The Alchemists

What L Wants

What L Wants

John Wendell could not be tried because he got another heart attack on the way to the hospital and could not be saved. Caroline quickly disappeared after her father's death, and she could never be found again.     

Danny Swann attempted suicide in prison before the trial but was saved by the warden, and since then, he had been placed under maximum surveillance. Two months later, the court sentenced him to life imprisonment for the attempted murder of both L and Lily, mother and child.     

He repeatedly asked through his lawyer to meet L, but the girl refused. London Schneider absolutely did not allow his wife to take any risks by meeting a criminal in prison.     

To prevent unwanted things from happening in the future, London ordered Carl, his chief of intelligence, to investigate Caroline's whereabouts. He did not want the girl to suddenly appear and bothered his family.     

"I found her, Sir. Caroline is currently fleeing to America. She quit her medical studies. Now she works as a babysitter in Los Angeles for a wealthy Hollywood couple. She is trying to get into the upper classes there to get a husband from the upper classes." Carl reported a month later.     

London, who heard the information from Carl, just nodded. With her beauty and intelligence, he was sure that Caroline would be able to find rich men to lean on. Maybe not even as rich as Danny Swann, but now she should have learned her lesson and not try to be greedy.     

"All right. Keep an eye on her, but don't need to be too strict. If there are new developments about her, please let me know. I don't like surprises," London said.     

"Yes, Sir," Carl said respectfully. He then excused himself and resumed his work.     

The new year will come very soon, London thought. He had given L a special birthday present the previous month, which was to bring the bad guys, who had made her suffer, to justice. Now L had turned 20 years old and she had got over all the bitterness that haunted her life in the past.     

With the help of his lawyers, London also succeeded in taking the inheritance which L was entitled to and donated it according to his wife's wishes to various orphanages throughout Europe.     

Many European countries were struggling to care for so many orphans in their social system. Some children were even sent outside of Europe to be adopted by countries with a population crisis, such as Japan and Singapore, where most of the majority of their population was aging. At the same time, birth rates there were very low.     

L was very sad when she read about the orphans being sent to Asia. Not only would they lose a connection to their homeland, but they would also have trouble mingling in a new country because of their different physical appearance. And what's worse, as it turned out, many of these children were sent only with a simple bag containing all their worldly possession.     

"If I hadn't left the orphanage system four years ago and worked to support myself, maybe I too would be part of them ..." L said despondently as she read the news about the fate of the orphans.     

London pulled the troubled girl into his lap and hugged the girl. "I understand. Do you want to do something for them?"     

"We can't adopt all the orphans," L said, staring at her husband.     

"We have also contributed a lot to improve their quality of life," London replied. "Are there any more things that come to your mind?"     

L nodded. "I'm not educated ... You know that. I want to catch up on my education by home-schooling and get my high school diploma. Then I want to go to college. I'm sure many of those kids also want to be able to continue their education."     

"Do you want to give them scholarships?" asked London. "We can make a scholarship on behalf of Lily for orphans who want to continue their education. Schneider Group already has several scholarship programs, but we can add specifically for orphans."     

"I will be very happy if we can do that.." L said with a smile.     

"All right. We'll do it." London was happy to see L happy. "I also studied with private teachers, not in public schools like everyone else. With your popularity now, it will be difficult for you to go to a regular university."     

L nodded, even though her face looked sad. "I understand."     

"Why? Do you want to go to a regular university?" London narrowed his eyes at L's expression.     

"I actually want to go to a normal university so I can make friends," L said quietly.     

London understood what L.= meant. He just remembered that the girl did not have any friends. She had been working since she was 16 years old and only had Pammy by her side, who had been her faithful manager.     

The young man also felt the disadvantage of not going to public school because his family was indeed reclusive. He also only had very few friends. He could actually count them with one hand. But, at least, his situation was still pretty good compared to L. He had Jan, Rune, and Aleksis, also his brother Terry. He also made friends later in life with Lyanna and several other people from the Alchemist clan. While L had absolutely no friends.     

It must be very lonely to be L, he thought. Not only she didn't have any friends, she also did not have a family. Even though now the girl had had a family in him since she married London, she still didn't have any peers.     

"Do you want to go to a public university?" London asked gently. "I can work on it. You can study at home to get a high school diploma, and then next summer you can study at a public university ..."     

L looked at him with a look of disbelief.     

"You said that it would be difficult with my popularity ..." L said in a sad tone. "I cannot do it even if I want to..."     

London only smiled faintly. He coughed a little and rose to his feet with L still in his lap so that the girl was automatically being carried by him.     

"Wait a minute," he said. He walked into the room that used to be his bedroom in Grunewald when he and L were not yet married. He took something from the closet. "Wear this."     

He lowered L's body, and once the girl's feet landed on the floor, he carefully attached oversized glasses to her face.     

L, who was amazed, touched the glasses and frowned. "What is this?"     

"Starting next summer, you are Marianne De Maestri, a freshman in university. Nobody will recognize you by your real name and a little disguise ..." said London.     

He was telling L to disguise herself as a regular girl so she could go to college. That way, L could enjoy life as befits a young girl.     

"You ...?" L looked at London with a surprised face, and slowly her expression turned bright. "You will let me go to a public university?"     

"If it makes you happy, why not?" London asked back.     

Slowly drops of tears flowed down from L's eyes, and the girl immediately jumped into London's arms and wrapped her arms around his neck.     

"Thank you !! I love you so much ..."     

"I love you more ..." London replied, smiling broadly.     

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