The Alchemists

I'm Asking For A Payment

I'm Asking For A Payment

L finally nodded slowly and buried her face in the man's shoulder. They remained in that position for a few moments. Until finally, Lily's cry stirred the silence.     

"Lily is awake ..."     

London turned to his baby cot and nodded. "Yeah... she must be hungry. She also fell asleep before taking her bath. You take care of Lily first, I'll prepare water for her bath."     

He then lowered L's body and watched the girl walk over to their baby and lifted Lily. The little baby started protesting because she was left alone. L took Lily to her lap lovingly and nursed her.     

London watched the scene with a faint smile. Not long after, he entered the bathroom and prepared warm water to bathe Lily. It felt strange, too, after marrying L, nothing had changed in their lives. The most striking difference was that now he and L have opened up to each other and expressed their love without restraint.     

He made the decision after thinking for two days. When he heard that L had fallen ill because she was so jealous after seeing him having lunch with Caroline, London finally took decisive action and asked L to marry him. There was no need to wait and raise more doubts in their hearts.     

He knew L only needed to be convinced. London had heard from Pammy how the cancellation of their wedding plans had hurt L badly and made it very hard for her to trust him again.     

So he then decided to prove his determination by marrying the girl as soon as L accepted his proposal. What was there to wait for? After all, his family already knew about his relationship with L, and they just wanted to see him happy.     

They could still celebrate their wedding later with a festive celebration in Stuttgart. What's important now was that he and L were finally united in marriage. He had also thought carefully about L's career and her desire to protect her privacy. London had already decided that it would be okay for him if L did not reveal her personal lives to the public. L didn't need to share the identity of her husband and child.     

London felt that was enough, as long as L claimed to be married and had a child. So, that the men out there who fell in love with his wife knew that L already had a husband. It should be enough to deter those men from chasing her. With L's statement to the media last week that she was indeed pregnant and had given birth to a child, London felt L had compromised quite a lot on her part.     

Now everything would be alright.     

"The water's ready," said the man, fifteen minutes later.     

"Thank you." L nodded and carried Lily, who looked very cheerful, to enter the bathroom and bathe the baby.     

Half an hour later, Lily was already back in her basket, chattering happily. Her clothes had been replaced with cute bear-patterned onesie, and her body was covered in a warm blue blanket. Her hands were busy playing with a plush panda toy. Her parents watched from the side with their faces filled with happiness.     

London sat on a chair while L sat on his lap. L, who rarely smiled, had smiled many times tonight, revealing her pearly white teeth and a pair of sparkling black eyes. She was truly happy.     

"Tomorrow, I have a surprise for you," London whispered into his wife's ear.     

"You do? What's that?" L asked with a smile. She felt nothing could surprise her anymore after London proposed to her and married her within a few hours.      

"It would no longer be a surprise if I let you know now ..." the man said in a serious tone.     

"You're so bad!" grumbled L. "You shouldn't have said anything. Now, I won't be able to sleep because I'm so curious."     

"I can give you a little hint to help you, but I'm asking for a payment," London said in a mischievous tone.     

L frowned and looked at him suspiciously. "What do you want?"     

She saw her husband's eyes focused on her breasts, and his expression looked a little stupid. Subconsciously L covered her chest with both hands. "Gosh .. you must be thinking dirty again about me .."     

London, who was caught red-handed, only laughed shyly and nodded. "Sorry ... it's hard not to think dirty about my dear wife when you are here on my lap."     

He slowly pulled L's hands off her chest and placed them around his neck. Now their faces were facing each other, and their lips were only inches apart.     

L closed her eyes and naturally pushed her lips to close the distance between them. When their lips met, London welcomed L's initiative and kissed her gently. He sucked L's lower lip and bite it gently. He then claimed her upper lip forcefully and slid inside her mouth and twisted her tongue.     

They kissed passionately for a few minutes. The girl couldn't help but let out a sexy moan. Her voice turned the man on so quickly, he squeezed L's long hair slowly down to her back, then groped her waist, and finally mischievously slipped under her blouse.     

Once he reached her back under her clothes, he expertly unclasped L's bra. The beautiful pair of plump breasts suddenly broke free for him to enjoy. London's hands moved and traced the girl's skin, from her back to her chests until they touched her twin peaks     

L was petite, but she had killer curves and full perky breasts. Once London felt the softness of the two plump objects, London could not wait to see it. He really missed them.     

He let go of L's lips and quickly stripped the girl off her blouse and bra. Now, before him, was displayed the most beautiful sight in the world. L looked shy as she saw the man looked at her body in adoration.     

She rubbed London's head and smiled sheepishly. The man then bent down and kissed L's neck, shoulders, nape, and went down to her breasts. Every touch made the girl moan and, in turn, made London more aroused.     

He groped and kneaded L's breasts alternately with joy. He was about to continue his action by taking off her leather skirt when L suddenly whispered between her moan, "Honey ... mmmh.. Lily ... Lily ... ahh... still awake. Not... now ..."     

London could only sigh and close his eyes for a few moments to cool down his desires. He must not be selfish. They have to make sure Lily slept well before doing naughty things.     

He opened his eyes and then kissed L's lips and got her clothes off the floor. He helped L get dressed before standing up and approaching Lily.     

"Lily Honey ... Please, go to sleep quickly. I'll read you a bedtime story ..."     

L just giggled softly at that. She saw London lift Lily up and carry her. The man then took a children's book from the cabinet and sat on a large sofa. He then placed Lily on his chest and began to read her a short story. London tried to be patient and wait until their baby was sleepy and finally slept.     

After fifteen minutes and his attempt failed, he turned to L with a pleading look. "Can you sing for her? Lily will definitely fall asleep quickly if you sing her a lullaby ..."     

L nodded. "It's possible. But I am asking for a payment," L replied, copying what London just said to her earlier.     

The man was stunned for a moment when he heard L's words, and then he laughed. L had just used his words against him.     

"Hmm .. okay. What do you want?" said London finally.     

L smiled triumphantly. "I want to know what surprise you prepared for me tomorrow."     

London laughed inwardly. He was going to tell his surprise to L in return for them having sex tonight because he already missed her body so very much. But they can't do it because Lily wasn't asleep yet.     

The only way to get Lily to sleep is by asking L to sing for her. L was only willing to sing in return for London telling her the surprise he will give tomorrow.     

So, in the end, wouldn't London actually be the only one to gain benefit?     

Ha ha ha ... L's innocence made him very amused and happy at the same time. Ah ... apparently, there were some more advantages in having a young wife who was so innocent like L, he thought.     

London just kept all these thoughts in his heart. He kept a serious face as he nodded in agreement.     

"Alright ... I'll tell you about it as soon as you sing Lily to sleep."     

L nodded and began singing. Her beautiful voice was like the sound of sirens. It immediately filled their living room and left a look of admiration on the man's face and the baby he was holding. They both were L's number one fans, and they really liked her voice.     

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