The Alchemists

London's Surprise For L

London's Surprise For L

Sure enough, not long after L started singing, Lily went to sleep. Once Lily was really asleep, London carefully laid his child in a baby cot in the master bedroom. After making sure everything was well, he immediately pulled L to the bed and collected his payment.     

"Ssshh ... you haven't paid me for singing Lily to sleep," L said, holding the man's chest with her tiny hand. "What surprise did you prepare for me tomorrow?"     

London, who was pressing L's body under his, and was ready to undress her for the second time, sighed for a moment before finally answering. "I bought you a house."     

"Oh ..." L was stunned to hear that. "Really? But we already have a house in Grunewald."     

Inwardly, L realized that their house in Grunewald was actually quite simple for someone like London Schneider. His parents' mansion and his own penthouse in St. Laurent building showed the type of residence he was used to staying. They both were so much bigger and more luxurious than the house in Grunewald.     

Did London want to give her a new home as luxurious as the Schneider family mansion?     

"That's not necessary," L said, shaking her head. "The house we have right now is pretty nice. After all, you said yourself, a home is not the house, but the people we love."     

London cupped L's face with his hands then kissed the girl's lips tenderly.     

"This house is special ..." he said in a soft voice. "You will love it."     

Finally, L nodded. She wanted to know what kind of house her husband had prepared for her and Lily. "Alright, then .. Thank you."     

L kissed London as a token of appreciation for the gift, even though she had not seen what kind of house London had got for her. The man welcomed L's initiative with a happy heart and responded more intimately.     

Finally ... they were truly together after going through various ups and downs in their relationship.     

"Honey ..." whispered London, biting the girl's neck softly. "I don't mind being your kept man, but you have to announce to the public that you are married. I could die of jealousy if Kitaro and all those men continue to chase you ..."     

"Mmmm ..." L nodded. She rubbed her husband's head and looked at him lovingly. "I will do it..."     

Of course, she would be happy to do it. Announcing her marriage will be good to reduce the adverse effects caused by the past gossips. Her career could still be salvageable, thought L.     

She was grateful for London's understanding that he did not demand her to announce his identity as L's husband. As someone who liked privacy, L still hoped she would be able to protect her private life from the public spotlight as much as possible. This agreement would not harm them at all.     

That night, L and London finally made love as a married couple, after the umpteenth proposal and a failed wedding plan. London loved L, even though, at first, the girl came across as very annoying and she hid many secrets and grudges. He never turned his heart to another woman and adored L with all his heart.     

L, who had been living alone for so many years and had never experienced family affection since her parents and brother were killed, was slowly touched by London's sincerity and love. She was moved by how hard the man tried to break in, to win her heart.     

Now for L, wealth and revenge were not important anymore. She only thought about how her life with her husband and baby going forward.     

"Honey ..." London hugged L tightly with both arms as they finally ended their intercourse. "I love you."     

L curled up like a baby in his embrace and buried her head in the man's chest. "I love you, too..."     

Her voice sounded hoarse and sleepy. Not long after, she fell asleep. Her breathing became regular, and her heartbeat slowly adjusted to her husband's heartbeat, as they finally slept in each other's embrace.     


They both woke up when it was still 5 am. It was too early!     

Lily woke them up with her crying, complaining that she was hungry. L immediately got up and put on her robe and carried Lily to breastfeed her. London got up and kept her company, albeit with a very sleepy face. Eventually, he fell asleep with his head on L's lap while his wife was breastfeeding Lily.     

Half an hour later, Lily fell asleep again after she was full. London also still slept with his head on L's lap. Finally, the girl was forced to just sit on the couch and let her husband and child rest while trying hard to resist her own drowsiness.     

When she saw Lily and London were both attached to her, L could only shake her head. She felt like she was caring for two children who consumed all her attention and energy. She thought that she was not ready to have a third child since there would be no place for anyone else in her lap.      

London was right. These two humans were enough for me. I don't want anyone else.      

L smiled as she watched Lily and London sleep peacefully.     


"Gosh... Honey, you should have woken me up, so we could take turns caring for Lily ..." London said many times when he finally woke up due to the sunlight coming through the window into their room.     

He hurriedly got up and took Lily from L's arms. His wife looked very sleepy.     

"Hmm..." L just yawned and nodded.     

"You must be exhausted after we made love all night and..." London did not continue. His mind went back to imagining L's beautiful body, displayed in all its glory on the bed after he stripped her of all of her clothes. The memory turned his expression subconsciously to look stupid. London was only moved when L patted his shoulder. "Oh ..that's right. You must be tired, then you can just sleep on the way. We will go see the house I bought for you."     

L was too sleepy to ask for more details about the house, even though she was very curious.     

London bathed Lily and got his baby ready in beautiful onesie and autumn coat. He took care of their traveling essentials while L washed up and got dressed. At 8 am, they had finished a simple breakfast and went down to the parking lot and got in the car to see the house he bought for L.     

L, who was very sleepy, finally continued her sleep on the road. She comfortably closed her eyes in the car and leaned her body against London's shoulder, which served as her pillow.     

When the car that brought them arrived at the airport, L had slept so soundly, that finally, London had to carry her out of the car and into the plane, while Marc brought Lily in her basket.     

On the plane, London carefully laid L on the bed inside the cabin and let her continue sleeping. The flight to Paris would last for an hour. He wanted L to feel refreshed when they landed.     

London hoped that when he brought L to see her childhood home that he had bought and renovated, the girl would feel delighted and excited.     

"I want to give you your parents' home ... a place of your childhood memories. So you can remember the good memories you have with your parents and brother," London whispered quietly as he put L on the bed. He kissed L's forehead and then sat on the couch, holding Lily and showing the various shapes of clouds to the little baby.     

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