The Alchemists

Unexpected Reunion

Unexpected Reunion

"Maman ... why are you silent?" asked Summer in her little voice. She was astonished because her mother stood silent, and suddenly Uncle Nic hugged her. "Uncle Nic? Uncle, what's wrong?"     

Marie gasped when she heard Summer's voice and reflexively pushed Nicolae's body to hug her daughter tightly. Her body trembled. "Sir... You have not answered my question."     

Nicolae immediately stepped back and looked at Marie longingly. His face was filled with expressions of sadness and joy combined into one.     

"My real name is Nicolae Medici ..." Finally, Nicolae answered Marie's question. His voice was hoarse, and his chest felt tight. "I used the name Nicolae Sorin before. Sorin was actually my middle name ..."     

"Oh ..." Marie gasped in surprise. Her hands fell to her sides. Her eyes were slowly in tears, and her body was visibly shaken. She immediately leaned to the wall so that she would not stumble.     

"Mamaaan... what happened to you?" Summer screamed as she felt her mother's body tremble.     

"Marie ...!" Nicolae quickly held Marie's shoulder and hugged her again. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me ... I'm so sorry."     

Marie did not understand why this man apologized ... but this time, she did not push him away. The girl fell silent and allowed herself to be hugged.     

"It's been a long time, huh ..." the girl murmured, finally.     

"I thought you died with ... our child ..." Nicolae said between his tears. "You don't know how broken my heart was when I returned to Singapore to look for you, but I only found your grave ..."     

Marie frowned and slowly released herself from Nicolae's embrace. "You ... you came back to find me? When?"     

"End of 2050 ..." said Nicolae. He looked into Marie's beautiful face deeply. "I heard the news of your death from the shop owner ... and went to the police station to get an explanation. Then I saw your grave ... and finally, I went to your apartment."     

"Ahh ..." Marie was at a loss for words. She did not expect it at all. Apparently, a few days after she faked her death and went to France, the man she loved actually came looking for her. Why could she be so unlucky?     

"Come on, let's not talk here ..." Nicolae said. He noticed that passersby were staring at them with a questioning look. Also, the restaurant waiters had begun to peek out to see what was happening between them. "Will you come with me to a more private place?"     

Marie was unable to answer. She only nodded weakly. Nicolae smiled with relief. He carried Summer in his left arm while his right hand held Marie's hand.     

He did not understand what was happening, but today he really met Marie. This was not a dream.     

Summer's mother is Marie! And that means...     

Summer was actually his daughter!     

All explanations could wait. He did not care about the craziness that went on behind it all. At this time, the important thing was that he had found Marie, and he would not let her go again.     

There was not a single thing in this world that could make him let go of her hand.     

They walked silently into the elevator. Nicolae pressed the 40th-floor button, the highest floor. Marie could only guess where on earth this man would take her.     

In the elevator, Nicolae held her hand tightly as if he was scared that Marie would disappear into the air if he let go. When the elevator stopped on the 40th floor, the man took Marie to walk toward the large door at the end of the hall.     

Marie was amazed when she realized that they were walking towards the penthouse. Before she could ask, the door was opened, and she was invited to enter. Her sharp eyes quickly noticed how the penthouse was so grand and luxurious. It had the classic design that immediately made her feel like she was in a palace.     

She had seen the contents of this penthouse in several photos in lifestyle magazines. However, she never imagined she would be able to get in. Did Nicolae live here?     

"Whose place is this?" Marie asked with furrowed brows.     

Nicolae smiled happily. He was very happy to hear the girl's voice again.      

"This is my relative's place. I only borrowed it while I am in Paris ..." he said. He spread his arms and invited Marie to sit. "Please sit down ... I'll make drinks for us. Do you want some tea?"     

"Uhm ... do you have something stronger?" Marie asked hoarsely. She still couldn't believe what happened.     

Nicolae shook his head. "Sorry ... it's best not to drink now. It's only 12. Don't set a bad example for our child."     

Marie swallowed when she heard Nicolae's last sentence. The man casually called Summer their child.     

Ahh ... of course, he already knew that Marie was pregnant with their child when Nicolae came to Singapore to look for her.     

She did not need to deny and pretend that Summer was not his.     

Finally, Marie could only sigh and nod. "You're right. Can I get a strong cup of coffee? All of this is too much for me."     

Nicolae nodded. He walked into the kitchen still with Summer in his arms and made coffee for him and Marie. Five minutes later, he and Marie were enjoying a cup of coffee in each of their hands.     

For a few moments, the two did not talk to each other. Marie took a sip of coffee while looking at Nicolae with mixed feelings. She saw Summer still sitting on Nicolae's lap, and the two seemed so close. Was this the bond between father and daughter? She thought to herself.     

"Marie ..." Finally, Nicolae took the initiative to open the conversation. "Marie Lu ..."     

"I have ears ..." Marie replied. Her voice remained flat. "There's no need to call my name twice."     

"I know. I just want to keep on saying your name ..." Nicolae said with a smile. "I still can't believe it's you. I thought you were gone."     

Marie nodded. "I didn't know you were looking for me. I have my own reasons why I faked my death ..."     

"You don't know ... how sad I was at the time." Nicolae hugged Summer tighter. "I was so stupid ... I left to heal my heart, when in fact ... my heart was left behind in Singapore with you. I just realized my feelings for you three months later, and I returned to Singapore to look for you ..."     

Marie recalled the events of six years ago when she canceled all flight schedules to Italy so that Nicolae would postpone his departure to be in Italy for that woman's birthday ... the mother of his two kids.     

However, to her surprise, Nicolae insisted on leaving even though he had to detour through Romania because he really wanted to meet her ...     

"Uhm ... you didn't do anything wrong. So, there is no need to apologize," Marie said with a shrug. The memory made her chest felt heavy. She had indeed loved this man, but she had buried her feelings for him years ago. She knew her love was unrequited, and the man had disappeared.     

"At that time, you were still in love with another woman. You just wanted to be with her. I understand and can accept it. It is a fact. That was why I did not try to tie you down with my kid. After all, she is the mother of your children."     

"Uhm ... no, that's not it ... You misunderstood. She is not the mother of my children. We are never married. Our relationship is not like that ..." Nicolae was trying to find the best way to explain what had happened between him and Aleksis, and her kids. "Altair and Vega are my godchildren ... not my biological children. Unlike Summer."     

Marie's eyes widened at Nicolae's words.     

Wait a minute ...     

His godchildren?     

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