The Alchemists

Is Finland Pregnant?

Is Finland Pregnant?

"Uhm .. do you want to take a bath?" asked Caspar. "I've told Skysky to prepare hot water ... hehehehe ..."     

Finland did not answer. She only rolled her eyes.     

"I'll massage your feet ... your back ..." Caspar narrowed his eyes to see his wife's reaction. "Your arms... then ..."     

Before he could finish his sentence, a robot came in, carrying a tray containing two cups of drinks. "Good evening, sir. Here are the drinks you requested."     

"Ahh .. just in time." Caspar smiled happily. He took the teacup and handed it to Finland.     

The woman accepted it without saying anything, again to Caspar's amazement. Usually, his wife was a warm woman and would definitely say thank you. However, she was not doing that now.     

It seemed she was in a really bad mood.     

Caspar then took the coffee cup from the tray for himself and sent the robot away. "Thank you, Skysky."     

"You're welcome, sir."     

The robot then went out of the living room leaving the husband and wife who had been together for nearly fifty years, to enjoy a quiet time together.     

It was really funny to think that Caspar and Finland had been married for almost 50 years, but their appearance looked like they were only 25 years old.     

"Honey ... are you okay?" asked Caspar. He knew that, as an Alchemist, his wife was definitely not sick. Alchemists had perfect bodies and they would never get sick.     

Finland brushed off her husband's hand. Her forehead creased and her face looked irritated.     

"I don't know," complained the woman. "I feel so annoyed and upset. But I don't exactly know why ..."     

"Hmm ..." Caspar put down his coffee cup and scratched his head. "If you don't know... then I'm more clueless than you."     

His eyes narrowed as he was deep in thoughts. Finally, he rose from the sofa and studied his wife in the manner of a museum curator observing the art piece that had just arrived at his museum.     

"What are you doing?" asked Finland in an angry voice.     

"Are you feeling tired? Or hungry? Or feeling anything other than annoyed?" asked Caspar attentively. "Please let me know."     

Finland shook her head. "No. Just really annoyed."     

"Oh ..." Caspar then sat back down behind his wife.     

He intentionally sat there so he could reach Finland's back and massaged her gently. His voice was soothing when he talked while massaging her back. "Maybe you are actually tired but don't realize it. I know there is a lot of work to do and you have to accompany me through it all."     

Finland did not reply. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the gentle massage by her husband's hands on her back.     

Actually, she didn't understand what was going on. Lately, she often felt grumpy for no apparent reason. She didn't want to spoil the atmosphere. That's why she just kept quiet and tried to hold it all in.     

She knew her husband was very busy and she didn't want to add to his burden. However, after nearly a week of restraint, today her defenses collapsed.     

It seemed that even the most insignificant little thing would provoke her emotions. She felt guilty because of her harsh words just now. She knew Caspar didn't deserve to be scolded for not doing anything wrong.     

Usually, she liked to take her husband's head on her lap when they are sitting and relaxing. Because Caspar also often did the same for her.     

Finland was also often spoiled and not once did Caspar offend her by saying that she was heavy.     

Uhhh .. what's going on?     

Finally, the woman opened her eyes and touched Caspar's hand which was massaging her back. Finland then turned around and snuck her head on the man's chest.     

"I'm sorry. Maybe I'm tired. I better take a bath," she said in a weak voice. "I hope my feelings will get better after a good bath."     

"Great idea!" said Caspar. He swiftly rose from the chair. "Shall I carry you to the bathroom?"     

Without waiting for an answer, he had lifted Finland's body and carried her excitedly towards their very spacious bedroom, which was located on the right side of the mansion.     

Spontaneously, Finland wrapped her arms around Caspar's neck and shrieked softly. She was startled because she was suddenly lifted like that.     

"You startled me," the woman scolded him, tightening her arms around her husband's neck.     

"Ahahaha ... I'm sorry. I'm afraid the water will turn cold if we linger."     

Caspar whistled cheerfully when he arrived at their enormous bathroom. He then put his wife's body on a beautiful ottoman bench in the corner of the bathroom.     

After making sure that the tub was filled with enough hot water, he then poured the fragrant bath bomb and pink Himalayan salt, which would make his wife's bath more enjoyable and relaxing.     

"Everything's ready. Do you want to go in now?" asked Caspar.     

Finland nodded and began to take off her clothes one by one. Ah, her husband's idea was a good one, she thought. If she took a warm bath with a soothing fragrance, she might get a better mood.     

Ahh .. that's true. As soon as she sat down in the bathtub, with the warm water soaking her to her chest, her feelings got better. Finland then closed her eyes and enjoyed a relaxed feeling that slowly filled her mind.     

Meanwhile, when he saw that his wife had already taken off all her clothes and entered the bath, Caspar also took off his clothes and joined Finland in the bath.     

"Hmm ... It smells really nice. This is the newest scented bath salt product," said Caspar as he hugged his wife's body from behind. "Skysky recommended it last week. Do you like it?"     

Finland nodded. "Not bad."     

"Honey ..." Caspar cleared his throat. He seemed to be thinking about something and his expression looked super happy. "Would you like to get checked to see if you are pregnant?"     

Finland immediately opened her eyes and looked back. "Do you think I'm pregnant?"     

"I do." Caspar nodded and smiled broadly. "I still remember when you were pregnant with London and Rune.. you were cranky, exactly like this."     

"Is it true?" Finland immediately pressed her lips in shock. "Gosh .. I don't remember. It's been a long time."     

Her last pregnancy was more than forty years ago. How could this man still remember the details? She was wondering.     

Caspar chuckled. "I still remember everything because at that time you were so annoying. Gosh..."     

Finland hit his shoulder. "You...!"     

"I'm just kidding .. ahahaha. I can't possibly forget the moments when you were pregnant with my children because it all has a special place in my heart," said Caspar. "I don't remember them because you're annoying. I swear!"     

Finland pressed her lips with a shocked expression. Jeez ...     

Come to think of it, she might really be pregnant. During the last few months, her monthly period was irregular because she was experiencing a new routine by working as her husband's assistant in the office. It was a bit stressful, to say the least.     

Before they went back to work in the company, Finland had been enjoying a relaxed and flexible life at home, doing only the things that she liked.     

Now, having a new routine, Finland had to adjust a lot. All those meetings, those travels, and so many things to do.     

She didn't complain at all, because she liked working. She used to be a workaholic. But she did feel tired sometimes.     

So, when her period came late, she thought it was due to stress. But ... what if she was really pregnant?     

She will be a new mom again, with a brand new baby in her 70's. She still needed to get used to this life of being immortal with her family.     

She thought after decades, she would get used to it... Apparently not. She was still shocked when her husband mentioned pregnancy.     

"What should we do if I am really pregnant?" the woman asked in a hoarse voice. "Our son will have a baby in a few months, and I will have a baby too?"     

Caspar laughed when he heard her words. He hugged her tightly from behind and then kissed her nape.     

"It's okay. That just means, the kids will grow up together. It's nothing to be embarrassed about. We are not like those regular humans." His voice turned serious after a while. "Do you not want this child?"     

There was a moment of silence in the room.     




From the author:     

Yes! Finland is finally pregnant again, for the 4th time. I am sure her husband is the happiest man on earth now.     

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