The Alchemists

Dinner With Friends

Dinner With Friends

"What took you so long?" asked Rose with a laugh. The girl was completely unaware of the dilemma Rune was facing.     

This time Rose wore a light-blue shirt for men with lace at the collar. Her trousers were made of comfortable fabric and tucked into the commando boot, making her look edgy and cool.     

Her long, golden curls were simply tied with black string. At first glance, Rose looked like a prince from a fairy tale.     

Because last week she drank too much at The Lily and got drunk, Rose refused to go back there in her usual female appearance.     

She felt ashamed thinking that the waiters would recognize her as that upper-class girl who got drunk and fell asleep at the table and had to be carried home.     

However, she also could not cancel the dinner reservation there because The Lily was the best restaurant in New York today, and her friends had already arranged their schedule for this dinner.     

That's why Rose decided to come to the dinner dressed up like a man. After all, her friends were used to her eccentric attitude, because she liked to appear like a man.     

Rune didn't really care about how Rose would dress up. For him, it was up to Rose to choose what she wanted to wear. What mattered to him was that Rose was happy with her choices.     

When Rune finally came out of the bathroom, the two of them stood facing each other. Rune complained inwardly that Rose looked absolutely gorgeous in her expensive clothes and limited edition designer boots.     

If they walked together like this, they would look like "phe prince and the pauper." Excluding the clothes, their appearances were actually somewhat similar. Both of them had long golden hair. The only difference was Rune had straight hair, and Rose's hair had beautiful big curls.     

They also both had beautiful faces. Rose looked like a handsome man when she disguises herself as a man like what she was doing now, while Rune was an Alchemist man who was born with physical perfection.     

"You look handsome," said Rose, ruffling Rune's hair. "I think my friends will be happy to meet you."     

"You look handsome too," said Rune with a laugh.     

"Aw .. thanks." Rose happily pulled Rune's hand out of the apartment. "Let's go now. I don't want to be late. You spent a while in the bathroom just now."     

They took a taxi and got off in front of the lobby of St. Laurent then immediately went up to the 40th floor where The Lily restaurant was located. When they were heading to the restaurant, they bumped into the St. Laurent hotel GM.     

The middle-aged man actually wanted to greet Rune, but he cancelled his intention when he saw Rune shook his head faintly, giving the GM a sign to move on and not talk to him.     

"Oh .. It looks like the young master doesn't want to be recognized," muttered the GM as he descended the elevator to the lobby.     

Rune didn't want to talk to the hotel or restaurant staff on purpose because he didn't want Rose to feel uncomfortable.     

The girl had deliberately changed her appearance to look like a man. If the staff greeted Rune, they would probably recognize Rose as the girl who came with him last week and humiliate herself by getting drunk here.     

The receptionist received them with respect and inquired about their dinner reservation.     

"Dinner for five under my name Rose Fournier," answered Rose with a smile. The staff frowned. She looked a little confused. It was clear that the reservation was under a girl's name, but the two people in front of her were men.     

"Uhm .. can you say that again, Sir?" she asked apologetically. She thought she must have misheard it.     

"Could you check Rose Fournier's name, please?" said Rune. "You heard it correctly the first time."     

He could guess what the staff was thinking and confirm to her that the name was correct.     

Ahh .. apparently Rose meant it when she said she would reveal her identity to Rune tonight. Now, she even let him know her full name.     

Rose Fournier.     

What a lovely name, thought Rune. Just like his name, Rose was a very simple but beautiful name. What's more, Rose and Rune were also quite similar and had nice rings to them.     

He felt that it was another sign that he and Rose were indeed fated.     

Rose Fournier Schneider.     

Rune frowned when he uttered the name in his hear. It seemed he had heard the name Fournier before.     

Where did he hear it?     

"Oh .. well, we do have a reservation under the name of Miss .. eh Mr. Rose Fournier," said the staff hastily. She raised her hand and motioned them to follow her.     

Rose chuckled when she saw how the staff acted awkwardly. She knew her appearance as a man was very convincing.     

The two of them walked following the restaurant staff to a lounge with six seats and access to a beautiful outdoor terrace decorated with various plants, making the atmosphere look so comfortable.     

They sat down and were immediately given a glass of champagne each while waiting for Rose's friends to arrive.     

Seeing the champagne on the table, Rose frowned, for she remembered her embarrassing drunken experience here last week.     

"I'm not going to drink much," whispered Rose as she pushed her champagne glass towards Rune. "You can drink my share. When you see me drinking more than two glasses, just hit my hand."     

"Eh?" Rune was surprised to hear Rose's words. He certainly didn't have the heart to hit the girl, for whatever reason. He shook his head. "I don't want to hit you."     

"Hmm .. well, whatever you want, but please.. if you see me drinking more than two glasses, you have to stop me at all costs," said Rose.     

"At all costs?" asked Rune again. "Are you serious? You won't be angry?"     

Rose shook her head. "I am determined not to embarrass myself again and get drunk in public. So, of course, I will allow you to do everything you can to prevent me from getting drunk again."     

Rune let out a long sigh. "Okay."     

The man did not finish Rose's champagne because he wanted to stay sober and alert too. He didn't want to be tipsy or get drunk in front of new people he just met. What if he slipped and revealed who he really was?     

He wouldn't take that risk. No, thank you.     

They chatted in low voices while waiting for Rose's three friends to arrive. The girl told him about her friends, who were coming to dinner this time.     

Rune listened while feeling a little envious. He never went to regular school and didn't have many friends. The few friends he had now were only the people from the Alchemist clan.      

Ahh ..when he had children with Rose, Rune was determined to give them a life that he didn't have when he was younger.     

He would let them go to regular schools and have lots of friends. Just look, Rose grew up to be very likable, outgoing, and full of warmth. It was all because she met and got along with so many people.     

Come to think of it, his niece, Summer who went to a regular school looked happier and had a more outgoing personality than Ireland and Scotland who studied at home.     

Gosh .. he patted himself on the head. Again, his mind went too far, and imagined having a child with Rose.     

Was this how someone in love felt? They always thought about the future with their loved one? If so, then Rune finally understood how it felt.     

Ten minutes later, the three long-awaited people arrived.     

"Hey, Rose! You're early, like always!" exclaimed a beautiful girl with short black bob hair.     

This girl had a petite body and she looked fragile. Her freckled face made her look younger than her real age. If Rune didn't know that Helene was Rose's classmate, he would suspect this girl was still a teenager.     

"Helene! Nice to meet you. You're more beautiful every time I see you," said Rose, hugging Helene so tightly, as if they had not seen each other in ten years. After releasing her hug, she then introduced Rune to her best friend. "Meet Rune Schneider."     

"Hello, nice to meet you." Rune also hugged Helene and kissed her cheeks alternately.     

"Rune Schneider? Your name sounds like the Schneider family who owns this hotel," said Helene with a laugh. "It is such a coincidence."     

"Ahahaha .. well, yeah, what a coincidence," Rune nodded and smiled broadly.     

"My name is Helene Cartier," said Helene.     

"Oh, like the jewelry brand?" Rune commented.     

"If it's not a coincidence," said Rose, winking at him. "Helene's family owns it."     

"Oh ..."     

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