The Alchemists

It's Finally Over

It's Finally Over

London Schneider nonchalantly let John Wendell sprawl on the floor, while Caroline's crying hysterically. He only nodded slightly towards Marc, and his bodyguard immediately checked John Wendell's condition.     

Marc checked John's breathing, heart rate, and pulse, then waved to call some of the doctors at the next table.     

"Is there a cardiologist here? This man seems to have a mild heart attack," he said.     

A middle-aged man rushed over to check on John Wendell.      

"You lucky bastard. You fell ill in the middle of a medical conference, so you can immediately get help," he murmured in disgust.     

"My father needs medical treatment. Please let us go," Caroline pleaded. But Marc just shook his head.     

"Hmm ... People like you don't need mercy. My boss still needs you guys here to make a statement. We are also still waiting for the police to take care of you," Marc said coldly. He then turned his gaze to the stage.     

London has walked onto the stage to approach L, who had just finished her second song. He reached out a hand, which was immediately welcomed by L with a gentle smile.     

"Good evening, Mr. Schneider. Thank you for inviting me to perform at this gala dinner." L bowed slightly.     

"You're welcome, Miss L. We are pleased because you took the time to perform at our event. Thank you very much. Your performance was extraordinary. It's true, not only you're beautiful, but your voice is also amazing," said London to his wife.     

"Ah, Sir, you're flattering me."     

"I'm telling the truth," London said in front of everyone. "Congratulations on your wedding. I heard you announced your wedding last week?"     

L nodded and smiled with a blushing face.     

"Thank you."     

All the guests present still did not know the two people who were chatting on the stage were actually a married couple. All the audience only thought London and L looked friendly.     

"Your husband is a very lucky man," London said again, smiling broadly.     

L looked at the man while smiling back. She had to restrain herself from pinching London for openly teasing her in public like this.     

Finally, she could only nod and could not say anything. The MC stepped onto the stage and guided the audience to give a standing ovation for L's performance just now. The girl bowed many times and then stepped off the stage. She followed London. The man grabbed her waist and brought her to the table where the commotion occurred earlier.     

"I want you to meet the people responsible for your suffering," London said in a soft voice. "Right now, they already know who you are, and they know that they have to take responsibility for their actions before the law. Before they are taken by the police, I want you to see them in person."     

L nodded slowly. Actually, her chest was filled with anger again, but gradually she tried to calm down and followed London's steps gracefully. From the direction of the ballroom entrance, several policemen were seen walking in. Marc signaled the officers to come to the table where he was.     

L and London arrived before the police. The girl had seen John Wendell, who was responsible for the murder of her family 12 years ago, and her body was trembling in anger. Caroline, trying to help her father, subconsciously looked up when she saw a pair of female legs walking toward her.     

Instantly, her face turned pale. Her expression was a mixture of shame, fear, and worry when she saw L's face. She really felt duped. As it turned out, Marianne was the wife of London Schneider.     

Apparently, the man was purposely setting her up. Caroline deceived. Tears ran down her cheeks nonstop as she held her temper. Danny Swann, who had also seen L, could only stare in silence. His crime was known, and he felt very ashamed to meet face to face with L.     

She must have known by now that he had paid a hitman to kill her and her baby. Even though their families had a good relationship in the past and Danny even had an arranged marriage with L. He felt very ashamed of his actions.     

"Thank you, Honey..., for helping me find the murderers of my parents and brother. Thank you for always protecting me from bad people." L's tears slowly trickled as she turned towards London and touched his cheek to say thank you. "I want to forget everything that happened and start a new life with you. Let the law take care of their crimes and punish them accordingly. From tonight, I will not look back again," L said     

London nodded gently. He took L's hand, which rubbed his cheek and kissed it lovingly.     

The shameless Danny Swann suddenly approached L and knelt at her feet. Hearing L's words just now, he immediately felt there was hope for forgiveness.     

"Marianne ... please forgive me. I made a mistake ... I did not mean to do evil to you. I was forced by those bad people. I am also a victim here ... I will never touch you. From the beginning, I had said: 'I don't mind accepting only half of my grandfather's inheritance so I could refuse the marriage arrangement between us... because I wanted to marry Caroline ..'." Danny Swann said in a pitiful voice.     

"But Caroline used my love for her. She forced me so that I was cornered ... Please, forgive me ... I promise I will not do evil again. I promise I will start a new life. I will owe you a favor ... You may also take half of my grandfather's inheritance ... I won't bring it up again at all ..."     

Danny whined many times. But L smiled cynically at the evil man's words. She pulled London's right hand and held it tenderly as if to show her position as Mrs. Schneider.     

Her voice sounded icy when she answered, "You think I need a spare change from the Swann family? Don't you know who my husband is??"     

London only smiled faintly when he heard L brag about him. Even though the girl flaunted him because of his wealth, he didn't mind. From the beginning, he did not want L to take any money from the Swann family.     

According to him, he was very capable of meeting all the needs of his wife. L was the one who insisted on punishing Danny Swann by taking half of the inheritance.     

"Th ... then ... take all of them, not just half. I don't mind losing all of my grandfather's inheritance, but please let me go ... Please think about the good relationship between our two families ... Our grandfathers' friendship ... please. .. I don't want to go to jail," Danny said, lamenting. "I'm still young. I still have a long life ahead of me ... Please give me a chance ..."     

"Mariane is also young," London said sarcastically. "She is not yet 20 years old. Our child, Lily, is still small. She is only four months old, but you have the heart to kill them ... How can you look in the mirror and live with yourself? How can you shamelessly ask for forgiveness just because You're still young and you still want to live?? You're a piece of shit of a human being."     

He immediately signaled the police officers who had come to take all the criminals away. Danny Swann's face was quickly filled with despair. He knew that he could not get away anymore.     

"Thank you, Officers, for coming here. These are the criminals that we were referring to. All the evidence that incriminates them will be submitted to punish them before the law," he said kindly.     

"Very well, Mr. Schneider. We will bring them soon. Thank you for your help. We really appreciate this," said one policeman, nodding to London.     

John Wendell was taken to the hospital using an ambulance, but his hands were cuffed so he couldn't escape. Caroline couldn't be charged with any crime because she was not directly involved in the murder of L's family and also Danny's plot to kill L and Lily. However, she seemed very depressed and could not think clearly. With slumped shoulders, she pursued her father, who was carried on a stretcher by the police.     

Danny Swann was immediately sent to jail while he waited for the arrival of his lawyer to defend him. However, given the overwhelming amount of evidence against him, the police said that it was very unlikely for him to escape punishment.     

"It's finally over," London whispered into L's ear. He then pulled her hand backstage and into the dressing room. When they got there, he poured a drink for L so the girl could calm down. "Drink up, Sweetheart..."     

"Thank you," L said, taking the glass from her husband's hand.     

"Do you still have to perform?"     

L nodded, "Yes. I have to perform one more time. Do you want to wait?"     

"Of course. I will not go home before you finish," London answered happily.     

L put her glass on the table then sat on London's lap. She wrapped her arms around the man's neck and then kissed his lips tenderly.     

"I love you," L said.     

London did not answer. He had returned his wife's kiss more intimately.     

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