The Alchemists

Dinner With Caroline

Dinner With Caroline

"The view from here looked amazing," Caroline said, turning her head towards London. The man nodded and spread his arms.     

"Thank you. This is my favorite place to watch the sunset," he said, staring at Caroline.     

"Ah, thank you for sharing this beautiful view with me. I am honored," the girl replied with a big smile.     

London only shrugged at Caroline's words. "Your smile makes this sight more beautiful."     

In his heart, the man hoped his words were sweet enough to seduce Caroline Wendell. He knew he was not good at flirting.     

All this time, he was only used to seducing L, because he truly loved his wife. But he never said those cheesy words to other women. This time he felt like he had to do it because his objective was to make Caroline think he was interested in her. He wanted to make her leave Danny Swann and break up the relationship between the Swann family and the Wendell family.     

"You are good with words," Caroline said, hiding her blushing face. She was glad that London Schneider complimented her smile. This made her convinced that the man really liked her. "I'm sure you say that to many women."     

London shook his head. "Not at all. I'm a busy man, and I don't have time for dates. My assistant has to find nice women for me to meet from a dating website. You must find it hard to believe ..."     

"Oh.. is that so? Really? I've never dated anyone I met on the internet. You have to tell me about your experience ... hahaha ..." Caroline had thought London was joking, but the girl immediately saw that the young man was serious about his words. "Gosh... are you serious? Did the dates work?"     

London shook his head. "Of course not. If they worked, I wouldn't take you to have dinner here."     

"Ah, that's true." Caroline nodded.     

"It's almost time for dinner. Let's go inside. I've invited several world-class chefs to cook dinner for us."     

Caroline was very impressed to hear London's words. Dinner by inviting world-class chefs to cook for them!     

Whoaaa ... only super-rich people would do something like this, she thought.     

That's true. Five minutes later, the bell rang, and a chef with two sous chefs came in with their equipment.     

"Thank you," Caroline said admiringly. "You have successfully impressed me."     

"Wahaha ... sorry. I'm just showing off a little. I really want to impress you. I guess, mission accomplished!" said London Schneider.     

"This is too much, but thank you. I feel special," Caroline said, blushing. "You are very kind to me."     

"Actually, it's nothing," London said again. "At first, I wanted to invite you to dinner in a fancy public place. But then I got the news that you actually already have a boyfriend. So, I feel bad that I would become a home-wrecker in your relationship because I invited you to dinner outside."     

London spoke while pouring wine to a glass and handed it to Caroline. The girl was stunned at the man's words.     

"I don't have a boyfriend. What are you talking about?" asked the girl in surprise.     

"Actually, when we first met in London, I was strongly attracted to you. I think you are a very attractive girl. That's why I invited you to meet again when you came to Berlin. However, this morning I found out that you already have a boyfriend. I actually regret inviting you to have dinner with me. " London explained while sipping his wine.     

Caroline looked surprised at London's words. She put down her glass and shook her head. "No. You must be mistaken. Actually, Danny Swann and I are old friends. That's all. We don't have anything to do anymore."     

"Really? So the news I heard was wrong?"     

"Yeah, it's wrong. Actually what happened was, we once dated as teenagers. We were actually just childhood friends. Now, we have nothing to do anymore because he was forced by his grandfather to marry the daughter of his family friend." Caroline panicked a little. She didn't want to have anything to do with Danny Swann when a man as wealthy as London Schneider showed interest in her.     

"Oh ... if I'm not mistaken, I read the news about this on the internet. Is it true that Danny Swann married the singer? What's her name ... L, isn't it? They were arranged for marriage by their grandfathers, right?" London asked her.     

Caroline immediately nodded.     

"That's right. They were indeed arranged to marry. That's why I broke up my with Daniel because he chose to marry the girl to get his inheritance. I assumed he chose money over me. So I feel like there's no point anymore in maintaining that relationship."     

"So, are they really married now?"     

"I don't know. I don't want to interfere any more with his business. I have nothing to do with Daniel Swann." Caroline shrugged.     

"Really? Because if you really don't have anything to do with Danny Swann, I won't hesitate."     

Caroline touched London's hand and squeezed it gently. "That's true, I have nothing to do with him."     

"Hmm ... okay. But maybe he doesn't know that your relationship is over. From the news I read this morning, he even came to Berlin to chase you. Maybe you're too kind and haven't told him that you guys are over." London pulled his hand from Caroline's grasp and as he sported disappointed expression.     

"I'll make sure he knows. He and I no longer have anything to do with each other." The girl finally nodded with a determined expression. "I will meet him tonight and cut ties with him."     

"Are you really going to do that?" asked London.     

"That's right. I mean, it's time for me to make a decision," Caroline answered.     

London nodded. "All right, then. You have to understand that people with my position cannot possibly chase women who are taken and only get their sloppy seconds. That doesn't sit well with my family. They are quite dignified."     

Caroline smiled calmingly. She understood a man from the Schneider family was too regal to fight with other men over women. She must immediately break off her relationship with Danny Swann so that London Schneider could pursue her.     

"I understand. Don't worry. I don't belong to anyone. I'm very happy to be here with you." The girl then poured more wine into their empty glasses. "Can we please not talk about other people during this dinner? It feels like there is so much to know about you."     

London hid his smirk and then raised his glass to clink on Caroline's glass.     

"All right, you made me very happy tonight. Once you make a firm decision against Danny Swann, I will not hesitate to pursue you."     

"Thank you. I will definitely take decisive action," Caroline said.     

There was relief in her tone. She was pleased to have persuaded London Schneider to stop talking about Danny. She wanted them to only focus on talking about the two of them.     

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