The Alchemists

L's Decision

L's Decision

L looked at London with pursed lips trying to hold back her tears.     

"I knew it ..." the girl muttered to herself.     

"That's why I don't want you to accept the inheritance ..." London said softly. He tucked a strand of L's hair behind her ear and stared at the girl with a grave look. "If you take it, it's the same as taking blood money. Isn't my wealth enough for you? Why would you accept pennies from other people?"     

L shook her head vigorously. "No! I can't let Danny Swann kill my family and not get the consequences. If I can't kill him, I'll take all his money and make him dirt poor before sending him to prison ..."     

"Uhm .. it's not Danny Swann ..." London said. He grabbed L's hand and put it on his lap. "But, your guess is not entirely wrong."     

"Is it not Danny Swann? Then ... who is it? Who killed my family??"     

"The person who would benefit from Danny getting all of his inheritance ..." London did not want to hide the truth from L, so he then told her about John Wendell and the assassin group he hired to do the job. He also explained about Caroline Wendell, John's daughter, who was expected to get the Swann family's wealth after marrying Danny. "I got this information from a trusted source."     

"Wait a minute ..." L looked at London with a glare. "That means ... when you were having lunch in London ... it wasn't with the woman Jan set you up with?"     

London shook his head. "No. She is Caroline Wendell, the daughter of John Wendell. She was supposed to marry Danny Swann when the man gets all of his grandfather's inheritance."     

L bit her lip while thinking carefully. She remembered how Danny told her several times that he was forced to break up with his girlfriend because he wanted to fulfill his promise to his grandfather to marry L and protect her.     

"Jerk!" L became furious. "How could he say he made a sacrifice for me by leaving the girl he loved so that he could fulfill his promise to Grandpa George to marry and look after me ..."     

Now L could see Danny's plan to take all of his grandfather's inheritance by persuading L to marry him. Then somehow, he would divorce L for one reason or another. Or, maybe he would resort to killing L so that he wouldn't have any trouble to marry Caroline.     

"Vile people ..." hissed L in anger. "I really hate them ..."     

"Yes. They must be punished. I'm thinking of the right punishment for them. Right now, I want to provoke them to come, so you can meet them in person and punish everyone involved. I'm trying to find out whether Caroline and Danny are involved ..."     

London's words made L frown.     

"Where do you plan to bring them? Berlin?"     

"That's right. I asked Jan to hold a medical conference in Berlin and invite many hospital representatives from all over Europe, one of which is the hospital owned by the Swann family and ran by John Wendell. I accidentally met Caroline when I went to London to follow you. I thought it would be good if I approached his daughter. Everything I do is to avenge your family's murder for you ... "     

L was touched when she heard London's words just now. She finally understood that London actually went to England to follow her, not to date other women. And his meeting with Caroline at that time was actually unplanned.     

This fact filled her heart with warmth. "I didn't know you really came to London to follow me ..."     

"Of course ... why else would I do that?" asked London, smiling. "Only you are important to me."     

"Thank you ..." L whispered as she wrapped her arms around her husband's neck and kissed London's lips gratefully. "I feel so loved. I'm really lucky to have you in my life ..."     

London returned his wife's kiss affectionately.     

They hugged for a few minutes. L felt the burden in her chest was reduced greatly. She had no idea that London had done so much for her, from buying and renovating her parents' house as a gift to L, and even finding out who killed her family and planning revenge.     

Really, L finally felt that she was no longer alone in this world. She was able to share her burden with this man, who turned out to be so in love with her.     

At that moment, L promised in her heart to devote her life to her little family, to love and do anything for her husband and child.     

After L's feelings calmed down, they then sat down to talk about their plans for the future. After London punished John Wendell and Danny Swann, L must be able to forget her dark past and start focusing on their future together. L still wanted to take half of the Swann family's assets to punish Danny. However, she listened to London and would not receive part of the inheritance for herself.     

"I will donate part of my inheritance to the foundations that take care of abandoned children and orphans. That way, Danny can't enjoy the wealth that he wasn't entitled to ... and you don't need to feel upset because I received anything from other people..." L finally made a decision. "For me, Swann's family assets are not important, but I only want to punish them ..."     

"Good idea. I agree ..." London nodded.     

"I want to stay here for a few days, is it OK?" L asked him. She had walked around her parents' apartment and checked every corner. Her longing for her father and mother and brother became even greater, and now she wanted to remember them by staying in the apartment for several days.     

London nodded. "Of course you can. I will tell Marc to bring the stuff we need here. After all, this is your home, I'm glad you like it and want to stay here for a few days."     

"Thank you ..." L pondered for a moment. Then, she took her bag and pulled something out of it. She pulled London's hand and held it tightly. Her expression became solemn as she said the next words. "Honey ... I've been thinking, and I finally decided to drink the immortality potion you gave me... I can't leave you and Lily ... So I want to live as an immortal with you both."     

London was stunned by L's words. He stared at the girl with a look of surprise and joy.     

Finally ... the long-awaited day had finally arrived. L had already made a decision, and she wanted to follow him to become an Alchemist by drinking the immortality potion given by Aldebar ...     

This means, from now on, L would be completely healthy. She would also stay young forever, like London. Their daughter would be able to enjoy living with her parents for a long time.     

And ... if they decided to have another child ... London didn't need to worry about L's health when she gave birth. He was terrified whenever he remembered the incident when L gave birth to Lily.     

Now there was nothing to worry about. Gosh! This is such a happy day ...!     

"Honey ... are you serious?" London looked at L with moistened eyes. He was really touched. When he saw L nod and take out the small bottle in her palm, the man was finally convinced. He smiled and nodded. "Thank God. I'm very happy."     

L smiled back. She opened the lid and slowly drank the contents. It tasted bad, and immediately her face winced. London hurriedly ran to the refrigerator and took out the juice box and poured some juice into the glass, then gave it to L.     

"Here, have a drink .." he said with a smile.     

"Thank you." L gulped down the apple juice in her glass and put it on the table. "It doesn't taste good."     

"Haha ... well, most medicine tastes bad."     

London was really very happy, and he could not help but immediately pulled L into his arms and gave the girl a piggyback ride around the living room.     

"This is truly a happy day! You are now completely healthy, and we can live happily ever after! I can't wait ..."     

When he finally put L back to the floor, the girl tiptoed and kissed his lips warmly.     

"Thank you ..." the girl whispered, closing her eyes. London, who saw how much L struggled because she had to tiptoe while kissing him, finally hugged her waist and raised her to his level. When their eyes met, they kissed intimately.     

Ah ... London would never complain of having a short wife like L. The sweet kiss from her pink lips was well worth it.     

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