The Alchemists

In L's Family Home

In L's Family Home

L woke up when their plane had landed at Orly Airport, Paris. Because they were not in a hurry, London let the girl sleep until she woke up on her own. He made himself busy by working with his laptop while waiting for L to wake up, an hour after they landed.     

"Hmmm... why didn't you wake me up?" L asked in surprise as she opened her eyes and realized she was still lying in bed inside the plane cabin.     

"You were sleeping so soundly, how could I have the heart to disturb your sleep?" London asked in return. He rubbed L's cheek and helped her sit on the bed. "Want to go down now?"     

L nodded. She lowered her feet from the bed and London swiftly help put her shoes on. The man's action moved L and her cheeks blushed. She didn't know that London could spoil her even more. Inwardly, she wondered if this happened because they had 'reconciled' and there were no longer problems between them...     

L was very grateful that she and London finally put aside their egos and chose to compromise and get married, because, after all, they loved each other.     

"Thank you ..." L smiled. London was very happy to see that L had been smiling a lot since yesterday. She remembered that this girl was very stingy with her smile. In addition to being quick-tempered and reserved, she was also not a friendly person. But now he could slowly see his wife become happier and warmer.     

"Let's go down to the city. The house I wanted to show you is in another city, so we boarded the plane."     

London explained before L asked. He hoped L wouldn't immediately guess that the house London wanted to show her was actually her parents' home in Paris. L rarely went to Paris. She only came here a few times for shows. So, naturally, she didn't really recognize the city.     

L nodded. She got off the plane in London's arms. Marc was waiting on the runway with a car, holding the basket filled with Lily sleeping on it. They got in the car, and after everything was ready, the car drove into Paris city center.     

De Maestri's family home was located in an apartment building in Arr 1. London deliberately bought the entire apartment building to make it easier to renovate it. The other tenants were still allowed to live in their respective units. They don't even know that the building owner had changed.     

"You will definitely like my surprise ..." London said half-whispering.     

L nodded. She believed that whatever her husband did was nice. She had never been disappointed by that man when he intended to give L a present. Just look at their house in Grunewald, their beagle Yves, the Steinway piano in her living room ... and many more.     

"Thank you," L kissed the man's lips and rubbed his cheek. "I am so lucky."     

"It's a wedding gift from me ..." London continued. "I bought it a long time ago. Just waiting for the right moment to give it to you."     

L became even more impatient when she heard London's explanation. She glanced out the car window and tried to guess where they were.     

"Gosh ...!" L immediately tilted her head to the left and covered her lips in surprise. She had seen French names on the shops and buildings outside, and soon to her left, she could see the Eiffel Tower rising in the distance. She immediately turned to London with her eyes went round. "Are we ... are we in Paris??"     

London nodded. "Correct."     

L immediately fell silent. She did not dare to ask again. She suspected that London was going to take her to her parents' house...     

But she would be ashamed if she asked if London really bought her parents' house, and it turned out that he was wrong. That's why L decided to not say anything... and wait.     

London understood what L was thinking and also said nothing. He just held her hand and let her think. London did not want to ruin his own surprise.     

The car that took them finally stopped in front of a pretty apartment building on a fairly quiet street. The area looked like a nice neighborhood. There were several cafes and restaurants just down the road and a supermarket at the other end.     

Marc and a number of his men had already gotten out of their cars and secured the area before London and his little family stepped down from their car.     

As soon as L set foot in front of the apartment building, her eyes became wet and her body turned limp. Her guess was correct!     

She turned to London, who was staring at her with a wistful look. The man nodded and slowly wiped L's tears that suddenly dripped her cheeks.     

"This ... is my parents' house ..." L whispered in a hoarse voice.     

"That's right... I bought this building and renovated the unit on the ground floor, where your family used to live." London pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket because the girl's tears flowed even harder. "Let's go in first. It's cold out here."     

He took L with his left hand, while his right hand carried the baby basket containing Lily. Their baby just woke up and started to sulk because of the cold. Trembling, L entered the building while Marc swiftly opened the apartment door for them. After the three of them entered, the bodyguard then closed the door and took guard outside.     

L walked slowly into the living room of her beautifully renovated family home. Though the apartment was restored, they still maintained its original form. She stared at the family photo displayed on the fireplace. She could see her father, her Japanese mother, and her younger brother, who was still a baby in her mother's lap. L herself was smiling sweetly in her father's lap.     

L repeatedly rubbed her eyes with London's handkerchief, trying to refrain from crying too poignantly. She was worried that her sadness would affect the quality of breastmilk she produced for Lily. However, she could not hold back her sobbing in front of the fireplace as she took the photo and hug it to her chest.     

"Father... Mother ..." the girl finally wailed.     

L rarely cried since she was little. She had learned that crying would not make any changes in her life. She had forced herself to be strong and tough and dedicated all her life to finding her family's killers and getting revenge.     

Her body slumped to the floor when her strength disappeared and she was sobbing uncontrollably. London quickly approached her and stroked L's hair lovingly.     

He knew, maybe it had been a long time since L mourned properly for her family. And now all the pain that had accumulated for years finally came out like an overflowed river.     

He let L cry until her tears dried, while steadily stroking her hair and back. When the girl's cry finally ended, L already felt calmer. She got up and sat on the floor, hugging her knee.     

Her gaze circulated around the living room and she saw more family photos there. She also found some more items that she still remembered belonged to her father and mother. The furniture had been upgraded and they looked much nicer, but overall, L still remembered this apartment as her parents' apartment.     

She felt sad and happy to be back in her childhood home.     

"I ... want to find out who is responsible for my family's death..." L whispered as she looked at London with a pleading look. "I know ... I told you I want to forget my revenge ... But I can't take it... that my parents and brother were killed just like that ... without trying to get them justice..."     

London nodded. He put Lily's basket on the sofa then helped L sit on the sofa next to Lily.     

"I know who killed your family and what was the motive behind it ..." said the man in a soft voice.     

L looked at him fixedly.     

"Does this have anything to do with the Swann family's inheritance?" the girl asked in a hoarse voice. She got this conjecture when she saw Danny's murderous look after he learned that L had asked for half of the inheritance.     

London always knew L was a smart girl, so he was not surprised to find that his wife could guess that much.     

He nodded. "You are right."     

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