The Alchemists

Good News

Good News

Caspar laughed when he heard his wife's words. He hugged Finland tightly from behind and kissed her nape.     

"It's okay. That means our children will grow up together. There's nothing to worry about. We are different from ordinary people." His voice turned serious. "Do you not want this child?"     

Their big bathroom turned silent. Caspar tilted his head to see his wife's expression. He let out a relieved sigh when he saw her looking excited.     

Finland answered in a hoarse voice. "Of course I want this child."     

All Alchemists knew that they would not have children if both parents didn't want to conceive.     

Actually, Finland had been thinking about having another child for a while, to stay with her and her husband.     

Caspar was not the only parent who felt their home had become lonely after their three children had grown up and had their own lives. Now, they were busy with their own spouses and children, or adventures, in Rune's case.     

Finland was just shocked and happy when she heard that L, her daughter-in-law, was pregnant and would soon have another child. This made her rethink her own desire to have more children.     

Finland could not imagine if she and her daughter-in-law were both holding a baby of their own together. For this reason, she was surprised when her husband suddenly said that he thought Finland was pregnant.     

This was actually quite surprising. Even though Finland wanted this pregnancy, it didn't mean that she wasn't surprised to find out that she might be pregnant.     

"Ahhh .. I'm so happy to hear that," said Caspar with a relieved face. He knew his wife would want this child. She just needed to accept the fact that she was going to have a baby at the same time as her daughter-in-law.     

He hugged the woman happily. "We have to celebrate this. Do you want to go on a vacation?"     

"How can we have a vacation?" asked Finland. "There is a lot of work to do in the office. Don't forget the various board members' meetings that are scheduled for next week."     

"Don't worry, I'll have Jan to help me," Caspar said casually. "Nothing is more important than my wife and my children."     

Finland smiled at her husband's words. She turned and kissed Caspar on the lips. "Thanks. But I don't think I need a vacation. I'll be fine with resting at home for a few days."     

"Hmm ... alright then. I'll take a short break and stay with you for three days. Is that enough?" asked Caspar. "I can do one week actually."     

Finland nodded. "It is enough. I think in three days, work would already pile up for you. Don't give Jan a hard time. That boy had gone through so much for our family."     

"Ahh .. okay, then. I'll call the office tomorrow and cancel all of our appointments for the next three days."     

They then kissed again. Their bath together naturally turned into an intimate activity. Caspar was very happy because finally, he got what he had been wishing for.     

His wife was pregnant again and they would soon have another child. Ahh .. what a happy day!     

After they finished showering and getting dressed, the husband and wife decided to have dinner together while discussing their children.     

"I haven't heard from Rune in a while. Where is he now?" asked Finland while sipping her tea after they finished dinner.     

"Last time I heard, he was in New York. He was staying with Aleksis," said Caspar. "We can call him home. He's been traveling alone for too long. Before New York, he helped Lauriel with some things in the interior of the Amazon."     

Finland nodded. "Ahh .. that kid is very different from Aleksis and London, huh."     

Caspar smiled. "That's right. If I didn't see you giving birth to him myself, I would think he is someone else's child, maybe even switched at birth at the hospital. HAHAHHAHA..."     

"Ahh .. don't say that about your son!" Finland chuckled, hitting her husband's shoulder.     

"Ahh .. I'm only stating fact, really .." said Caspar. "He looks more like Aldebar actually."     

"By the way, where is Aldebar now?" asked Finland. She turned to the side because Skysky had come and moved swiftly to clear the dining table from their dishes.     

"I haven't heard from my brother in a year," said Caspar. "Maybe he's doing one of those other ridiculous experiments."     

"Oh, that's right. Do you remember 40 years ago he wanted to test a new device so that the Alchemist people could sleep for years and stay alive? Did he continue his experiment?" asked Finland again.     

"I think he will continue that one, but he is waiting for his device to be ready. It was broken at the time. That was why he woke up seven years early," Caspar explained.     

"Your brother is very unique," commented Finland with a laugh. "I guess Rune is just like him. They both have no interest in women."     

Their dining table was cleared from plates and dishes. Caspar invited his wife to relax in bed and watch movies to calm her mind.     

"This house feels really empty after all the kids left," commented Finland while looking around her. "I can't wait to see this place come back to life."     

"If you want our house to come back to life, we have to make more children, not just this one ..." said Caspar with a grin. "He or she will grow up alone. They will feel like an only child."     

Finland turned to her husband with a frown. "Jeez ... I've already given birth three times. With this one, it will be the fourth. Which modern woman has given birth that many times?"     

"Ahahaha .. I'm just making suggestions, really," said Caspar, hugging his wife's waist. "Do you remember how Aleksis, London, and Rune grew up together? The three of them were very close since they were only two years apart from each other. They became the best of friends."     

"Geez, you're just looking for an excuse to keep having children," said Finland, pinching her husband's arm. "Besides, we also don't know for sure if I'm pregnant. Tomorrow we have to see a gynecologist."     

"Very well, if that's what you want," said Caspar with a delighted smile. "But I'm sure you're pregnant. I'll throw a big celebration when we get confirmation from the doctor."     

Finland smiled broadly, seeing her husband's happiness. After being married to this man for nearly fifty years, she had come to know Caspar well enough and understood that her husband was indeed a family man.     

This was certainly hard to believe for people who had known him since he was young. Caspar used to be a womanizer who liked to play with women's hearts. He dated different women every month and dumped them soon after.     

Now, the casanova had admitted defeat and fell in love with a woman who did not care about his good looks and wealth. He gave his heart, and all of him to that woman. He never even thought about going for another woman.     

Now, they had been living happily with their children, who have even given the couple many grandchildren. Caspar was very happy with his life now.     

He wouldn't trade his life with her for anything in the world.     

"Alright ... it's already late. We better sleep," said Finland finally. "Tomorrow we have to see a doctor."     

"Yes, Honey," said Caspar happily. He kissed her forehead then turned off the TV and lay down beside her, hugging her tightly.     


The next day, Caspar's guess was confirmed. The gynecologist they invited to the house confirmed all the signs he had observed over the past week and stated that Finland Schneider was indeed pregnant.     

"Congratulations, Sir and Madame," said Doctor Small to the happy couple. "Madame is already 10 weeks in. Both mother and the fetus are healthy."     

"Wahhh .. I am so happy!" cried Caspar, pulling his wife into his arms. "We're having another child!"     

Finland only smiled sweetly at her husband's enthusiastic words. "All right, you are right. So when are we going to tell the kids that they will soon have a younger sibling?"     

"This afternoon. It's still dawn in the US now. Aleksis and Rune are still sleeping. Let's have a conference call with them and London and share this news together," said Caspar.     

"Ah, alright then." Finland touched his cheek and smiled. "Let's tell the kids together."     


From the author:     

Yeayy... finally, Caspar got what he wanted. A new baby! Thank you so much for your patience with this book. At the moment, I have to focus all my energy on the new book "The Cursed Prince".  It is the only book that makes me decent money T_T     

The responses and support that the book receives is really good and I hope you will read the book too. It's really heartwarming and funny. If you liked "The Alchemists", I believe you will like "The Cursed Prince" too.     

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