The Alchemists

The Beautiful Sunset **

The Beautiful Sunset **

Caspar happily picked Lily up and invited her to see the sunset as if the baby could already appreciate nature's beauty. Finland followed him with a smile.     

Yes, why would she give birth to another child if the little babies around them were able to make her husband happy?     

She would bring her husband around to their children's homes to meet their grandchildren. That would be better.     

While Lily was being spoiled by her grandfather, who loved her so much, the baby's parents seemed to be trying to make her a sibling. The stunning sunset from the balcony of their beautiful bedroom with views of the open sea made the atmosphere very romantic. L had never been to such a beautiful place, so she was utterly impressed.     

"This ... this is so beautiful ... I have never seen such a beautiful beach and a place so inspiring," murmured the girl with a pair of glittering eyes. Unknowingly, her feet had stepped onto the balcony, and there she stood transfixed.     

L had never been to Asia and saw how different the beaches in the tropics from their counterparts in Western Europe. She was utterly fascinated by the tropical beach, white sand, coconut trees, and deep blue sea.     

London, already accustomed to this place and various other luxury tourist attractions, smiled at his mesmerized wife.     

But, when L's figure stood on the balcony with her brown hair blown slightly in the sea breeze, and her tiny body glowed for blocking the orange and purple tinge of sunset, he became fascinated.     

If L was fascinated by the natural scenery out there, London was fascinated by the beautiful human in front of him. He was always grateful for his luck to find such a beautiful woman who made his heart filled with love at a young age.     

He didn't have to wait for decades or even centuries to find the right woman, unlike his father, and many other men he knew; Uncle Aldebar, Lauriel, Nicolae, even Alaric, who only met Aleksis when he was 94 years old.     

London could not imagine how his life would be for decades to come without L by his side. It will be very boring, he could only imagine.     

Indeed, he and L went through the early days filled with unnecessary bickering, like a dog and a cat, because they were both very young and immature. But, now, all of that was behind them. From now on, there was only love and openness between the two of them. And Lily. And maybe their next children ...     

Children...? Ah, that's right... Didn't L already say she didn't mind giving birth to a sibling for Lily? London did not want to have children after they had Lily because he could not imagine L having to go through heavy labor like when she gave birth to Lily.     

But now L had become an alchemist, and her body was very healthy.     

So ... London's worries were no longer relevant.     

London stepped closer to L and slowly hugged her waist with those thoughts milling about in his head. His hands felt very fitting on the girl's waist, and his chin was directly above L's head. He could smell L's natural scent from the top of her head.     

Even after one year, he still never got tired of smelling this scent. It was like opium that always managed to make him come back and surrender.     

L lifted her face and looked up, staring at her husband, who was now staring right at her pair of sparkling black eyes. She wanted to ask London's opinion on the beautiful scenery, but as their two pairs of eyes met, it seemed that none of the questions felt important.     

She could see her reflection in those pair of deep blue eyes and felt his enormous love for her. Her husband's gaze now made L fascinated, more than the sunset she admired earlier.     

L slowly turned and pressed her front body to London's and then wrapped her arms around his neck. London smiled faintly and lowered his face to kiss L.     

They kissed for a long time against the sunset as the backdrop. The sky was now dominated by a beautiful purple tinge. When he felt his neck was finally tired of looking down to kiss L, London lifted L's waist and carried her to bed.     

Making out in bed is more comfortable, he thought. As usual, L was blushing as London easily lifted her waist and then laid her on the big soft mattress. London immediately climbed into bed, took a position above L, caressed her, and continued their intimacy on the balcony earlier.     

His hands swiftly traced L's skin, starting from her cheeks, down to her neck, shoulders, and slowly his hands pulled down the straps of her dress, exposing her beautiful upper body.     

L's large and perky breasts were soon freed from their confinement and now seemed to allure the man to touch them and put his mark of ownership.     

London's hands gently kneaded the pair of beautiful peaks, making L moan softly. Her voice sounded like music to her husband's ear.     

London kissed L again and explored the girl's mouth with his excited tongue, twisting and sucking her tongue passionately. After making the girl almost out of breath, he lowered his kisses to her chin, neck, her beautiful nape, and then down to her chest and left a few faint love marks there.     

He refrained from biting his wife's neck because he didn't want to embarrass L when she went down to meet his family with many love marks on her body parts that were not covered by clothes.     

Calculatingly, he only put his marks of ownership on L' body parts covered in a bikini. Tomorrow, when they sunbathed or swam, L did not need to worry about covering them.     

When London's lips arrived on her wet honeypot, the girl's dress was removed entirely, leaving only thin, lacy lingerie.     

He deftly removed the thin lacy lingerie from between her thighs to give him full access to the heavenly. L let out a sexy moan as the man's lips traced her skin.     

This made London get even more excited to go down on her. His lips and tongue passionately devoured her core. It was already filled with so much love juice.     

"Ahhh ...." L arched her back when London used his tongue to stimulate her core nonstop, while his free hands were still lovingly kneading her breasts.     

L's body was shaking so hard when she got her first orgasm. London quickly undressed. He opened her legs, then pushed his rock-hard manhood inside L's core.     

The girl moaned incessantly as she was enjoying the fullness inside of her, while London pumped her gently with regular motion. He was also sharing the same pleasure that L was feeling.     

They made love passionately until, finally, the sun really disappeared into the night, and the purple tinge in the sky changed colors to complete darkness. Then, they realized it was time to end their beautiful lovemaking.     

Although London and L wanted to make love longer, both seem to have an unspoken agreement that they must go down to the main villa once it was dark to meet their family and take care of Lily.     

Maybe this was what they called telepathic communication between husband and wife.     

When L almost had her second orgasm, London pumped rapidly for a few minutes and tried to catch up so that the two could reach the peak together. Soon their two bodies shook in unison, then stopped, enjoying the stream of pleasure that brought them to the seventh heaven.     

London dropped his body to the side and then immediately pulled L's tiny body into his arms and buried her head in his chest so that he could kiss L's hair. The two laid in that position for five minutes, enjoying afterglow following pleasant sexual intercourse.     

"Hmmm ... it's time to go down," London finally whispered.     

"Hmm ..." L replied with a smile.     

They looked at each other and kissed again.     

"I love you," London whispered after they had finished kissing. "Now and forever,"     

"I love you too, now and forever," L replied, blushing.     

London smiled broadly and nodded. He then got up and pulled L's hand to follows him to the bathroom. They showered together quickly and immediately changed clothes and returned to the main villa.     

It was time for dinner. They needed to replenish their energy after spending it all in bed just now.     

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