The Alchemists

Leave Everything To Me

Leave Everything To Me

The couple who just vented their longing finally slept soundly after they made love passionately. Marie and Nicolae only woke up in the morning after Koi scratched at the door protesting that his master had not yet left the bedroom.     

Nicolae opened his eyes first and immediately jumped out of the bed. His sudden movements startled Marie who was lying in his arms. The girl opened her eyes and furrowed her brows for a few seconds before she finally realized that they had woken up late.     

"Jeez ... what time is it?" the girl asked as she hurriedly removed the blanket from her body and got up to wear her clothes.     

"Ahh ... it's only 8 am," said Nicolae, who was very relieved that they were not that late. He was in shock earlier, thinking he and Marie were just like Alaric and Aleksis, who had only left their room at 3 pm on their wedding day after making love all night long.     

He hurriedly got up and took a robe from the closet and handed it to Marie who looked panic as she tried to wear her clothes.     

"Just wear this first, then take a shower and get ready. It is easier," he said with a smile.     

Marie received the robe gratefully and kissed his cheek. She put on her robe and immediately left the room. In front of the door, she saw Koi looking guilty as he raised his paw to scratch again.     

"Hi, Koi. Good morning. Thank you for waking us up..." Marie bent down and rubbed Koi's head happily. She then looked up and saw Summer standing next to Koi with a beaming face. "Ahh .. my little girl also woke up early. What do you want for breakfast?"     

Summer hugged her mother, and Marie quickly carried her daughter and walked into the kitchen. Nicolae had appeared behind her wearing a robe too. He kissed their cheeks alternately and then moved ahead of them to the kitchen.     

"Let me cook breakfast. You two just sit nicely, okay .." he said cheerfully.     

Summer and Marie exchanged glances and chuckled. Both were very happy to be spoiled by this man. They happily followed Nicolae and took a chair by the tall kitchen counter so they could watch him prepare breakfast.     

Nicolae made pancakes and various fruit slices, as well as boiled eggs and grilled bacon for them. Not long after, the three had sat down to enjoy breakfast with fresh milk for Summer and a cup of coffee each for her parents.     

"Summer ... we will go to Italy in the afternoon. You will love to see the big castle perched on the hilltop. That's where my family lives. There are lots of cute little animals that you can play with," Nicolae said happily.     

Summer widened her eyes enthusiastically. "Are there rabbits there too, Daddy?"     

"Yes, there are. We have rabbits, squirrels, foxes, lots of butterflies ... and we can also fish in the lake behind the castle."     

Even Marie seemed excited to hear from Nicolae how beautiful the Medici family castle was. During this time, she had never imagined that she would be able to enter a noble family castle, let alone marry someone who lived there.     

Since both of them were very excited to immediately see the castle told by Nicolae, Summer and Marie hurriedly finished their breakfast and got ready to take a shower and pack up.     

Nicolae was very pleased to see both of them looking excited to go to Grosetto. He then remembered that Marie did not bring a lot of clothes, only essential items from her apartment. Therefore, when Marie took a bath with Summer, the man decided to buy some stuff and clothes for them from the marketplace.     

Seeing that his taste in clothes and Marie's taste were quite similar, he felt confident choosing clothes to buy for her.     

After choosing the express delivery option and paying for his order, he then decided to check Darknet and see the development of the situation there.     

He wanted to see if anyone had succeeded in finding the bad guys who had targeted Marie for him. He was ready to pay up to 20 million dollars to teach that person a lesson.     

No one can harm Marie, or Goose, as long as Nicolae is alive, he was determined.     

Nicolae casually opened the forum and looked at the announcement after announcement. Shortly afterward, his eyes fell on an important announcement, which drew a lot of comments.     

There was a picture of him and Marie in front of the girl's apartment building when they were about to get into his car yesterday, heading to the Nobel Hotel.     

WOLF AND GOOSE ARE NICOLAE SORIN AND MARIELLE SAKAGUCHI. The identities of the two famous mysterious hackers have finally been revealed!     

What is this? Nicolae was very surprised to see the announcement. His and Marie's faces were clearly displayed on Darknet, and now everyone in their community knew what their faces and appearance looked like.     

This is very bad!     

He traced the poster of the pictures and read the active comments below the post. Many people didn't believe that Wolf and Goose were the two people in the photo because they were too good-looking.     

Apparently, in their minds, they had planted the thought that Goose was a male hacker, and Wolf was a much older guy. This was due to the fact that Wolf began to exist in Darknet around 20 years ago.     

[There is no way Wolf still looking this young. Indeed, many genius hackers started working in their teens. But, even if he is now in his 40s, he can't possibly still look young like this.]     

[You read the contest that Wolf posted yesterday, right? He announced that he would pay double to anyone who managed to find the person who was after Goose. This shows that Wolf and Goose do have a special relationship.]     

[Wow... Is that true that Goose is actually this stunning girl?? I've been a fan for a long time ... But I didn't expect her to be like a goddess]     

[Wow ... awesome. Both of them looked so good together. A couple of very handsome guy and extraordinarily beautiful girl - genius hackers!]     

There were more praises and positive comments compared to negative ones in the post. However, Nicolae still did not like his face to be plastered everywhere. He had worked hard to protect his privacy all this time, and so had Marie.     

He could not allow this.     

Hmmm ... his mind immediately went to Larkin whom they met at Marie's apartment yesterday when he and Marie went there to get Marie and Summer's belongings. Larkin knew about Marie's identity as Goose.     

Clearly, Larkin could conclude that Nicolae was the Wolf from the contest he announced yesterday. Now, Larkin deliberately revealed their identities.     

"Damn it," murmured Nicolae, feeling really annoyed.     

He thought for a moment about what he had to do. When a photo had spread across the internet, he would not be able to delete it completely. He could prevent the picture from being posted on Splitz, but if people had downloaded it and saved it on a personal device, then he would not be able to delete the picture one by one.     

He must think of ways to mitigate its impact. After all, he had met many people all his life. Maybe some of them would be able to recognize him in the photo and connect it with the Nicolae they know.     

What if his students recognize him in the photo? What about the teachers and parents at George Washington High School where the twins studied? His college friends were in Singapore? And so many other people!     

He must also think of Marie and her safety if her clients and enemies knew her identity.     

Nicolae decided to seek his brother's advice on this matter, but since it was still 3 am in New York, he was forced to postpone it. Feeling uneasy, he finally showered and changed clothes.     

Marie was waiting for him with Summer in the living room. She looked up with a worried face when Nicolae came out of the room. Nicolae could immediately guess that Marie had also seen the announcement on Darknet and felt worried about their safety.     

He hurried over to the girl and smiled soothingly. "Have you seen today's announcement?"     

Marie nodded. "I have. This must be Larkin's doing. I didn't expect he would do something this low."     

"Hmmm ... he certainly doesn't like the fact that I came back and snatched you from his hands. That's why he wants to cause me trouble," commented Nicolae.     

"Ugh ... you are not snatching me from anyone. Nobody owns me," Marie snarled.     

"I know, Honey ... but he doesn't think like that," Nicolae approached Marie and hugged her, to calm the girl. "Leave everything to me. You don't need to worry."     

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