The Alchemists

Romantic Dinner With Rose (2)

Romantic Dinner With Rose (2)

"My sister is very supportive of our relationship. She said I should treat you well and take you to a good restaurant," said Rune with a laugh. "So, if you've decided to raise my status from a fake boyfriend to a real one, I will definitely be the best boyfriend you ever had."     

Rose's beautiful eyes went round when she heard Rune's words that he uttered so nonchalantly. She really did not expect that this serious-looking man could easily say things like he was a pickup artist.     

However, Rose did not feel that she was facing a pickup artists nor a scammer. This man's attitude was so casual that it made her feel relaxed. Slowly, the cloud in her heart subsided and was replaced by warmth.     

"Okay, then." in the end, Rose could only smile.      

Both enjoyed the ride by the luxury car to the St. Laurent Hotel New York. It was one of the most luxurious hotels in the city. As soon as Rune and Rose got out of the car, the hotel GM immediately came to greet the two of them with great respect.     

"Good evening, Sir. Madame already informed us of your arrival," said the GM with a warm smile. "I'll accompany you to the restaurant."     

"Thank you, Mr. Cellini," said Rune. He took Rose by the hand and walked after the GM. The man winked at the beautiful girl as he said. "Look how supportive my sister of our relationship. She even called this place to make sure they serve us well. Tonight, we are going to eat at The Lily."     

Rose nodded. She was very impressed. She knew how exclusive this hotel was. Everything in it was so luxurious and getting a reservation at The Lily was no easy feat.      

"Next week, we'll have dinner at that restaurant too," Rose said in a half-whispered voice to Rune as they exited the elevator on the 50th floor and walked down the all-blue accented hallway to the restaurant at the very end. "I had to make a reservation two weeks in advance. How did your sister make the reservation for us at the last minute?"     

"My sister knows the owner very well. So, it's easy for her to pull some string and ask for favors," Rune chuckled. "Our family name is similar to the hotel owner, don't you realize that?"     

Rose shook her head. "Really?"     

She furrowed her brows and thought about it for a few seconds. Realization immediately dawned on her. "Wait.. you do share the same family name as the Schneiders. I just realized that. Does it really help, having the same last name as them?"     

Rune nodded vigorously. "It does. The proof is, my sister can get along well with the Schneiders, and they consider her family."     

D'uh. Of course, she was considered family..     

"So lucky," Rose commented. "I wish I know you sooner so I can use your sister's connection... hahahaha. I actually wanted to have dinner with my friends here the day after tomorrow, but the restaurant only had availability next week."     

"Oh really? Do you want me to ask my sister if she can talk to the owner and change your reservation?" asked Rune. He was secretly happy that Rose had chosen a restaurant in his family's hotel for dinner with her friends later.     

Rose shrugged. "Ah, there is no need to bother your sister for that. I already made the reservation and my friends were notified and made plans. It's all good. We'll have fun."     

"I see," Rune nodded. "Well, if you need a reservation at this restaurant again, you just have to tell me. I'll ask my sister for help."     

"Thank you."     

Rose stared at Rune intently and was suddenly curious how this man's sister could rub elbows with the Schneiders to get such privilege. Having the same last name as the rich and famous people usually didn't mean anything. Unless she could enter the upper-class with her husband's connection.     

"Who is your sister actually married to?" Finally, Rose asked curiously. She nodded at the GM, who led them to the best table on the outside terrace and then invited them to sit down. A waiter swiftly opened a chair for Rose and then Rune.     

"Enjoy your dinner, Sir and Madame. Please let the manager here know if there you need anything," he said respectfully.     

"Thank you, Mr. Cellini," said Rune, nodding slightly. He then sat across from Rose and waited for the waiter to open napkins for both of them.     

"You're welcome, Sir. Bon appetit!"     

After the GM left and the waiter put the napkins on their laps, Rose and Rune began to check the menu handed to them. Rune only took a few seconds to figure out what he wanted. He had memorized the menu in various restaurants owned by his family's hotels.     

Meanwhile, Rose, who had only been living in New York for a few months and had never been to The Lily, was still reading the wide selection of dishes she was interested in.      

"You already know what you want?" asked Rose, amazed. She didn't expect Rune to look so relaxed at such a fancy restaurant.     

Rune nodded. "My sister brought me here once. I will just order the dishes she recommended. They are all so good. I don't want to bother checking the others."     

"Oh, is that so?" Rose nodded in understanding.     

She was still checking the menu for a few minutes, and then elegantly handed the menu to the waiter and mentioned her order. Using fluent French, she said everything she wanted for dinner, from entree and starter to the main courses and dessert.     

Rune was amazed to see Rose's graceful attitude. Ahh, what a classy girl, he thought.     

He didn't care at all if Rose came from a poor family. For him, wealth was not at all important. However, seeing how elegant and classy Rose was, Rune couldn't help but feel impressed.     

He had met many upper-class girls who also had flawless etiquette, but somehow most of them were either very boring or arrogant. That was why he never fancied any of them.     

Rose was the only girl he met who was so attractive, elegant, looked so humble and approachable, and she gave the impression of being adventurous. She also had many exciting stories.     

In essence, Rose was perfect.     

And Rune was crazy about her.     

Rune then mentioned his order. Before the waiter asked what drinks they wanted to order, Rose grabbed Rune's hand and whispered to him.     

"Ssshh... how about dinner this time I'll just pay?" asked the girl.     

Rune shook his head. "No need. I told you, I just got some money and I can also get a big discount when eating here because my sister knows the owner."     

Rose took a deep breath. "I'm in the mood for some expensive champagne. If you pay, you'll go broke."     

"Champagne?" Rune was stunned.     

Usually, people drank champagne to celebrate something. What did Rose want to celebrate tonight?     

Wait.. wasn't tonight their first real date? Then, this was worthy of celebration, wasn't it?     

The blind date where they first met happened at a very average cafe, and Rune wasn't ready either. At that time he came only to fulfill a promise to his nephews and niece. That was... not special.     

"That's right," said Rose. "I know champagne is very expensive. So let me pay for our dinner this time. You can treat me tomorrow. I know you want to cheer me up. But I don't want to bankrupt you."     

Rune shook his head. His lips curved up to a happy smile. "This is our first real date. It's something to celebrate. We will order the best champagne in this restaurant. For you, only the best!"     

He turned to the waiter who was looking at him with a slightly confused expression. He had caught some words that Rose whispered to Rune. The girl offered to pay for their dinner because she was afraid the handsome man across from her would go broke.     

Go broke? How was that possible? Even if they ordered all the most expensive champagne in every restaurant in New York, there was no way that Young Master from the Schneider family would go broke. Hehe ..     

"You're so stubborn, huh," said Rune with a laugh. "Tell you what. How about we settle this with rock - paper - scissors. The winner can pay."     

Reluctantly, Rose finally nodded. They reached out their hands and played rock - scissors - paper. The winner will be allowed to pay.     

After three rounds, Rune won.     

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