The Alchemists

Your Head Is Heavy

Your Head Is Heavy

The next day when they got up, Rose acted as if nothing had happened between the two of them.     

Rune understood that the girl was embarrassed because last night she looked so fragile. Now she wanted things to seem normal between them.     

As an understanding man, Rune immediately read the situation and responded well to Rose's attitude.      

"Shall we have breakfast outside?" Rune asked as he got out of bed and stretched his arms. "I'm in the mood to be lazy."     

His tone sounded relaxed and it was able to comfort Rose who was secretly feeling awkward.     

The girl nodded. "There's a brassiere across the street that's open for breakfast. We can eat there."     

"I'll wash my face first," said Rune as he walked to the bathroom.     

Rose stared at the man's back with a relieved expression. She really felt grateful to meet a man like Rune. Even though he had heard who Rose really was and why she asked Rune to be her fake boyfriend, the man's attitude did not change at all.     

Rose admired Rune's confidence. Previously she was worried that the man would stay away from her or feel inferior because of their huge difference in status. Rose was a daughter of high nobility while Rune was an ordinary man.     

That was added to the fact that Rose's family was very rich while Rune was ... very poor.      

Indeed, Rose was delighted to find a man who was so relaxed about status and wealth. If Rune were like Leon, Rose would feel so bad, putting the man in this situation.     

She loved Leon very much. In all her life, that man was the only man who filled her heart. However, why can't Leon be like Rune?     

Why for him the wealth, status, and position are more important than her?     

When she thought Rune had entered the bathroom and didn't see her, Rose cupped her face with her hands and cried silently.     

Rose was secretly grateful to have met a man as good as Rune, but she also felt guilty.     

Rune didn't seem to mind at all when he learned the secret that Rose was only using him to avenge Leon's actions, as well as a cover against journalists who would be sure to dig into her personal life and her past relationship with Leon.     

Instead, Rune said he didn't mind Rose using him.     

This really touched Rose. She had a massive headache and her heart was still in pain that she didn't think she could face any new problems if Rune decided to handle the situation differently.     

If Rune was angry or annoyed with Rose because of this ... then Rose would feel uncomfortable and guilty. And maybe... it would be better for them to just cancel everything.     


They had breakfast at the brasserie across the street. The weather that day looked like it would be sunny and it made Rose's mood better. After they finished breakfast and sat enjoying their tea, the girl seemed to be able to smile and act as usual.     

"Thank you," whispered Rose, giving Rune a meaningful look. "You're very relaxed and fun. I'm grateful to meet a man like you."     

"You're welcome, Rose," said Rune, smiling broadly.     

"Uhm ... as I promised at that time, I want to take you to meet my family. Do you still want to come to Medion with me?" asked Rose again.     

"Of course," replied Rune excitedly. "I thought you would never ask. I would love to meet your family and visit the beautiful kingdom of Medion."     

"Ahh .. thank God," said Rose. "We can leave next week. I'll take care of the flights and the like. Don't worry."     

"Thank you," said Rune.     

"Uhm ... but I don't want to bother you. Do you really not mind coming with me to Medion? Or maybe you have a job that you can't leave behind?" Rose asked again. She really didn't want to trouble Rune more than she already had.     

The man just shrugged. "Now is modern times. I can do my job online. Maybe that's why until now I don't want to be tied to a permanent job .. hehehe. It's better to be a freelancer like this."     

Rose herself was an artist. Although now her job was currently not making money because she was still starting her career as a painter and was still being supported financially by her parents, the girl understood why Rune preferred to work as a freelancer.     

Maybe, for other people, a permanent job in a big company was important to raise their status compared to doing odd jobs as many freelancers did.     

However, for Rose, flexibility in managing her time and the freedom to be able to do her job whenever she wanted was a luxury that was far more valuable than status and a large salary.     

After all, unlike Leon, for Rose, money was not very important. Although she was still supported by her parents, Rose also lead a simple lifestyle. She didn't enjoy living lavishly like most socialites.     

"All right. Then I feel at ease now," said Rose. She sounded relieved.     

Rune was very happy that his 'relationship' with Rose was going in a positive direction. He knew that Rose was still in a vulnerable state and may not be able to see him as a real potential partner.     

She just got her heart broken because the man she had loved for a long time had chosen to marry another woman for status and power. Meanwhile, Rose had to come to the wedding and give her blessings.     

Rune could imagine the sadness and heartache that the girl endured. He understood that Rose would need time to recover. Wouldn't it be nice if Rune was staying with her and accompanying Rose during the recovery process?     

Later, whenever Rose was ready to open her heart to him, Rune would be there.     

Time was not an issue. He could wait.     

Ahh, this was the first time Rune felt truly grateful that he was born into an Alchemist family that he could wait for however long, because time was in their hands.     


Meanwhile, in Berlin, Finland placed her bag on the table and sat on the sofa. She closed her eyes. Her husband who entered then immediately sat beside her and then put his head on the woman's lap.     

"Your head is heavy," grumbled Finland suddenly.     

"Eh?" Caspar looked up in surprise.     

For him, it was normal to rest his head on his wife's lap after a long day of taking care of their family business. He always felt tired after attending meeting after meeting. Finland was always happy to take his head in her lap.     

Usually, she would automatically stroke Caspar's hair instead. But .. now Finland suddenly complained that his head was heavy?     

"Your head is heavy," said Finland, repeating her words.     

Caspar hurriedly got up and sat down properly. His back was straight and his blue eyes stared at Finland with a surprised look.     

"Are you sick? Why are you suddenly like this? Usually, you don't mind ..." asked the man.     

Finland looked away and folded her arms across her chest. Her unusual behavior really confused her husband.     

"Oh .. okay. I won't burden you anymore," said the man, smiling sweetly. "Are you thirsty? Want a drink?"     

He clapped his hands twice and the home assistant system responded immediately.     

"Good evening, Sir. How can I help you?" asked Skysky.     

When Caspar installed his new home assistant system ten years ago, it so happened that Lily was in the house and the little girl had chosen her name. That's why the system's name was a bit weird.     

Until now, they still used that ridiculous name because they were already used to it.     

"I want you to make my wife's favorite hot tea and hot coffee for me. Then prepare a bathtub filled with warm water for soaking. Looks like my wife is tired."     

Finland only rolled her eyes when she heard her husband's words. Her attitude today was really strange and confusing. Caspar sat there pensive, trying to remember whether he had done something wrong today.     

Hmm .. he didn't think so.     

Then why was his wife acting so weird?     

Caspar rubbed his temple and tried to think about the possibilities.     

Could it be....?     

Wait.. no. If that really happened, he would be so happy. But... was his guess correct?     


From the author:     

Can you guess what happened to Finland?  Clue: this is something that will make Caspar so happy. ^^     

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