The Alchemists

The Extravagant Event

The Extravagant Event

Rune's questions were immediately answered when Lisa Bisset and the older lady stood arrogantly in front of Rose and snickered.      

"So you have the audacity to come to the royal gala," Lisa shook her head disapprovingly.     

"Of course, I have to come. Tonight is my brother's happy day. I am here to support him," Rose replied with her classy expression.     

"Come on, Rose. We know you love Leon. After so many years, you just don't change. Princess Anne is a really nice girl. It will be better for everyone if you just leave quietly and never show your face again in Medion so you don't hurt her feelings." Lisa crossed her arms on their chest. "Please stop embarrassing yourself."     

Rose smiled sweetly and continued sipping her cocktail. Actually, Lisa didn't need to tell Rose what to do, Rose planned exactly that. She would exit the stage gracefully and never come back.     

However, she hated being told what to do by some stuck-up lady like Lisa Bisset and her mother. So Rose pretended not to hear her.     

Lisa was obviously upset to see Rose still look nonchalant and unaffected.     

Now, she turned to Rune and sized him up, as if to determine if the man belonged in their high society event or not.     

Unfortunately, she couldn't find any faults with this man. Rune looked handsome, he wore an extremely expensive-looking tuxedo, and he carried himself well.     

However, it was obvious that Lisa wanted Rune to hear everything, to make him 'aware' that Rose was never in love with him because she harbored feelings for another man.      

"Don't you know that she was dating her half-brother in the past?" Lisa smirked and asked Rune. "She only brings you here as cover. I feel so sorry for you. She is scamming you!"     

Now, it was Rune's turn to also pretend not to hear Lisa's words. He sipped his cocktail just like Rose did and acted as if the girl and her mother were invisible like the air.     

This made Lisa really infuriated. She thought these two people were very alike. Maybe they did belong together.     

"Don't ignore me when I'm speaking!" she stomped her feet impatiently. Lisa turned to her mother and pouted. "Mother, they are very rude. They are acting as if we are not here."     

Lady Bisset narrowed her eyes angrily. "Her mother should be really embarrassed that she failed to educate her only daughter."     

She grabbed Lisa's hand and pulled her to another table.     

Once the two hags were out of their sights, Rune turned to Rose and asked what was the cause for the enmity between her and those girls from today.     

"Enmity? What enmity?" Rose feigned ignorance. "That's how we talk around here."     

"Weren't you friends from school in the past? You told me you went to school with Sarah, and Lisa too, didn't you?"     

"Yeah.. well, I told you Sarah doesn't like me because she had a crush on Leon when we were teenagers. As for Lisa..." Rose rolled her eyes. "She was this ugly kid who no one wanted to be friends with, while everyone liked me and wanted to be my friends. I was quite popular in school. I think she hates me because she wants to be me. I don't know if you understand what I mean."     

Rune looked at Rose intently and realized that the girl was right. Rose never had an arrogant attitude and she could be friends with people from all walks of life.     

When Rose told Rune that she was popular, there was no hint of arrogance about it. She talked as-a-matter-of-factly.     

Rune could see that Lisa was trying to pull Rose down when she finally got the chance and attacked Rose through her only weakness, which was her past relationship with Leon.     

"By the way, thank you so much for being so patient with me and all this craziness," Rose smiled and touched Rune's hand. "I owe you greatly. You even gave her the silent treatment that she deserves... hahaha. Lisa Bisset is nothing but a waste of oxygen to me."     

Rune smiled when he heard Rose's words. He was happy that she showed how much she appreciated what he did for her.     

After Lisa and her mother were gone, the two could sit in peace and enjoyed their drinks. In the meantime, more guests were coming and finally, Duke and Duchess Fournier arrived at their table.     

"We went to see the king and had a small talk," Duke Fournier explained. "They will be here shortly."     

Duchess Fournier sat next to her daughter and kept asking Rose if she was okay, to which the girl replied with a fake smile.     

"I am okay, Mom."     

"I am so proud of you, honey..." Duchess Fournier whispered and tapped Rose's hand.     

Rose was so quiet that night. She kept herself busy with drinks after drinks, that Rune became worried.     

"Don't you think you have had too much to drink?" the man leaned in and whispered gently to her ear. "Are you trying to get drunk tonight?"     

Rose shook her head weakly. "I'm trying to get numb so I don't cry in the middle of this crowd. So, if you have any alternatives to liquor, I am all ears."     

Rune sighed when he heard her answer. Had he ever felt so despondent that he just wanted to numb his feelings? No. He wouldn't understand what Rose was feeling.     

So, he could only show her sympathy and no longer asked her questions.     

Finally, at 8 pm sharp, the royal staff announced the arrival of the monarchs and the bride and groom to be.     

The whole audience immediately rose to their feet and turned toward the massive entrance, to welcome the monarchs and future monarchs of Medion.     

Rune had seen King Henry Camille and Queen Helen in news on the internet when he read about the engagement last month.     

The man looked a lot like Leon, that he was wondering why people couldn't put two and two together and realized that the prince was actually the king's own son.     

It would make things so much easier for Rose. Queen Helen was a beautiful woman in her 50's who had a cold expression. She barely smiled at anyone, that Rune was reminded of the ice queen when he saw her.     

Behind them, Leon and Anne walked together, holding hands, followed by the king and queen of Moravia. They were all wearing regal outfits and for a moment made Rune feel like they were going back in time.     

Inwardly, he was thinking of Terry. Rune thought Terry would have loved to be here and witness everything, probably with a hidden camera on his suit.     

When the king and his small group walked past the audience, one by one, the men bent their knees and the women curtseyed to show their respect to their king.     

King Henry, Queen Helen, Leon, Anne, and her parents all sat at the most prestigious table not far from the Fournier's table.     

Duke and Duchess Fournier only sat after the monarchs sat, then followed by the rest of the audience.     

More staff came with trays filled with drinks and hors d'oeuvres. The royal gala was about to start officially.     

King Henry decided to stand up and speak. As soon as he did that, everyone became silent and turned their attention to him.     

"Welcome, everyone. We are very grateful that you all make time to come and attend our small event to introduce Princess Anne and her family to Medion." King Henry Camille spoke with his deep voice. "Our two countries will soon become one, and I am happy to announce that the union will start today."     

He turned his gaze around and see the attendees one by one. When his eyes caught sight of Rose, he threw her a warm smile. Rose bowed her head slightly and lowered her gaze.     

"We will have a formal introduction soon, but before that, please enjoy the food and drinks provided by our staff." The king smiled broadly and motioned everyone to get something from the trays. "We also have some traditional Moravian cakes for you to try."     

Soon, a full-size orchestra showed up at the stage in the middle of the hall and started playing several beautiful classical music compositions. The atmosphere turned very lively and festive.     

The happier the music was being played, the more Rose took cocktails from the waiter's trays.      

"Isn't this lovely?" she whispered to Rune. "Have you ever been to an event more extravagant than this one? Ah.. of course, you haven't."     

Rose asked him questions and replied to them herself.     

"You are right, this is my first time," Rune replied with a smile. "It's nice."     

"Well... I hope you enjoy the event," she added. "This and the royal wedding are probably your only chance of ever attending anything of such extravagance. I don't plan on ever going into any more of these wonderful events in the future."     

"I understand," Rune replied. "And I don't mind. I'm not big on parties. In fact, I actually hate it. always try to avoid them if possible."     

"You are a very interesting man," Rose smiled. "You are doing so well at this party even though you hate it. Thank you for making the effort."     

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