The Alchemists

You Have To Treasure Your Brother

You Have To Treasure Your Brother

"Hey.. slow down with your drink, will you?!" said Terry with widened eyes. "Nobody will supervise you and Altair on your wedding night."     

"I know.." JM coughed and almost choked on her drink. "I dare anyone who would try to do it."     

"Nobody will dare. You think too much about it," Rune quickly said. He didn't want these two fools to keep talking about Leon and his wedding night with Anne.     

He glanced at Rose and noticed the change in her expression. The girl slowly added more drink into her glass and sipped it without saying anything.     

"I don't think they still do it. This is the modern times after all," Rune added. He opened the car window to get fresh air. "Let's stop talking about weddings and such. I have enough in one day."     

"But, I really want to know if my sister here is already proposed for marriage by her boyfriend," Terry insisted. "I have the right to know."     

"No, you don't," said Rune impatiently. "It's their personal business. We should be happy for them if they do want to get married and tell us the good news, but other than that, we are not entitled to anything."     

Terry knew Rune was right, but still, he was disappointed that JM didn't want to let him know the truth. JM knew how Terry was a sucker for gossip and he wouldn't be able to sleep at night before he found out the truth.     

How cruel of JM to torture her beloved brother like this?     

Terry took the bottle of champagne which was now almost empty and poured the remaining champagne into his glass. When JM saw his annoyed expression, the girl chuckled and finally laughed.     

She knew how much bothered he was because of this. She wrapped her hands around his shoulders and smiled broadly. "No, he hasn't proposed... hehehehe. I just love annoying you."     

Terry gave her a side-eye. "Really?"     

"Really. I promise, you will be the first to know if he did propose to me, my dear brother," said JM sweetly.     

Terry sipped his drink with furrowed brows. Then he turned to JM and asked, "He hasn't even mentioned marriage to you?"     

JM shook her head. "No, not yet."     

"Is he not serious with you? What is that boy doing? You have been dating for almost ten years now!" Terry complained and shook his head in displeasure.     

He chided, "How dare he to keep you on a string. You are so kind, beautiful, have a great character.. yet, he hasn't even made his intention clear???? I have to go and talk to him. Isshh...!"     

Right at that moment, Rune felt like he wanted to slap the champagne bottle at Terry.     

How confusing.     

Just minutes ago Terry was so against JM and Altair getting married, but now he was disappointed because Altair had not actually proposed to his sister?     

[Can you make up your mind? Which one was it that you want Altair to do? To propose or not to propose?]     

However, apparently Rose found Terry funny. She laughed out loud when she heard the man and nodded affirmatively.     

"You are right. A man should make his intention clear from the beginning. I think, after ten years of being in a relationship, JM deserves to get something from her boyfriend, even though they don't plan to get married as soon as possible," she said with a smile.      

"Wait.. so, you agree with Pierre?" Rune asked Rose. Now, he was wondering if Leon also made his intention clear from the beginning when he started dating Rose.     

Ahh.. he suddenly remembered his own doing. Rune thought he also made his intentions clear, right?     

He had told Rose that he liked her and was interested to be her real boyfriend, not just the fake one, and he would love for her to come and meet his family.     

In fact, he already did show his family to her. Rose had met his older sister, Aleksis and her family, and now they shared a car with JM and Terry, who are also Rune's family by extension.     

Did this mean, Rose liked what he was doing?      

"Of course, I agree with Pierre," Rose replied. "Pierre is wise and I think it's obvious that he cares a lot about JM. Ah.. I wish I have a brother who cares about me that much and threatens men who are only toying with my feelings."     

Right at that moment, Rune hiccuped. He would treat Rose well, of course, but it was not nice to think that Rose had a scary older brother that would threaten him...     

"Hmm.. didn't Leon, uhm, I mean Prince Leon protect you from boys?" JM asked Rose. "I know he was only acknowledged two years ago as your brother, but from what I know, you both grew up together. Didn't he protect you and take care of you like my brother here did to me?"     

Dammit. Rune was now on the edge of his seat. He didn't expect JM to innocently ask that question. Didn't she read the tabloids? There were so many gossips on the tabloid about Rose and Leon's past relationship.     

"No, sadly, he didn't," Rose replied softly. Her expression didn't look offended. "Leon has too many things that he needed to do. I am not in his priority to protect. So... you have to treasure your brother here. He really loves you."     

Rose's words put a big smile on Terry's face. He was glad that this princess understood him and saw where he was coming from. His appreciation for Rose became higher and higher.     

Ahh.. hopefully, Rune could really get this girl, he thought to himself.     

Rose would be a nice addition to their family.     

JM turned to her brother and gave him a side-eye. "Fine. I know you love me. Thank you."     

"Uhm.. you didn't look sincere," Terry complained.     

JM cleared her throat and repeated her words. She forced a smile and held back from rolling her eyes. "I know you love me, and only think of what's best for me. Please don't threaten my boyfriend. I promise, he is serious and when the time comes, he will make me his wife and you will be the first to know when he proposes. Okay?"     

"Okay..." Finally, Terry was satisfied.     

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