The Alchemists

Meet The Family

Meet The Family

They had a romantic dinner while chatting about what had happened in the past few years, and exchanging news. Marie was amazed when she heard that Nicolae was teaching at the university, and she agreed to return with Nicolae to New York after they got remarried.     

She couldn't wait to see Altair and Vega immediately, then Alaric and Aleksis and their two children, and Lauriel.     

Marie, who used to live alone and only had Summer in her life, now felt so lucky. She suddenly had a very impressive husband and a big family.     

After they finished dinner and the servants took care of everything, the three of them returned to the spacious living room in the middle of the penthouse, and Nicolae turned on Virconnect access. He first contacted Alaric in New York.     

Soon, the room in front of him turned into a spacious living room in Alaric's family's mansion in Manhattan. On the large leather couch before them sat Alaric and Aleksis with their two sons. Their faces looked very bright when they saw Nicolae, Marie, and Summer.     

"Hello, Nic!" said Aleksis enthusiastically. She immediately got up and approached Nicolae. Her husband rose from his seat and followed her, then hugged her waist affectionately.     

"Nic," Alaric said.     

"Alaric, Aleksis ... I'm glad to see you, Guys." Nicolae stood up from his chair and took Marie's hand toward them. "Please meet Marie. And this is Summer."     

"Ohhh ... awww.." Aleksis immediately crouched down and looked at Summer with a broad smile, while the little girl stared at her wide-eyed. "Gosh... Summer is really pretty and adorable. Ireland, Scotland ... come here, Boys."     

The two six-year-old boys came over. They both watched Summer who immediately hid behind her mother's body, looking shy.     

"Hi, Summer. My name is Ireland," Ireland said in a friendly voice.     

Scotland nodded. "And I'm Scotland."     

Marie just looked at the beautiful people in front of her with shocked expressions. She did not expect Alaric and Aleksis to look so impressive. Alaric looked like he was only 25 years old ... even though he already had two 16-year-old teenagers.     

It's hard to believe that this man is 111 years old, just like Nicolae.     

Both men looked so young!     

By the way, ah ... is this THAT Aleksis?     

No wonder Nicolae loved her so much, Marie thought.     

Aleksis looked very beautiful, like a princess. Her body looked perfect like it was sculpted personally by the gods, and her skin was flawless. Her honey-colored hair hung beautifully down to her waist and her unique pair of eyes, each of which had two colors, blue-green, gleamed beautifully, giving off her warm and pleasant personality.     

Even though Marie knew that Nicolae was in love with Aleksis and had almost married her, for some reason she was not at all jealous. Before she met Aleksis in person, Marie had felt a little uncomfortable and jealous, whenever she remembered that Nicolae was in a relationship with Aleksis.     

But, now, seeing how much Nicolae adored her, while Aleksis and Alaric, her husband, seemed to be so intimate and loving toward each other, all those feelings disappeared, and Marie was not at all jealous.     

Now, she only saw Aleksis like a sister she never had.     

"Hello ... my name is Marie," Finally, the girl greeted Aleksis with her melodious voice. "I've heard a lot about you guys from Nicolae."     

"We are very pleased to meet you," Alaric said politely. "My name is Alaric, I am Nic's twin brother."     

"Nic told me. It's nice to meet you," Marie said with a smile. "I've heard of you before. I never thought I'd be able to meet you in person."     

"When you go to New York, you have to come to our house. Certainly, Ireland and Scotland will be happy to play with Summer. I also would love to talk to you directly," Aleksis said happily. "Ahh .. you guys look very adorable. You don't know how happy I am to see you guys!"     

The two families exchanged stories and talked very warmly. Marie loved Aleksis who was pleasant and fun. Alaric was much quieter than Nicolae but Marie could feel that he loved his brother very much and looked very happy for him. He was also very kind to Marie.     

"Jeez ... Summer is getting sleepy, apparently," Nicolae said half an hour later. "Then let's continue chatting next time. I want to introduce her to Father first."     

Aleksis looked disappointed because she really liked seeing Summer chatting with her two sons. But she realized, Lauriel must also eager to meet his new granddaughter. Finally, she relented and nodded.     

"Of course. I'm sure he will be very happy," said Aleksis. "Give my regards to Father."     

"All right. See you later," Nicolae said before disconnecting Virconnect. He turned to Marie and Summer. "Now, we will meet my father."     

"See you later," Marie said, smiling and waving her hand. Summer followed her actions.     

Aleksis and her two children also waved, and then they disappeared. Nicolae immediately contacted his father and asked him to reach the Virconnect at the penthouse because he did not know where Lauriel was.     

Not long afterward, the room in front of them turned into a beautiful terrace with the beach in the background. Apparently, Lauriel was in Asia, judging from the situation around him that showed it was still daytime.     

"Father ..." Nicolae greeted him with a smile. He guessed that Lauriel was spending time in Asia again, as he had often done lately. His family knew Rosalien lived in China, and they suspected that Lauriel had been spending a lot of time with her.     

Until now, six years later, Lauriel still made no explicit statement about his relationship with Rosalien, so his friends and family could only guess.     

His best friend, Caspar, and his sons did not dare ask what his relationship with the girl was because they knew Lauriel was very private. They could only wait for the man to explain it to them, in his own time.     

"Nicolae," Lauriel greeted with a smile on his face. The man rarely smiled and tended to be cold. But today, his expression looked bright and friendly. He looked straight at Marie. He tilted his head slightly and then greeted the girl. "Marie. Nice to meet you. Welcome to our family."     

Marie could only stand frozen in her place. She did not understand how was it possible for a human who was almost 600 years old to look as young and as handsome as this man?     

Lauriel's face and appearance were very similar to Nicolae's, so Marie could be sure that this impressive man in front of her was Nicolae's father.     

The most apparent differences were their attitudes and personalities. If Nicolae looked warm and friendly, Lauriel looked cold and a bit ruthless.     

Even though he was smiling now, there was something in his eyes that made Marie feel a little intimidated. She immediately remembered Alaric she had just met. It looked like, even though Nicolae had taken after his father's face, but Lauriel's personality seemed to be passed on to Alaric.     

Lauriel also looked very elegant. Although his clothes were simple, he looked like a nobleman. Only his long blond hair was left in a mess, unlike Nicolae, who dressed casually but always tied his hair neatly.     

"Good day, Uncle ... I'm happy to meet you," Marie said hoarsely when she finally found her voice.     

"Just call me Father," Lauriel said kindly. His gaze then turned to Summer, who stood staring at him with a baffled expression. Lauriel then rose and approached Summer. His face instantly turned into an angel. "Nikita Summer Sorin Medici ... Grandfather really missed you."     

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