The Alchemists

Rose Of Medion (7)

Rose Of Medion (7)

Rose quickly added, "Peter and I are going out for a walk to see the carnival in the neighboring village. That's all. I am not running away, and I am not sneaking out to make out with a boy to break the school rule and get myself expelled like what you are thinking right now."     

Rose could guess that much, judging from Helene's expression, even though the girl didn't voice her accusation. Helene must be thinking lewd thoughts about Rose and Peter, sneaking out in the middle of the night like this.     

Helene's eyes suddenly lit up. "Is-is it true that there is a carnival there ..? Oh, please take me with you... I was never allowed to go to any carnivals by my parents ... I really want to go..."     

Rose and Peter looked at each other. Peter shook his head. He didn't want to bring an extra person.      

"Oh, come on, Peter! You said yesterday that there are only two options for people who catch our existence. We either kill her or make her a member. You can't possibly kill Helene, right?" Rose insisted. "I will kill you to killed her."     

Finally, Peter relented. "Uff .. Alright. Quickly change your clothes and come back here .."     

Helene was wearing a nightgown. It was not a suitable outfit to climb down a tree from the window.     

"But .. I don't have clothes like you guys .." Helene said pitifully.     

"Just wear jeans, okay?" Rose advised. "That's good enough."     

"I don't have jeans either…" Now, Helene was almost crying.     

Rose and Peter looked at each other. Jeez ... this girl was indeed a real lady. She didn't even have jeans in her wardrobe!     

"Peter, leave now. You can wait down there, under the tree. I will let Helene borrow my clothes and change into them," Rose said finally.     

Peter shrugged and went out the window, climbed down the tree, and waited under it, as per Rose's request. A few moments later, Rose and Helene walked out of the window too. Even though she already wore a casual shirt with jeans, Helene still had trouble keeping up with Peter and Rose's agile movements to climb down the tree.     

To her horror, she saw how far the land was from the branch she was on. Her face turned ashen, and tears slowly rolled down her cheeks.     

"I... I'm sorry ... I have troubled you so much ... but it's impossible for me to get down this tree ..." Helene shook her head sadly. "You guys just go without me…"     

"But Helene… just a little more…" whispered Rose. "Don't be afraid. You can do it."     

"Sorry .. I-I'm so scared ..." Hellen sobbed and shook her head. She took a deep breath and then turned to return to Rose's room.     

Peter let out a long sigh.     

"Helene Winter, get back to your place and get ready to jump!" his order was firm. Helene froze when she heard him.     

"B-but, this tree is so tall ..."     

"Now, I want you to believe me. Close your eyes and jump because I'll catch you ..." Peter stared deeply into Helene' eyes. "I can do it. Trust me..."     

 Helene was silent for a while. Rose looked at Peter anxiously… The thing that Peter was suggesting was really dangerous but he seemed very confident in his abilities.     

"Peter… I-I believe in you." Helene finally said. She got ready on the biggest branch, closed her eyes… then she jumped!     


Peter staggered, but he managed to catch Helene's body well. Once the girl was in his arms, both fell down to the ground. However, Helene didn't feel any pain because she fell on top of Peter's body.     

"I... I am sorry. Are you okay?" Helene quickly got up and reached out his hand to help Peter up. Rose also reached out her hand to help.     

"I'm okay," said Peter. He grabbed both hands and got up. He winked at Helene. "I told you, I can catch you."     

"Yes, yes you did. Thank you!"     

They all jumped with joy over the success and high-fived each other with a chuckle.     

"You are awesome, Peter!"     

"I know I am... hehehe..."     

They walked quickly off to the new meeting place which was the vegetable warehouse where Jack, George and Harry were waiting.      

You could imagine their surprise to see Helene, who came with Peter and Rose. Jack looked up and gestured without being able to speak. He was too shocked for words.     

"W-who is she..? What is she doing here?" Harry frowned in surprise.     

"She is our newest member," answered Peter lightly. "Come on, say hello..."     

"Hello ..." said the three of them in unison.     

"Hello, my name is Helene Cartier. I'm pleased to meet you.." Helene said, smiling sweetly.     

"I'm Jack Evans, in case you forget this classmate of yours .." said Jack finally after he found his voice.     

"Harry Rosenbaum. I'm from the west tower."     

"George Winslow .. I'm from the west tower too."     

Finally, the boys let it go and accepted Helene as their newest member. Nobody wanted to waste time arguing when they could immediately go to the village to have fun.     

The six teenagers fled out of St. John through the back door that was usually opened for the milkman and vegetable vendors.     

The village streets were bright and busy as people took advantage of the rare opportunities to see the carnival. They went there with their family members to have fun.      

Many entertainments were offered at the carnival, from shooting stands, magician shows, fortune tellers, circus attractions, and various rides such as carousel and rocking boats.     

"It's a shame the school forbids the students to go out to enjoy these festivities..." said Peter with a sigh. He pointed to one of the stands and they saw some of their teachers gathered and laughing. "We have to be careful not to be seen by them."     

"Where are we going first?" asked Rose.     

"I want to ride the carousel .." said Hellen with sparkling eyes.     

"Me too," Harry nodded.     

"Carrusel is boring," Jack grumbled. "I'm going to the fortune-teller shop... hehe..."     

"George, what about you?" asked Peter. George just smiled and shrugged. Peter nodded. "All right, we split up and meet back here in an hour. Remember! This mission is dangerous. If you get caught, we will all deny that we have anything to do with you..."     

They all smiled and nodded back.     

Harry accompanied Hellen to ride the carousel and try every other rides there were. George followed Jack to ask their fortune to the fortune teller who was dressed up mysteriously. After they came out of his tent, they both just laughed out loud.     

Rose and Peter tried their hands at the archery stand.     

"By the way, George is very quiet, don't you think? He is also gentle and meek," said Rose, stroking the tip of her arrow. She prepared to shoot with her bow. "Is he gay?"     

Peter smacked Rose's back with a glare. "Rubbish! Not all men have to look manly and macho like me ... George is indeed gentle and meek. He is a great artist and does not like to interact with the outside world. His mother forced him to go to school here to hang out with other people and make friends."     

Rose burst into laughter. "Manly? Macho? Peter, please .. hahaha..."     

Peter laughed too." It's true .. Look at my abs!"     

Rose shot her arrow and hit the target six times, making the stand keeper amazed. The guy was forced to hand over two stuffed animals to her as her reward.     

Peter became curious and took firing his arrows too. Unfortunately, he only hit two out of six targets.     

"You...? How did you do it?" he asked Rose in astonishment. "You hit all your targets!"     

"Ah ... just instinct, really .." Rose replied lightly. They walked to the next stand was is the shooting stand. Again, Rose hit bullseye in all her targets.     

"This is not instinct. But you are trained to do it. "Peter said." Who are you.. really?"     

"Why do you ask that? "Rose asked back. "You know my name."     

"No, I mean.. who are you? I wasn't asking your name." Peter stopped and looked at Rose for an explanation. "By the way, I just realized that I know nothing about you ..."     

Rose frowned, not understanding. "There is nothing special about me, really ... I often join my father hunting. That is all. What do you want to know about me?"     

Peter shrugged. "I don't know ... I mean you're not British because your accent is different. What country are you from? I don't know those things about you."     

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