The Alchemists

Marie & Nicolae (2)

Marie & Nicolae (2)

"I'm going to the restaurant, 20th floor. Thank you," Marie hurriedly replied.     

"Please press for the 17th floor. Thank you, young man," said the husband of the middle-aged couple.     

"Please press the button on the 25th floor. Thank you." The woman in her 30s, who looked like a supermodel in a sexy dress, nodded towards the teenage boy.     

The teen nodded. He pressed all the floor buttons requested and then turned to his girlfriend. "Which floor then?"     

"10th floor," said the girl. The young man nodded and pressed the button on the said floor. The girl then remembered something and asked her friend. "Is Goose still not giving news?"     

Instantly Marie was stunned to hear her nickname on Darknet being talked about like this.     

She glanced over and looked at the two teenagers. Ahh ... could this be one of her clients? She only had one young client, Haoran Lee.     

Is this him?     

Marie was happy to help the young man because they had the same fate. They loved their mother very much, but while Marie's mother passed away six years ago, Haoran was separated from his mother by his jerk father. That's why Marie was very kind to Haoran and tried to help him as much as she could.     

She immediately opened her cellphone to send an SMS to Haoran to ask him not to discuss her name in the open.     

Marie was avoiding powerful enemies, and she didn't want the two teenagers involved. She couldn't bear to see them being targeted by the people who were after her ... because she wouldn't be able to protect them. She had enough problems to keep her busy.     

Haoran shook his head at the question of his girlfriend. "Not yet. Maybe she is very busy. But you can check yourself later, who knows, she might send something this morning."     

"All right. The tenth floor, then," the girl finally replied. The elevator moved up, and no one was talking. After arriving on the tenth floor, the pair of teenagers came out of the elevator without realizing that the Goose they were talking about was actually standing a meter away from them earlier.     

[Kids, please do not mention my name in public. You don't know who might be listening. The walls have ears. Sorry, I can't help much this time. Good luck to you, guys!]     

After sending the text, Marie focused on the elevator door. The 12th floor arrived, and the overweight man came out with all the folders in his hands. Then on the 17th floor arrived and the little family next to Marie also came out.     


Finally, the elevator door opened on the 20th floor.     

Marie rushed out of the elevator and into the restaurant. She raised her cellphone to her ear and prepared to call the man who had found her child.     

"Hello, I'm at the restaurant," Marie said.     

"Summer and I will go to the restaurant entrance to pick you up. Please wait there," came the answer from the man.     

Marie stood in front of the entrance while playing with her nails. She was anxious.     

Five minutes later...     

"Mamaaan .. !!"     

Marie immediately turned toward the hallway when she heard her daughter's voice. She had been missing that voice so much. Apparently, Summer and her savior just came out from the elevator.     

Are they staying at this hotel? Marie wondered silently.     

She walked while removing her sunglasses and placed them on her shirt. Unknowingly, tears dripped down from her eyes. Marie pulled the scarf from over her neck to wipe away her tears, which somehow flowed harder and now had even began to blur her vision.     

"My dear baby..." she called Summer with a choked voice.     

Her chest felt very relieved when she saw Summer's figure walking eagerly towards her.     

When she heard Marie's voice, Summer immediately ran to her while Marie quickened her pace. She couldn't wait to hug her daughter.     

Meanwhile, Nicolae, who was holding Summer's hand, chased the little girl running toward her mother.     

The three met in the middle a few seconds later.     

When the tears that blurred her vision had been wiped away, Marie finally saw the man holding Summer's hand and walking briskly toward her.     

Instantly the man's steps halted while the girl was rooted to the spot.     

"You..?" Nicolae had also seen Marie's face after she took off her sunglasses and removed the scarf from her neck.     

His eyes suddenly turned misty.     

His steps went to a complete stop, and he did not know whether he was having a bad dream or that everything that was happening now was a real event.     

In the past, he had dated several women who looked rather similar to Marie, only because he subconsciously saw Marie's impression, the woman he loved, in those girls...     

But then he realized, he only made them his rebound because he was missing Marie and finally he stopped doing it. He did not want to hurt other women.     

Now, seeing a woman looking so similar to Marie ... he didn't know what to do and how to handle his feelings. Instantly, his head was filled with images of his memories with the girl.     

Their togetherness was brief, but he was still filled with remorse for not realizing his feelings earlier.     

And ... this girl in front of him... also had a five-year-old child ...     

The girl was named Nikita Summer Sorin.     

Oh, God...     

Nicolae went pale as he looked at Marie, who was rooted to the spot ... looked as confused and shocked as he was.     

Wait a minute ...     

Could all of this really be a coincidence?     

Suddenly a crazy thought crept into his head.     

He walked slowly and then stood right in front of Marie who stood transfixed, staring at him. Summer had reached her mother's body and hugged Marie's legs longingly.     

"Nic ... Medici?" Marie asked in a trembling voice. "Is ... that your real name?"     

Her body froze and her small peach eyes went round in her shock. Her right hand hugged Summer's back and her left hand pressed on her lips that were slightly open.     

"Marielle ..." Nicolae immediately became emotional. It seemed his crazy thoughts were now making sense. "Marie ...? Are you... Marie Lu?"     

He could not hold back himself and rushed over to hug her. Marie was still unmoved in her place. She did not answer because her mind went blank.     

This man ...      

His voice, face, body ... were all the same as Nicolae Sorin whom she met six years ago in Singapore before she moved to Paris.     

What happened exactly? Could there be someone like this? What is this? A doppelganger?     

But ... hasn't Nicolae disappeared a long time ago? Marie could not find any tracks of him after he left for Bucharest six years ago.     

Marie was the best hacker in the world, but she could not find out what happened to Nicolae after searching for him for months ... so she finally guessed the only possibility was that he had died.     

What exactly happened ...?     



From the author:     

If you read my other novel "Finding Stardust", you will know who Haoran Lee and his girlfriend were, and why they were asking for Goose's help. It's quite fun to write stories that share the same universe like this, and have some crossovers from time to time ^.^     

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