The Alchemists

London's Plan

London's Plan

After the press conference ended, slowly, all the bad gossips circulating about L began to subside. London was very happy to see that L was no longer bothered by the news coverages that cornered her.     

"Honey, I won't eat dinner at home tonight, okay," London said that morning before leaving for the office. "You and Lily will join my family for dinner at my parents' house next door. My mother and father returned to Berlin today, and they would love to see you."     

L, who was breastfeeding Lily in their living room, looked up in surprise.     

"Why don't you eat with us? Do you have work tonight?" she asked.     

London nodded. "You could say this is work, but it's not related to my company. Do you remember I told you that the death of your parents and brother had something to do with the Swann family's inheritance?"     

L nodded. Her brows furrowed, and her expression seemed to be filled with sadness again. "I still remember."     

"I haven't told you the details. I have met Mischa. He is my brother in-law's former right hand who has deep connections in the underworld. He managed to find the assassin group responsible for your family's death." London spoke cautiously because he knew how sensitive this issue was to L.     

Sure enough, L's face was soon filled with fury. Even though L was determined to let go of her grudge, instinctively, it was not easy to do.     

"Wait a minute, I want to show you something. Maybe you should put Lily in the room first. What I'm about to show you is quite distressing."     

L complied and carried Lily from the living room then laid her on her cot. Fortunately, Lily was not fussy and had gone back to sleep after she was full.     

L then went back to the living room and sat next to London. "What do you want to show me?"     

London took out his tablet. He then played the video that Mischa was showing him. It was the recording of when Mischa caught and tortured one of the assassins responsible for killing the De Maestri family. He interrogated the killer and extracted the information about who was behind the murder.     

L watched the video with blazing eyes. When L's gaze was fixed on the screen of his tablet, London actually watched L's face. He saw sadness filling the girl's face.     

L was silent for a few moments after the video was finished. She was too emotional to be able to say anything. She now knew what happened and drew conclusions.     

"That means they have been planning this for a long time," she whispered in a hoarse voice. "Oh, Father ... Mother, I don't mind not getting one cent from George Swann's inheritance... as long as you both can live. All the money in this world means nothing without you."      

Tears flooded her face again as she finally broke down and cry. "I just want you back ... I just want you to live ..."     

London became very moved and sad. He pulled L to his chest and stroked her hair to calm her.     

"I know ... Wise men said money is the root of all evil. Because of wealth, John Wendell did a heinous crime to your family. I promise I will not let him get away with it," whispered London, trying to coax L who was hysterical.     

L raised her face and looked at London with a questioning expression.     

"What will you do?" asked the girl.     

"I'm going to have dinner with Caroline Wendell, his daughter. Caroline was Danny Swann's girlfriend for a long time. I believe once Danny Swann manages to get all his inheritance, he intends to get rid of you and marry Caroline." London explained. "I will make Caroline leave him."     

L was very smart, and she quickly understood what her husband wanted to do. Finally, L nodded. She could have guessed that London would intentionally have dinner with Caroline and pretend to be interested in her.      

When she realized that London was far wealthier than Danny Swann, Caroline and her father would change their targets, it was no longer Danny Swann, but London Schneider.     

"All right, I understand. Is she the woman you had lunch with in London?" asked L.     

Her husband nodded. He touched L's cheek and talked to her gently, "I'm only doing this for your sake."     

L nodded and finally smiled a little.     

"I know ... thank you." She then kissed her husband's lips and broke free from his arms. "I look forward to hearing from you."     

"All right. Then I'll go to the office now. I'll call you later and keep you updated."     

London hugged and kissed L before finally leaving for Schneider Tower. Today, he had so many things to resolve. Tomorrow, the medical conference will start. They would throw a gala dinner to host the conference participants and speakers. He would also meet Caroline Wendell for dinner tonight.     

Before lunch, Jan went into London's office and reported the progress. He also brought additional news that Danny Swann had come to Berlin.     

"Do you know why he came here?" asked London in surprise. "Shouldn't he be too ashamed to show his face in public after L's press conference yesterday? Everyone already knows who he really is: a liar, who will resort to dirty tricks and wicked schemes to take the part of the inheritance that doesn't belong to him."     

Jan just shrugged. "Maybe he wants to be with his girlfriend?"     

Jan's words made London think again. Caroline and Danny had been in a relationship for a long time. They were childhood friends, and they also study together in university.     

He knew, it might not be so easy for him to make Caroline leave Danny Swann, unless he, London Schneider, acted a little bit more aggressively.     

He opened his cellphone and looked for Caroline's number. He will take drastic action.     

After only two rings, he could hear Caroline's crisp voice on the other end of the line.     

"Hello, Caroline. How are you doing today? Did you sleep well?"     

Jan could only roll his eyes when he heard London suddenly sound like a playboy talking all sweet talks to charm a woman. Yikes... I have never even seen him asking the missus if she slept well, Jan muttered silently.     

"Hi, Mr. Schneider. I'm fine. My sleep was great. How are you?" Caroline's reply sounded enthusiastic. "Shall we have dinner today?"     

"Yes. But I've got a change of plan. I want to invite you to eat in my penthouse in the St. Laurent Hotel Building," London said later.     

Jan widened his eyes. He did not understand this. Didn't London ask him to arrange dinner at Rockstar Restaurant, like his date with Sarah Londonderry? Why was he suddenly moving it to the penthouse now?     

"Ah ... penthouse?" Caroline sounded impressed. "Wow ... of course. I'll be there. What time?"     

"As usual. 6 PM? So we have more time to get to know each other. I'll send a driver to pick you up. See you later."     

"Thank you. I'm very happy. See you soon."     

When the call was disconnected, and London put the phone back in his desk, he turned to Jan and explained his plan.     

"I decided to act a little aggressive. By showing off a little bit of my wealth, I wanted to make Caroline see that I am SO MUCH WEALTHIER than Danny Swann. She would think that I am interested in her. I would make her cut ties with the ugly duck and separate them. Once they fight, Caroline will come to me and think I want her ..." A smirk was etched on his face when he imagined Caroline thinking he could be attracted to a materialistic girl like her.     

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