The Alchemists

Nicolae's Decision

Nicolae's Decision

Nicolae did not think he would feel so sad when he read that information. Apparently, Marie annulled their marriage when the three-month deadline was almost over.     

Did it take long to annul because Marie was busy, or did she secretly liked Nicolae and hoped that they would somehow be able to meet again ...?     

And what's worse, as it turned out, Marie did it right on the day Nicolae landed in Singapore. The man now felt very stupid.     

Why did it take so long for him to realize his own feelings?     

If he had realized sooner that he actually loved Marie, he would undoubtedly choose to meet her in Singapore before leaving for F Island. He could immediately confirm his feelings.     

After learning that information, Nicolae was pensive, and his expression turned sad. His family could see the change in his mood that night. He became silent and unfocused. Even Altair and Vega, who had always been his center of attention, could not cheer him up. The man could only apologize many times because he didn't pay attention when they came to him to talk.     

"You're not yourself today," Terry commented after dinner, and they were sitting on the balcony in the third villa with Rune. "Is there bad news?"     

Nicolae could only nod weakly. "Good news and bad news. You could say that."     

"What's the good news, and what's the bad news? Do you enjoy torturing me with half-ass information?" grumbled Terry.     

Nicolae sighed softly. "The good news is ... I think I already know my feelings for Marie. I don't need to meet her to confirm how I feel about her. I have realized that... I am really in love with her. Marie is a very amazing girl."     

Terry's eyes sparkled with joy. He was happy to see Nicolae, as he had expected, recover from his heartbreak with Aleksis, and had fallen in love with another woman.     

"So... what's the bad news?"     

"The bad news is... Marie has annulled our marriage." Nicolae looked very sad when he uttered that sentence.     

Before discovering that Marie did annul their marriage, at his request, Nicolae had secretly imagined how pleasant it would be to live together with her forever.     

Unfortunately, that would not happen. Maybe now Marie had even found another man and was in love with him.     

"Hey ... hey, don't be sad. Frown doesn't suit your face," Terry said. "Listen, the annulment is meaningless. As you said yourself, Marie has to think about her future, and there is no way she could maintain a fake marriage with a man who has left and hasn't given any word to her. All you need to do is meet with her in person and confess your feelings for her. I'm sure she will accept you."     

"Do you think so?" Nicolae sounded doubtful.     

"Of course. Listen to my words. You are every woman's ideal man. You are handsome, intelligent, and have a charming personality. If I was a girl or gay, I would definitely fall in love with you," Terry said. He actually wanted to support his best friend, but his words had instead made Nicolae frown.     

"DO NOT fall in love with me," said Nicolae, frowning. "Anyone is allowed to fall in love with me, but you. Anyone but you."     

"Goddamn it! Do you think I am not good enough for you, huh? You're lucky if someone like me falls in love with you. I have a high standard," Terry grumbled back.     

After glaring at each other for a few seconds, the two finally burst out laughing. Terry and Nicolae had a very close friendship, so they felt very comfortable throwing insults and demeaning each other.     

"Ugh ... We still have one week to go with our vacation," complained Nicolae. "I can't wait to see her."     

Then ... why don't you go to Singapore tomorrow and see her? We are fine here, anyway, if you would leave for a while, "Terry suggested." It's better that way than you torturing yourself here. "     

Nicolae looked at Terry for some time and thought about his advice. Indeed he wanted to spend time on F Island with his extended family because he missed them. But in this current situation, it seemed he would only make them worry if he daydreamed a lot.     

"Hmm .. you're right. I'll borrow Alaric's helicopter and go to Singapore." Finally, Nicolae nodded in agreement.     

"Good. Good luck," Terry said, supporting his friend.     


The next day, his family was surprised because Nicolae said he planned to go to Singapore. From the look on his face, they knew he was thinking seriously. Alaric, who understood what Nicolae's purpose was to go to Singapore, immediately agreed to his request without asking.     

Just like Terry, he hoped his brother would be able to settle his affairs with Marie. Hopefully, the girl would still accept Nicolae after he left her without news for three months.     

"Of course, good luck," Alaric said, smiling and patting his brother's shoulder. Nicolae just nodded. Accidentally, his eyes met with Aleksis. The girl looked at him in surprise.     

Ah ... if only they were back at being best friends like in the old days, it would have been nice if Nicolae could tell Aleksis about Marie and shared what was in his heart. However, given the past between the two of them, it still felt difficult for Nicolae to be open to Aleksis and share what he was feeling.     

Maybe someday... Now, there was still a bit of awkwardness between them.     

'Good luck,' that was all Aleksis could say without a sound. She didn't know what was going on, but whatever it was, she hoped Nicolae was happy.     

Nicolae nodded and finally threw a smile at Aleksis.     

'Thank you,' he mouthed his reply.     

"Where are you going, Dad?" asked Vega, who immediately clung to Nicolae's arm. "Will you come back here again?"     

"I will only leave for a while," said Nicolae, stroking the little girl's hair. "You want Daddy to meet Auntie Marie, right?"     

Instantly Vega's brilliant blue eyes glowed at Nicolae's words. "You will see Aunt Marie? Really? Wow ... I'm so happy."     

Altair, who heard their conversation, also became excited. He enthusiastically asked in more detail what Nicolae would do in Singapore. The young man just ruffled Altair's hair and shook his head. He felt that he did not need to explain at length.     

Later, if he succeeded in meeting Marie and confess his love, he would be able to bring his children to meet the girl. Altair and Vega seemed to like Marie very much. They would surely be happy if Nicolae could be with her.     

"Uhm .. I will try to meet Auntie Marie. Just pray that she will want to accept me," Nicolae answered simply.     

Altair's face also beamed in happiness. "Sure! Auntie Marie will definitely accept you. From the way she looked at you back then ... I can tell. Auntie Marie really likes you..."     

"Haha ... I hope you're right." Nicolae ruffled Altair and Vega's hair and waved to his family and walked towards the waiting helicopter. Alaric's pilot would take him to Singapore.     

He could not wait to meet Marie.     

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