The Alchemists

Dance At The Wedding

Dance At The Wedding

"Good day, Everyone ..." Billie Yves appeared on stage with graceful steps. The girl still looked as pretty as she was during her superstardom days in the music industry. However, her appearance had changed, and now she looked more elegant and motherly.     

"Aaahh ... !!!"     

Finland was surprised to hear L's scream beside her. She turned her head and found that her daughter-in-law was crying and screaming emotionally because she could finally see her idol perform right before her, giving a special show at her own wedding.     

Finland knew from London that L also really liked Billie Yves, and she immediately understood the girl. Both seemed to focus on the stage and listen to Billie sing.     

"I am delighted to be at this party and sing some of my favorite songs. This is for all of you," Billie said, raising her right hand in the air. She then sang two songs in a row. All guests seemed hypnotized to hear her singing.     

Some of them sing with Billie, and some went down to the dance floor and dance with their partners.     

"Honey, do you want to dance with me?" asked London suddenly, hugging L's waist. The girl was still transfixed by Billie Yves. He had left Lily with Rune and would not miss this important moment to dance with his wife.     

L looked at him with a radiant face and nodded with a smile. The newlywed couple then moved to the front of the stage and danced slowly to Billie Yves' ballad.     

Seeing London dancing with L, Finland did not want to be left behind. She immediately pulled her husband, who was having a conversation with Ned and Portia. Caspar happily followed her. He waved to his two friends and embraced his wife to dance.     

Jean and Marion soon followed them. Because Billie Yves's performance was a very rare event, Marion left her baby briefly to Kara, who happily took care of the 3-month-old baby boy.     

Many couples came to the dance floor enjoying song after song from the legendary Billie Yves. Aleksis, who also grew up listening to Billie Yves' songs played by her mother, actually wanted to get her husband to dance, but she knew Alaric did not like to dance in public, so she restrained herself and did not ask him.     

She only watched the couples dancing while waiting for Altair and Vega who were playing with the Little Monkey, Jean-Marie. The three children were very close because they were only a year apart. Altair and Vega were almost eleven years old and Jean-Marie was now ten years old.     

"Hey ... would you like to dance?"     

Suddenly Alaric's voice came from behind Aleksis, who was focusing her attention on her children. The girl was surprised to hear her husband's words and immediately turned around with an expression of disbelief.     

"You .. you want to dance with me?" she asked, astonished.     

Alaric just nodded. He had left Ireland with Terry, who had offered to carry his baby after seeing how many women had surrounded Alaric and Nicolae because they each held an adorable baby. After giving his son to Terry, automatically, his eyes directed to find his wife.     

He saw the look on Aleksis' face when she watched Billie Yves go onstage, started singing, and then couple after couple went down to dance. He knew Aleksis also wanted to dance, but he knew his wife loved him too much and would not ask him to do things he did not like.     

That's why he secretly approached Aleksis and now instead invited her to dance together. Aleksis smiled broadly to see her husband nod. She happily hugged Alaric's neck and kissed his lips tenderly.     


Alaric put his arm around Aleksis's waist and led her to the dance floor with other couples. Seeing such a romantic atmosphere under the stage, many young clan members who were single also want to feel the romance, so they started looking for a dance partner.     

Shekina, Lyanna, and Alexandra looked stunning in their beautiful dresses. The three girls immediately approached Rune, Terry, and Nicolae who were standing together with the babies in their arms.     

"Hey, do you want to dance with us?" Shekina asked in her sweet voice. She narrowed her eyes when she saw how Terry looked very skilled in carrying Scotland. "You're fit to be a father."     

Terry just rolled his eyes. "Of course. I am a perfect man. If one day I become a father, I will become a great father. Right now, I am only practicing."     

Simultaneously the three girls giggled. Terry hadn't changed. He was still narcissistic, like always. The handsome young man clearly did not want to get married, let alone become a father, but he still wanted to show that he had the talent to be one.     

"Sorry, we can't dance. These babies need us," Nicolae said, shrugging.     

Just then, Ireland in his arms yawned very wide and swung his arms against Nicolae's chin. The three girls laughed again. Ireland looked very adorable with his sleepy face.     

"Whose babies are these?" Alexandra asked curiously.     

"Uhm ... this one must be Lily," Lyanna commented while stroking Lily's thick black hair. The baby clinging happily to her uncle's chest, Rune. The beautiful baby girl looked annoyed because a stranger touched her hair, and she immediately growled. Lyanna laughed at Lily's behavior. "Gosh ... she is bitchy, just like her mother."     

Rune joined in laughing at Lyanna's words. L did have a reputation as quick-tempered and bitchy. Even though L had changed a lot now, but at a glance, people who didn't really know her would think L was irritable and quick-tempered because the girl was aloof and introverted. She didn't like talking unless she must, and she didn't make friends easily.     

London, on the other hand, had the opposite personality. He was warm and open, and he did not mind his wife's attitude. He preferred it when people thought his wife was not friendly and irritable, so men out there wouldn't fall in love with L.     

"Let me be the only man who knows the real L, that she is a woman who is smart, gentle, caring, and adorable ..." London said with a laugh when Rune talked about L's reputation for being bitchy. "If everyone knows that L is actually loving and pleasant, then a lot of men will chase after her. I don't like to have competition."     

"Yes ... Lily does look like her mother," Rune said with a smile. He remembered how thrilled London was when he found out he would have a daughter. He really really wanted his daughter to look like L.     

"Then what about these two other babies?" Lyanna asked. Rune and Nicolae looked at each other. Actually, the people who came to the wedding could guess that these two children were Alaric Medici' and Aleksis Schneider's sons. However, the three uncles could not openly reveal the identities of the two babies as long as Alaric and Aleksis still decided to keep their children secret.     

Finally, they just shrugged. "These two children are our nephews."     

That's all they could say. The three girls nodded in understanding. Ireland and Scotland did not resemble their parents, so the girls also did not dare to assume.     

"Hmmm ... they're so cute..." Shekina found the babies so adorable and was about to pinch Scotland's cheek, but she tried hard to hold back.     

Finally, the three men and women could only chat while enjoying wine because no one could dance while holding a baby in their hands.     

From afar, they look like three pairs of husband and wife with their respective babies.     

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