The Alchemists

Terry Loves Annoying Rune

Terry Loves Annoying Rune

Terry and JM knew better that Rune and Rose's story must not be that simple. However, they just listened and nodded with a smile.     

"So.. it was love at first sight for you, Uncle?" JM asked with a grin. She pointed at Rune's chest cheekily. "I'm so happy for you. FINALLYYYY... I know there is a heart somewhere in there!"     

"Jean-Marie..." Rune rolled his eyes when he heard her. "You make it sound like I'm a heartless person."     

Rose chuckled when she saw their banter. Secretly, she was happy to hear from JM that Rune seemed like he had never loved any girl before.     

Even though Rose was still grieving over her failed relationship with Leon, at least she could count on Rune being sincere to her. The man had always been consistent with his feelings for her since day 1.      

Rune also knew what was going on between Rose and Leon, yet, he wasn't freaked out or feeling threatened.     

He was so mature and confident with himself and this gave Rose a sense of security. Facing this ordeal back home, with Rune by her side, made Rose feel safe and relieved.     

"I just noticed, JM always calls you 'Uncle'. Is there a funny story behind it?" Rose suddenly asked. "I mean.. it's obvious that you are friends with Pierre. Usually, the sister of my friends wouldn't call me 'Auntie', they will call me by name or 'Sis'."     

"Oh... that." Rune gave JM a side-eye since the girl just got him in trouble by calling him uncle in front of Rose.     

He and JM looked like they were of the same age, plus the fact that Rune introduced Terry as his friend, made Rose think that Rune was called 'Uncle' by JM as an inside joke.      

"Yes. It's just so funny to see someone so young being called an uncle by a famous supermodel like JM," said Rose with a laugh.     

Well... Rune was not as young as Rose thought, but he couldn't explain that part... yet.     

He sighed and quickly think about the best answer where he didn't have to lie to her too much.     

"She calls me 'uncle' because she is dating my nephew." Finally, Rune explained. "Do you remember the twins that you met in Central Park last month?"     

Rose nodded. "We met your two nephews and niece."     

"Well, the boys have an older brother. JM is dating him, so she calls me 'Uncle' out of respect."      

Rose's eyes went round when she heard his answer. She thought Rune became more and more interesting as she got to know him more.     

"Ah, I see..." She nodded in understanding. "So, how many nieces and nephews do you have? You seem to have a big family."     

"Well.. I have three older siblings. Two are married with kids and the other one is a hopeless case," Rune said while glancing at Terry. "He likes dating different women but doesn't want to commit. So, I don't know if I will ever have any nieces or nephews from him."     

Terry almost spouted his mojito when he heard Rune throwing shade at him for his lifestyle.     

Yes, Terry was not interested in a committed relationship because he didn't think he had what it takes to deal with marriage and stuff, unlike most men around him.      

He was happy to go out and have an ambiguous relationship with Shekina and several other girls. None of them wanted marriage too. So, the arrangement was perfect for him.     

Rune continued his words, "So, so far... I have four from my sister, and two from my brother. And the teenage girl you saw in Central Park, she is my niece by extension since her father's brother is married to my sister. A total of seven."     

"Wow.. that's a lot," Rose was impressed to hear that. She was an only child and would never know how it felt to be an aunt with nieces and nephews.     

Even if Leon someday have children, Rose would never see them as her nieces and nephews because Leon was not really her brother.     

In fact, she actually had thought about leaving the country for good after the royal wedding. She didn't think she could handle seeing Leon and Anne every day on the news after they ascend the throne.     

And what's worse, as the king's half-sister, she would be required to attend royal functions and the like, going forward.     

No, she couldn't do that. Her heart was not that strong to put up a facade for years to come. Rose knew she had to leave.     

"Yes.. my family is quite big. I have three siblings growing up," Rune admitted. He grew up with Aleksis and London, and Terry joined when Rune was 7. It was a really nice time, having three friends at home when they couldn't go to school like other kids.     

"Wow.. three? So, your parents have a total of four children? That's amazing. I think many modern women didn't like to have that many children," Rose commented. "Your mother must be an angel to be able to raise that many kids."     

"Well... yeah, actually she only has three biological children. The other one is... you can say he is adopted," Rune glanced at Terry.     

It was always complicated to tell outsiders about Terry's situation. Even though he was raised by Finland and Caspar Schneider after he turned fifteen, actually Jean was the one who adopted him after Terry's parents passed away.     

But, to make things simpler, Rune said Terry was adopted. It was better that way.     

"Uhm... no, your parents have FOUR biological children, not three," Terry suddenly said.      

Rune shook his head. "The other one is 'adopted', so they only have THREE."     

"Uhm, no. Four," Terry looked dead serious when he said his words.     

Rune furrowed his brows. "No, Pierre, you are not my biological brother. You are really like a brother to me, but biologically speaking, you are not my parents' son."     

"I wasn't talking about me," Terry replied with a chuckle. "I was talking about your younger sibling."     

"What younger sibling? I'm the youngest child in my family..." Rune shook his head. "This joke is not funny."     

"Uhmm.. you might want to call your father and ask..." Terry pretended to look up and focus his attention on the beautiful umbrella above them. "This restaurant is very nice. I like how they combine a historical building and medieval servant outfit with modern-day conveniences, this umbrella, for example."     

"Wait.. what did you just say? Ask my father? A younger sibling?" Rune was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe his hearing just now. "Come again?"     

"So.. is Pierre also your adopted brother?" Now, it was Rose's turn to get confused. "I thought he is JM's adopted brother. So, which one is it?"     

At that moment, Rune wished he was an ostrich who could just bury his head in the sand during danger. This was an apt moment to do something like that.     

Okay, now Rose was confused about Terry's status and Terry just mentioned something about Rune would have a younger sibling?      

What did just happen????     

Suddenly Rune felt suffocated. It felt so easy to act his role before Terry and JM came. Now, suddenly he was caught up in this situation?     

What should he do?     

"Did you mean to say that my mother is pregnant with a baby?" Rune finally found his voice. "How did you know? Why didn't they tell me?? Don't I have the right to know?"     

Terry pretended not to hear Rune's question. He stretched out his arms and inhaled the fresh air from outside. There were many trees on the side of the road and it helped giving better oxygen around the area.     

"Pierre! Answer me," Rune grabbed Terry's shoulder in annoyance. "You cannot throw a bomb like that and pretend nothing happened."     

"Eh... wait, what?" Terry turned to Rune and his eyes went round. "What did I say?"     

"Did you just say that I will have a younger sibling because my mother is pregnant?" Rune asked again.      

Terry cleared his throat and finally replied. "Ahem.. yeah, that's correct."     

Both Rune and Rose pressed their lips in unison when they heard Terry's reply. Rune was upset because his parents didn't tell him such important news, while Rose was visibly shocked.     

She thought Rune's mother must be already in her fifties because she had a grandson who was the same age as JM since they were dating.     

For a woman in her fifties to be pregnant, it must be such challenging pregnancy, wasn't it?     

"Why didn't they tell me about it but they told you?" Rune complained, looking annoyed.     

"Uhm... maybe they consider me, the adopted son, more important than their biological son," Terry laughed out loud. He really took the opportunity to annoy Rune.     

"I have so many questions," Rose said with nervous laughter. "But it looks like you have so many things going on, so I will not ask them... hahaha."     

Rune turned to Rose and gave her an apologetic look. "I am sorry, Rose... I have to call my parents. This is really important. I will be right back."     

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