The Alchemists

Father And Daughter

Father And Daughter

"You sound so excited. I love ice cream too," Nicolae said with a smile. He then told the taxi driver to stop at the nearest ice cream shop. When the taxi pulled over, he came out while carrying Summer in his arms. He put on a wide summer hat to protect the little girl from the hot sun and took her hand to walk into a cafe.     

When both of them entered the shop, one by one the visitors who were sitting at the table enjoying their ice cream and drinks subconsciously looked at them closely. Nicolae and Summer really attracted people's attention.     

Nicolae was used to being gawked at by people wherever he went, and he had tried to reduce that amount of attention he was getting by appearing very casual or simple.     

But his handsome face and long hair that he always tied with red ribbons made him stand out, even though he was only wearing ripped jeans and a simple shirt.     

The sunglasses used to cover part of his face actually made him look even cooler because it gave him the nonchalant vibe which women were crazy about. Summer seemed completely unaware that her appearance made so many people noticed her.     

"Uhm ... there is no empty table," muttered Nicolae as he observed the cafe. Inside the cafe, there were five sets of tables and chairs, and on the terrace, there were only two sets. Everything was occupied by people who were enjoying cakes and ice cream.     

This sunny summer weather made the ice cream shop very crowded. The shop owner who heard Nicolae's words immediately looked around and realized that the young man was right.     

All tables were full, and there were no signs that other visitors would clear one of them. Behind Nicolae, many guests were waiting in line and prepared to eat their ice cream while standing or walking toward the park.     

"Ahh ... wait a minute," the shop owner smiled broadly. He had seen the attractive guests who were waiting in line wanted to buy this ice cream. For a moment, he was fascinated to see them.     

At first, he thought this man was a famous celebrity or actor because his face was very handsome. However, after trying to rack his brain, he finally realized this man was not a celebrity.     

But ... ah, whether he was famous or not, what was clear was that this man was very attractive and he could see the other visitors were stealing glances at the man and the kid in his arms.     

"We want to buy two pumpkin and pecan gelato ice cream," Nicolae said, smiling at the shop owner.     

"Do you want to sit down?" the shop owner asked kindly.     

"Hmmm, unfortunately, there isn't an empty table around here," Nicolae said with a shrug. He then asked Summer, who leaned her head against his shoulder while playing with Nicolae's hair. "Hey ... should we eat the ice cream while sitting on a park bench across the street?"     

"Ah ... wait a minute. Maybe I can find a table for you," said the shop owner quickly. He winked at Summer and rushed back. He came out shortly after with a waiter who carried two folding chairs in his hands. "We still have a place on the terrace. It's very fitting to enjoy the sun outside and watch the beautiful park from here."     

Nicolae was stunned to see him. He and Summer exchanged glances. He then walked after the shop owner gave the signal for them to follow him. As they walked, the eyes of the other guests also followed their steps.     

On the tiny but beautifully designed terrace, the owner ordered his waiters to arrange the two folding chairs and invited Nicolae and Summer to sit down.     

"Please sit and wait for the ice cream here. We will set a folding table soon," he said.     

He did not wait for Nicolae to reply. He went to the back room immediately and came out a few minutes later with a small table.     

It was like magic! He suddenly could have an extra table for these special guests.     

The waiter also came out with a blue and white striped patio umbrella, a small flower vase with fresh flowers to put on the table, and finally a tray containing two bowls of ice cream that Nicolae ordered just now.     

"Whoaa.. thank you .." Nicolae said, scratching his head that was not itchy.     

He did not expect the shop owner to conjure up an empty area on his terrace into a nice seating area with a complete set of table and chairs so quickly.     

"You're welcome," said the shop owner, winking. He patted Summer on the shoulder slowly and spoke to her very sweetly. "Enjoy the ice cream. I am delighted to see father and daughter spending quality time together. You both look so adorable."     

"But we are not father and da..." Nicolae suddenly stopped his words and no longer tried to correct the shop owner's words. He felt it was no use. After all, they did not know each other. He didn't have to explain anything to a stranger. Finally, he only nodded. "Thank you."     

"You're welcome..."     

After the shop owner left, Nicolae and Summer were left together with their ice cream.     

Nicolae then realized why so many were staring at them with a look of admiration. Not only because of their beautiful physical appearances but because it was very rare for an adult male to travel or go for a walk with a small child alone.     

People were still accustomed to seeing children spending alone time with their mother and not the father. So, when they saw a man looking so caring and affectionate, spending alone time with his young child, many people would look at him in admiration.     

Maybe this was what was happening now, Nicolae thought. People assumed that Summer was his daughter and he was taking care of his child alone without the mother.     

Ah ... so funny.     

He tried to get rid of that thought and concentrate on his ice cream. After this, he would bring Summer back to the Nobel Hotel and contact Caspar and Lauriel. He needed to find out the possibility that Summer was the daughter of a clan member.     

Summer ate her ice-cream happily. On her face, there were no visible traces of trauma from being kidnapped by the criminal the day before. She was chattering about Koi, her dog, and their various adventures.     

Nicolae listened attentively and occasionally responded to Summer's stories. He had no pets, but he used to take care of Little Prince Siegfried and Aurora, Aleksis's and her children's pet dogs.     

Nicolae didn't realize that many people who were passing by the shop stopped when they saw him and Summer and then went inside to buy ice cream.     

Even though the queue had become long, people didn't mind. They were happy to stand in the ice cream shop for a long time and stare at the handsome man.     

Some people even secretly took pictures and posted them on social media. Fortunately, Splitz automatically deleted the photo of Nicolae attached to it or blurred it so that his face could never be seen clearly. That was why he didn't have to worry about his privacy being violated at all. Summer was also still wearing her wide summer hat that covered part of her face.     

The two of them casually enjoyed their ice cream and talked happily. The weather was perfect for ice cream and sightseeing.     

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