The Alchemists

Coming Home

Coming Home

When they boarded the plane to Medion, Rune of course pretended to act tacky because they were flying 1st class.     

As a 'very poor' man, it would be suspicious if he looked relaxed and totally in place when he got on the plane and sat on that comfortable big seat.     

Although he admitted to Rose that he often traveled in his job as a fixer to accompany many journalists and researchers to various places around the world, of course, he always flew economy for those jobs.     

Rune didn't want to risk getting caught in his lies when he presented himself as a poor man. Aha, not now. He was not ready to reveal his true identity to Rose.     

He remembered back then, Aleksis took his expensive watch from his wrist when the man said he would claim that it was a fake watch from China ... hehehe.     

He understood now. At that time, Aleksis already knew who Rose really was. Hence Aleksis guessed that as a wealthy aristocratic girl, Rose would be able to recognize very expensive items such as the watch Rune was wearing.     

Rune's disguise as a poor man was about to be exposed! Ugh ... how terrible.     

That's why, ever since he found out who Rose really was, Rune had been more careful. He still wore cheap clothes and ordinary watch, and now he also pretended to never see the VIP class.     

"Gosh .. this airplane seat is so comfortable," he commented. "I thought all those airplane seats are hard and make the body sore."     

He put his backpack in the compartment above their chairs and sat down to admire the softness of their chairs. In the First Class cabin, there were 12 seats and of all, only six were occupied.     

Their flight to Medion would last for six hours and Rose wanted to rest comfortably on the trip, so she booked 1st Class tickets for the two of them.     

"Ahhh .. so, this is how rich people feel when traveling ... No wonder they do it all the time," Rune gushed. "I only travel for work and ALWAYS fly economy."     

Rose just smiled at Rune's enthusiasm. She then sat down beside the man and lowered the divider between them, so that the two of them now looked like they were be sitting together on a large, soft sofa.      

"When the plane is in the air, we can sleep. The seats will turn into a double bed for the two of us," explained Rose.     

Rune swallowed hard. Ahhh .. so, he would be 'sleeping with Rose' again, right? How nice!     

Rune was very happy. He couldn't believe his own luck!     

A flight attendant came over to them and offered champagne. Rose and Rune each received a glass.     

"Cheers for a nice holiday to Medion," said Rune with a big smile before he clinked his glass against Rose's and then took a sip of his drink.     

Rose just smiled at the man's words. She didn't say anything because maybe she didn't know what to say.     

If Rune considered this trip as a pleasant holiday, for Rose, her return to Medion was like a prisoner who was being dragged to the gallow.     

Her love for Leon would finally meet its final end. Her feelings for him would be blocked forever by this high wall called marriage.     

Leon would soon marry the princess from Moravia, and they would become husband and wife. If Rose still harbored her feelings for another woman's husband ... then she would become the woman that everyone despised the most.     

She would be accused as a homewrecker, a cheap woman who wanted someone else's husband ...     

Ahh ... how pathetic.     

"I'll go to sleep first," said Rose in a low voice when the plane was in the air and all seat belts could be unbuckled.     

Rune nodded. In a way, he could understand Rose's feelings. Ahh, this girl must be very sad. Soon she would be back in her hometown only to face sadness.     

He watched Rose pick up the pillow and lower the seat into a bed and then lowered the divider between them.     

Rune also followed suit and lowered his seat into the same bed. A moment later, they already had a comfortable double bed.     

Rose put on an eye mask and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep. She didn't feel like talking and she felt better if she tried to sleep.     

Rune finished his champagne and then got up to close the outer wall of their cabin, to give Rose privacy.     


Five hours later, there was a voice announcement from the pilot who informed all passengers that the plane was now flying in the Medion airspace and that they would soon land.     

Rune was about to wake Rose up, but he didn't have to. The girl had opened her eyes and was sitting. She stretched out her body and put down her eye mask on the bed.     

"We're almost there ..." said the girl. She then took the wet wipes from the small shelf beside her seat and wiped her face to look fresh. Soon, the girl looked refreshed and ready for landing.     

She then turned to Rune, "You didn't sleep on the plane?"     

Rune shook his head. In fact, he could not sleep even though he wanted to close his eyes. Ah, why sleep? He could look at Rose's face as much as he wanted.     

Tomorrow, they would definitely sleep apart again and he wouldn't be able to enjoy such a rare opportunity like what he had earlier.     

Rune shook his head and said that he had had a little sleep earlier. He chose to lie rather than tell the truth.     

"I had a brief nap earlier," the man said with a big smile, then pretended to stretch his body as if he had just woken up from sleep.     

His expression also looked like someone who looked sleepy. The young man then got up from his seat and rushed to the bathroom.     

"I want to freshen up," he said.      

The VIP bathroom in the 1st class cabin was much better than the bathroom for passengers in economy class. The size was much bigger and the toiletries were also more complete.     

After he came out of the bathroom with a face fresh from the wash, Rune pretended to gush about the bathroom he had just visited.     

Again with the aim of making Rose think he was indeed a poor man who had never boarded the first-class cabin.     

Rose only smiled at Rune's words. The girl then cleared her belongings and sat back on her seat while waiting for the plane to land.     

Half an hour later, they were already walking out of the plane. As first-class passengers, Rune and Rose got priority to disembark first, followed by the business class passengers, and finally economy class passengers.     

After they stepped on the runway, there was already a luxury car that picked them up to take them to the 1st class passenger lounge. That's where their luggage would be delivered.     

After they arrived at the lounge, two waiters swiftly approached them and served them some of the best wine selections.     

"Welcome to the capital city of the Medion Kingdom, Sir, and Madame. I hope you had a nice flight," said one of them with a sweet smile on her face.     

Rose nodded and smiled back. "Thank you. Our flight was very enjoyable."     

"Please wait a moment. Your luggage is being delivered here," said the waiter again, showing her several choices of sofas that looked very luxurious and comfy in the lounge.     

Rose nodded at Rune and walked over to one of the sofas in the far corner. The girl then sat there gracefully.     

"After our baggage arrives, we can go straight away," said Rose. "My family driver is waiting in front of the terminal."     

"Very well," said Rune, smiling back.     

Their luggage arrived 15 minutes later. As priority passengers, of course, their baggage was immediately delivered to the lounge where they were waiting. Rose and Rune didn't have to wait in the carousel area like the other passengers.     

After checking all of their belongings and making sure nothing was missing or damaged, they walked out of the airport in a relaxed manner.     




From the author:     

Good news! I will update more chapters today and tomorrow and add a new privilege. It's only added so this book can join the win-win and get features.     

To show my gratitude for your support and your understanding of my erratic publishing rate in the past, all the chapters published in March will be basically FREE.     

That's right. I will add a 99% discount for all the chapters published inside the privilege. So, you'll only need to unlock them with 1 coin.     

However, the privilege will only be ready on March 3. I hope you will be patient to wait until it all can be sorted. I am working on adding chapters from March 1.     

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