usually, sick people were easily irritated. "How about I call a doctor to come and see you to the Suite?"     

"I DON'T WANT TO SEE THE DOCTOR YOU WANT ME TO MEET. Please leave me alone!!" Suddenly L screamed and slammed her new cellphone. Pammy had bought her a new cellphone to replace the cracked one she had dropped in front of the restaurant two days ago.     

London was shocked to hear L's anger on the other end of the phone. He wanted to ask if anyone was bothering L, but the connection had been cut.     

Hmm ... maybe L really needed time alone. Finally, London decided not to bother her anymore.     

He then called Dave and listened to his report on L's situation. Based on the information gathered by his bodyguard, L was indeed going to meet Danny Swann this afternoon with her lawyers in the Suite. Apparently, L had prepared a claim for her inheritance, according to George Swann's will, as London had predicted.     

The man sat thoughtfully for a moment and weighed his choices. Finally, he decided to hand over L's safety to Dave so he could protect her, and London would return to Berlin.     

"I think if the meeting is going to be held in this hotel suite, L would be safe and I don't have to worry about anything. You just make sure everything is safe and tomorrow when they return to Berlin you just bring them to the airport yourself. I will send a private plane to pick them up."     

"Yes, Sir."     

London called Pammy and told her that he decided to go back to Berlin first to give L time alone.     

"You will return to Berlin using my plane tomorrow. I will send a plane to pick you up. Dave and his team will escort you from the St. Laurent hotel to Grunewald," he told Pammy.     

L's Manager, who had never taken a private plane before, seemed very surprised because she was given such a rare opportunity by the big boss.     

She kept saying thank you with a beaming face.     

"That is not a big deal. I just want you to watch and help L for me," London said before he hung up.     

After he finished coordinating with all of them, London then left for the airport and returned to Berlin. He had stayed in London for too long and missed so many important meetings he was supposed to attend just because he wanted to watch L and protect her.     

Unfortunately, during the three days he was in London, he still could not meet L. Now, he felt that it was in vain to keep staying in London without doing anything productive.     


After lunch, the door to the suite was knocked several times. Pammy opened the door and invited the guests in. L welcomed the arrival of two lawyers sent by Burnham Law Firm. They arrived with a box containing various documents.     

"Thank you for coming here," L said, inviting them to sit down. "What are the results of the research that you are doing about this case?"     

A male lawyer in his 50s smiled broadly as he took several documents out of the box.     

"We managed to find a copy of George Swann's will. As Madam had said, indeed, you will get half the inheritance if you refuse to marry the grandson of the Swann family. Apparently, the grandfather could have guessed that there is a possibility you are not willing to accept the betrothal."     

"That's very good. Then what about the total assets held by Danny now? Did you find the list?" L asked again.     

She knew Danny Swann was a wealthy man. His family is among the ten wealthiest families in England. L wanted to know whatever assets the Swann family had so that she could determine what her demands would be.     

"We also managed to get a list of all his assets, ranging from hospitals, malls, investment companies, and many others. Everything is here."     

"Thank you," L nodded. "I will study them."     

Pammy paid attention to the discussion between L and the lawyers while holding Lily in her arms. They were discussing something intense and seemed to have a good plan.     

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