The Alchemists

They Matched

They Matched

Rune smiled when he heard Leon's words. He could hear the slight bitterness in the man's voice. It was obvious that Leon was still in love with Rose. It was not surprising though, because... any man who couldn't see how precious Rose was would be stupid.     

However, Leon still chose another woman. That was what made his tone bitter. Rune really didn't understand why a man could make such a decision. You can always make more money, but you cannot force love.     

Rune thought Rose understood this better than Leon. Ahh.. come to think of it, maybe that's the thing with wealthy people.     

Since they had money, they knew that money is not everything. Family, love, friendship.. they were all worth more than money. While poor people who didn't have money always wanted to have money since they think it was what would bring them happiness.     

"Thank you, I like the capital so far. Rose told me after the wedding, she would take me around the other parts of Medion as well," Rune replied. He reached out his hand to shake Leon's hand. "By the way, congratulations on your wedding."     

Leon forced a smile and shook Rune's hand. "Thank you. I hope you will enjoy your stay."     

"We will come to the royal gala tonight and meet Princess Anne and her family officially," Rose added. "I came home to get ready."     

"Thank you," Leon turned to Rose and smiled. "I am sorry, I cannot stay too long. I have a fiancee to care for. I only came here to make sure you are okay."     

"Of course. Thanks for stopping by," Rose nodded. The girl was truly a good actress because she could fake a really sweet smile when she talked to Leon. "How are you going to go back to the royal palace?"     

"Your father's driver will send me back, under disguise. Don't worry," Leon replied.     

"Okay, take care and see you tonight at the palace," Rose bowed down her head slightly and motioned Rune to follow her upstairs.     

Leon turned and watched the two walk the stairs to the second floor. His expression was flat but Duke and Duchess Fournier knew behind his calm and flat expression, Leon must be hiding his sadness.     

They knew this man inside and out since he was raised like their own child, together with Rose. When everything turned out this way... they didn't know what to say.     

"Your Highness, thank you for coming and check on our daughter. We will see you at the royal ball," Duchess Fournier curtseyed to Leon and turned to follow Rose upstairs.     

Leon didn't respond.     


The duchess apparently had called a famous makeup artist to style her and Rose for the gala. She came with her two assistants and they worked efficiently and quickly in Rose's room to doll up the girl and her mother.     

Rune brought a nice tuxedo for the event so he could look nice when standing next to Rose. He was determined not to embarrass the girl in front of her upper-class society.     

He already prepared an excuse that the tuxedo was a gift from Aleksis, his wealthy sister in New York, if Rose asked.      

When Rose and her mother went down the stairs to meet the men, Rune was amazed to see how beautiful she was, that he was standing frozen in place with his mouth slightly open.     

Rose wore an elegant grey brocade dress with a very simple design. It went all the way to her heels and had a low-cut V-neckline.     

Rune immediately imagined this dress as a white wedding dress. How gorgeous she would look as a bride, he thought.     

"You look amazing!" he gushed as Rose came near. His eyes twinkled by fascination.     

Your loss, Leon. Don't regret your choices later. It's too late, Rune thought to himself. He was happy that his competition was too dumb to let Rose go.     

He could picture the moment in the future when Leon regretted his decision, and it would be too late.     

People should always be accountable for the choices they made.     

"Ah.. thank you. You're too kind," Rose smiled broadly. She patted his shoulder and admired his tux. "This is a really nice suit."     

"Ah, I have to thank my sister for this. She has an impeccable taste," Rune replied. "When she knew I want to go to your home country to attend your brother's wedding, she bought me this tuxedo."     

"Ah, I see," Rose nodded in understanding. She remembered the twin boys she met at Central Park and their numerous bodyguards.      

This sister of Rune's was the one who married a man from the mafia family, right? Rose remembered that through her husband's connection, she had a good relationship with the Schneider family. That's why Rune could book a table at The Lily's in New York.     

"We will go in two cars," Duchess Fournier informed them. "Our chauffeurs are waiting."     

She looked so elegant and stunning tonight, together with her husband. The Duke and Duchess were the picture-perfect aristocratic couple.     

Seeing them somehow reminded Rune of the two Alchemist leaders, Ned and Portia.      

"Your family is very impressive," Rune whispered to Rose as they walked side by side toward the courtyard to get to the car.     

"Yeah, my father and mother are both from old noble families that have been rooted for centuries in this kingdom. Too bad their lineage will end with me," Rose replied.      

"Didn't Leon use your family name now?" Rune asked.     

Rose smiled faintly when she heard his question.     

"Ahh.. that's right. Everyone thinks Leon is a Fournier." She looked away. "I guess he is really my family now."     

Rune realized he shouldn't bring up Leon in their conversation. It wouldn't do anyone any good.     

He decided to change the subject and talked about what Rose thought about Terry and JM that she met earlier today.     

"By the way.. I received an invitation from Pierre to have dinner at their hotel tomorrow. What do you think?" he asked her as they walked toward the Rolls Royce parked in the courtyard. Duke and Duchess Fournier had entered the first car and it was ready to leave.     

"Oh, sure, why not? We don't have anything planned for tomorrow yet," Rose replied. She smiled to Mr. Rolland who opened the door for her and Rune. "Thank you, Mr. Rolland."     

"My pleasure, Your Grace," Mr. Rolland touched the tip of his hat with a broad smile.     

Rose got it and sat gracefully in the backseat, followed by Rune.     

"Okay, I will tell them that we will come," Rune nodded to Mr. Rolland who closed their door and got in the driver's seat.     

As the car was moving slowly toward the gate, Rune quickly took out his phone and replied Terry's message.     

[Rose and I will come to the dinner tomorrow.]     

Soon, a reply from Terry came to his phone.     

[Gosh, you didn't tell me that you are dating a duke's daughter? She is the crown prince's half-sister! How could you end up in Bacilia with the prince's sister?? You must tell me everything!]     

Runse smiled to himself as he read Terry's text. His brother was still as nosy as ever.     

[I've got nothing to tell you.] He replied briefly, just to annoy Terry.     

[Wait.. how did you meet her? She doesn't hang out with lower-class people.] Apparently, Terry was quite persistent.     

[You are wrong. Rose is different. She hangs out with all kinds of people. She is a really kind and sweet girl.]     


[What does '....' mean?]     

[I was saying you're so lucky. She is so beautiful and she is a noblewoman. Plus, she looked like she has a really nice personality. She is perfect.] Terry praised Rose sincerely now that he had read a lot about the girl from the media.      

[Oh, you should thank your nephews and Summer for that. They set me up with Rose on a blind date from online dating website.] Finally, Rune decided to tell the truth.     

[Wait.. what? Blind date?]     

In his hotel suite, Terry furrowed his brows and turned to JM who was talking on the phone with her boyfriend, Altair.     

"These guys are so lucky with online dating," he murmured. JM lowered her phone and looked at her brother with a questioning look.     

"What do you mean? I heard there are so many scams with online dating," JM commented. "Are you thinking of getting a girlfriend from a dating website?"     

"No, of course not," Terry shook his head and shuddered. He was not looking for any woman for a committed relationship. He just couldn't believe Rune and Nicolae's luck.     

Both men were set up on blind dates by their nephews and both found the perfect women, the love of their life.     

Well.. Terry was not sure yet how was it between Rune and Rose, but Nicolae was really happy with Marie. They were truly a match made in heaven.     

Hmm.. maybe Rune was also fated to be with Rose? Just look at their names. They matched!     

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