The Alchemists

I Love You, Husband

I Love You, Husband

L's explanation made the journalists immediately understand what really happened. Now they could see the evil intentions behind the gossip spread by Danny Swann. They did not think that a young man from a wealthy and respectable family like himself could do such a shameful thing.     

After L finished making her statement, Pammy nodded towards a Briliant Mind Media staff member. Suddenly the screen next to them was turned on, and they could see several pictures showing a copy of George Swann's will mentioned earlier by L.     

The pictures soon spread on the internet, and news about the feud between L and Danny Swann instantly became trending news on Splitz.     

Pammy and L continued to discuss some other gossips circulating about the girl. They responded to five more gossips. The big ones got confirmation and answers directly from L's lips so that the journalists were satisfied.     

This press conference was a rare event. The journalists believed that the superstar would never do it again in the near future. So, they took advantage of this moment by taking as much news material as possible from her.     

When Pammy finished addressing the gossips point-by-point gossip and L responded personally, they held a question and answer session. In this session, journalists may ask questions but were limited to 5 people.     

They immediately scrambled to raise their hands to be given the opportunity to ask questions. L, Pammy, and Patricia each chose 1 journalist and two Brilliant Mind Media directors who sat next to L chose the two other.     

All questions and answers were listened carefully by the journalists present and also the fans who were watching the program directly from their Virconnect space. Many misunderstandings and rumors that have tarnished L's reputation were finally cleared up.     

Half an hour later, the press conference was finally over. L excused herself to go home. She wanted to rush to breastfeed and hug her baby who was left at home with their two staff.     

[Are you done, Honey?] London sent an SMS to L when the press conference ended. [I'm waiting for you in the parking lot in front of the building.]     

L smiled slightly as she read the text and rushed to the building courtyard. Once she was out of the lobby, L had seen the luxury Mercedes used by London Schneider, driven by his bodyguard Marc.     

Marc immediately got out of the car to welcome L and opened the back passenger door for her. The girl went inside and found London Schneider sitting waiting for her with a smiling face.     

"Come here," London told L. "You look so tired."     

L nodded slowly, burying her head in her husband's chest then took a deep breath.     

"I don't know why working as an artist has to involve this type of activities. So tiring ..."     

London rubbed his wife's head affectionately.     

"That's the way it is. As an artist, you belong to the public. They just want to know what happened to you. It's not always for bad reasons, really. I'm sure people who support you and like you, want to see you happy. That's why they need to know that you are doing fine."     

"Hmm ..." L didn't argue.     

"In my opinion, you can allocate a little time to your fans. At least once a month, have a session to meet your fans virtually and tell them how you are doing, what keeps you busy, things that make you happy, things that make you sad. Such a relationship is important for fans.     

If you cover up the rest, they will understand that you need privacy. But if you don't give people even the slightest chance to get to know you... then it will be difficult for them to like you and your arts. At least, that's what I learned from Auntie Billie Yves."     

L raised her face and looked at London when she heard her husband mention her idol.     

"If I could meet Billie Yves, I would love to talk to her and share. I would like to hear her experiences and what she thinks about such things," said the girl.     

London just remembered that L was a big fan of Billie Yves. He felt guilty when he thought about it. Supposedly, if their wedding plans were not canceled, Billie Yves would come to their wedding and sing for them.     

However, all their plans failed because he made the rash decision to cancel the wedding plans. Now, he and L were married out of impulse. Inwardly, he was determined to compensate it by holding a very festive wedding party for L. He would invite Billie Yves to the wedding so that his wife could finally meet her idol.     

"We will invite Aunt Billie on our wedding reception this spring," he whispered. L's face immediately lit up.     

"Is it true?" She asked enthusiastically. "You're not going to cancel it again?"     

Her voice turned a little sarcastic, and London could only shake his head. He knew for some time to come, he must hold back and accept L allusions about the past wedding cancellation every now and then. No matter what, L was still young, and sometimes she would act childishly. Plus, he had to accept the fact that women never forget.     

After all, he was the one at fault. He should not have impulsively made a one-sided decision just because he was jealous of Kitaro.     

"How could I cancel our wedding?" asked London without the slightest annoyance. "We are already married. You are my wife, now and forever."     

L smiled and looked at him with a pair of glittering eyes. She touched London's lips with her index finger and pushed it open a little, then slowly leaned forward and took the initiative to kiss her husband.     

London, who did not expect to get a kiss after L's sarcasm, was super happy. He realized that L kissed him because London was not offended after she chided him. The girl could see maturity in his attitude and showed her appreciation for it.     

They kissed for a few minutes, and the atmosphere in the back seat immediately turned lustful. Marc, who was in the driver's seat, knowingly pressed the button to raise the divider between the driver's seat and the passenger's in the backseat.     

Ten minutes later, they both reluctantly let go. London and L's faces flushed red as both smiled at each other.     

"Uhm .. I want to do something," whispered L. He tapped the divider between their seat and the driver. Marc immediately lowered the divider. "Marc ... please take a picture of us ..."     

She handed her cellphone to Marc. The man nodded and immediately accepted it. When he pointed the camera at L and London, the girl moved to kiss her husband and positioned herself in a way that her body covered the man's face.     

Marc tried to hold his cough and took their photo, then handed the cellphone back to L.     

"Thank you, Marc."     

L received her cellphone and immediately checked the results. The angle allowed the people who were looking at the photo to see L's face from the side, but they would not be able to see the face of the man she was kissing.     

The girl opened her Splitz page and posted the photo with a faint smile.     

[I love you, Husband.]     

The intimate photo was posted with the caption, "I love you, Husband."     

London, who just realized what L was doing, was very happy.     

Finally, this girl announced to the world that she already had a husband whom she loved very much. And London strongly agreed because L was still keeping his identity a secret. Their lives together would not become public consumption.     

In mere minutes, L's post immediately garnered tens of thousands of likes and comments.     

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